One Minute of Legal English

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Both "kindly" and "please" are both polite ways of making a request. However, they are used in slightly different contexts. Moreover, both words can be used interchangeably in many situations, and the choice depends on personal preference, context and tone. The word "please" is commonly used in polite request in a wide range of situations. It is a straightforward way of asking for something politely. It is simply added to the sentence to emphasise politeness. "Kindly" is a slightly more formal and old-fashioned word used in business...

Difference between delivery and handover


Both delivery and handover refers to giving something to another person, but they are used in a different context. Delivery is a legal term for giving or in other words turning over the possession of property, either physically or symbolically to another person. The property may either be real property, such as a building, or personal property, such as goods, money or a document. Handover is the giving of control of or responsibility for something to someone else rather than a physical property. It can be used for handing over the...

Difference between officer and official


Both officer and official are persons with authority in an official setting, but they are different persons In colloquial English, an officer usually means a policeman. In everyday English, officier is used in military, police or government organizations. In formal English, an officer is a perosn who has a position of authority in a hierarchical organization. In a corporate setting, however, officer is a holder of a corporate office, who has been vested with power and authority to run a busiiness. An official is someone who is or has...




Difference between proxy and Power of Attorney


Both proxy and Power of Attorney entitles the holder to act on behalf of another person. However, they are used differently, although they are sometimes used interchangeably. A Power of Attorney is a legal instrument authorizing one to act in the place and in the stead of another person in a general sense, which is called General Power of Attorney, however, there are several different types of Powers of Attorney dedicated for certain purpooses, such as a Financial POA or Special POA.The proxy is a document typically authorising another...

FIDIC szójegyzet


A FIDIC szerződések...

Tags: FIDIC szójegyzet, FIDIC terminológia

perbizomány angolul


A perbizomány fogalma azt jelenti, hogy egy perbeli fél megbízás alapján más fél perlési igényét kívánja érvényesíteni. Ezt a magyar jog kizárja, egy fél más igényét perlési megbízás alapján a polgári perben nem érvényesítheti, ez a perbizomány tilalma. Az angol fogalom erre a third party standing, a magyar jog hatályos rendelkezését e tekintetben pedig a rule of no third party standing fejezi ki legpontosabban, ami a perbizomány tilalmaként foglalható össze, összhangban a magyar jogban található forrásokkal, ahol általában a perbizomány...

Tags: perbizomány angolul

főispán angolul


Amikor egy történelmi fogalom megjelenik a közéletben, mindenki szeretné tudni, hogy mi az adott terminus legpontosabb és leghitelesebb angol fordítása. Sokféle javaslat forog közkézen, de nem biztos, hogy akár egy historizáló megoldás, akár egy komparatív szemléletű fogalom kifejezi a magyar terminus pontos tartalmát. A fogalom keresésekor elsősorban napjaink használatára szeretnék összepontosítani, olyan fogalmat keresünk, amely napjainkban használt vagy ismét használatba vett fogalmait a legpontosabban kifejezi angolul. A lord...

Tags: főispán angolul, vármegye angolul

Difference between substantial and substantive


While the adjectives substantial and substantive slighly differ in their meaning in everyday English, they have completely different meanings in legal context. Substantive generally means real, meaningful, and it refers to something that exists. In legal context, reference is often made to substantive law, which is the part of the law that describes the rights and obligations, rather than the means of enforcing the rights and obligations, which is referred to as procedural law. Substantial is more about a big thing, ...

Bizalmi vagyonkezelés terminológiája


A 2013-as Polgári Törvénykönyv bevezette a bizalmi vagyonkezelési jogintézményét a magyar jogrendszerbe. Az angolszász világban a „trust” régóta ismert és használt konstrukció. Magyarországon a jogrendszerbe történő bevezetés előtt is próbáltak olyan konstrukciót kialakítani, amely ennek a jegyeit hordozza magán, de most már nevesítve és jogszabályban lefektetve is létezik ez az intézmény. Nézzük meg a legfontosabb fogalmakat és angol megfelelőjüket. A „trust” bizalmi vagyonkezelést jelent, ami a római jogból is ismert ún. fiduciárius...

Tags: bizalmi vagyonkezelés, bizalmi vagyonkezelési szerződés, bizalmi vagyonkezelő, vagyonrendelő

Difference between judgement and sentence


Judgement is sometimes confused with sentence, as both judgement and sentence refer to the decision of the court at the end of a trial, but they are used differently, furthermore, both terms have procedural and substantive meanings. Judgment is the official decision of a court finally resolving the dispute between the parties to the civil action. In contrast, sentence is used in criminal law, as it is the punishment for the crime as decided by the court. There is another difference between these terms in criminal law, where the...

Tags: judgement, sentence

teljesítési segéd angolul


Időről időre visszatérő kérdés a magyar teljesítési segéd fogalma angolul. Itt is ugyanaz a probléma, mint a jogi angol szaknyelv számos más pontján, hogy pontosan ilyen fogalom az angolszász jogrendszerben nincsen. Mégis, magyar jogi szöveg angolra fordításakor ezt is ki kell fejezni úgy, ahogy angol szerződésben szokták. Hát van szó angolszász szerződésekben teljesítési segédről? Noha a szó pontos megfelelőjét nem használják, a fogalmom tartalma angolszász szerződésekben is megjelenik. De mielőbb megnézzük a terminusokat, inkább...



There are two different ways macroeconomic policy of a country pursue its goals : monetary policy and fiscal policy. They are two toolsets consisting of different theories regarding achieving higher economic growth and controlling the inflation. Monetary policy is usually carried out by the central bank and its institutions and involves the setting of the base rate of the county, which is regulated by the National Bank (also the Bank of England in UK and Federal Reserve in the US). It also aims to influencing the supply of money, which...

Szolgáltatási, megbízási és vállalkozási szerződésekről


Szolgáltatási, megbízási és vállalkozási szerződésekről Felmerült egy olyan kérdés, hogy a szolgáltatási, megbízási és vállalkozási szerződések között milyen kapcsolat van, és hogyan fejezhetjük ki pontosan angolul. Mint minden hasonló kérdés esetében, először a kontextust kell tisztázni, mely jog alapján keressük a választ a kérdésre. Ebben a cikkben a magyar jog alapján próbálunk eligazodási pontot keresni. A munkavégzésre irányuló szerződések közül a magyar Ptk. megbízási és vállalkozási szerződéseket különböztet meg. A különbség...

Tags: vállalkozási szerződés angolul, megbízási, szerződés angolul, szolgáltatási szerződés angolul



The criminal proceeding The process of dealing with criminal actions differs significantly from a civil case in several respects. The criminal proceedings are governed by the criminal laws of the jurisdiction, whereas civil wrongs are governed by the civil codes. Many of the differences aim at safeguarding society from illegal acts of individuals, while, at the same time, safeguarding the rights of the accused. In a criminal proceeding, an individual is charged with the commission of a crime, and is permitted to offer a defense against...

Difference between crime and tort


Both crime and tort are terms used to describe an act by which one harms another person. But they are entirely different in the eyes of the law. Let't look at the difference. Sometimes, persons without legal knowledge use them interchangeably but that is not the reality. They are completely different from each other. Both crime and tort are wrongful actions, actions that violate the laws, morally unacceptable or deviate from the norms of a society as a whole, and, thus, they are unwanted. Tort A tort is a wrongful act that interferes...

Difference between arbitation and litigation


Both arbitration and litigation refer to resolving a dispute. Litigation means that the disputes are resolved through the normal court system, which starts by filing a complaint against the defendant. Arbitraiton is a means to resolve disputes whereby the two sides select a neutral third party, known as an arbitrator, agree in advance to comply with the arbitrator's award, and then participate in a hearing at which both sides can present evidence and testimony. The arbitrator's award is usually final and binding, and courts may only...

Difference between lawyer and attorney


The terms lawyer and attorney are frequently used interchangeably, though there is a difference between the two. Both lawyers and attorney have legal education, thus they are legally qualified professionals. The term lawyer means a person who holds a law degree. A person who has been educated in the law will always be addressed as a lawyer, even if he or she does not give legal advice to other people. A person who has a professional law degree, but is not admitted to a state bar is not an attorney at law but may be considered a lawyer...

Adversarial and investigatory systems


This article deals with the difference in the role of the judge in common law and civil law systems. Common law courts typically use a so-called adversarial system, in which two sides present their cases to a neutral judge. The judge often acts as a referee, as two attorneys argue their side of the case. The judge and the jury listen to both sides, and they will come to a conclusion about the case presented by the attorneys of the parties. Therefore, the common law judicial system is referred to as adversarial system. Judges in...




hatály angolul


A hatály szó jelentése angolul Ebben a cikkben a hatály fogalom jelentését szeretném tisztázni angolul. Mivel a hatály fogalma magyarul is többféle értelemben jelenik meg, külön kezeljük az időbeli hatályt, a tárgyi hatályt, a személyi hatályt, a területi hatályt és a jogi hatályt. Nézzük meg egyenként a fogalmakat a fenti sorrendben: IDŐBELI HATÁLY Szerződések és jogszabályok esetében meghatározzák, hogy mely időponttól váltja ki a benne szereplő joghatásokat. Erre a “term” fogalom alkalmas leginkább, de kontextustól függően...



Az egyeztetés egyike azoknak a szavaknak, amelyekkel minden jogász rendszeresen találkozik munkája során. Bár a magyar kifejezés sok kontextusban előfordul, angol dokumentumokban mégsem használható mindig ugyanaz a forma. Lássuk milyen megfelelőket használhatunk kontextustól függően! 1. A polgári peres eljárások A polgári peres eljárások vonatkozásában az egyeztetés egy alternatív jogvita megoldás, amely során a felek bármely külső fél bevonása nélkül igyekeznek a vitás kérdést tisztázni. Ez angolul a „negotiation”, amely nem...

Tags: egyeztetés

letéti szerződés angolul


Letéti szerződés angolul Most a letéti szerződésekkel kapcsolatos legfontosabb fordulatokat szeretném megosztani olvasóinkkal. Ez a lista a letéti szerződés menetét takarja: [glossary: b1u1t04] A letéti szerződésben gyakran használt ige+ főnév kollokációk az alábbiak: [glossary:c-escrow]...

Jogi személyek elnevezése angolul


Jogi személyek elnevezése angolul A társaságok és egyéb jogi személyek idegen nyelvű elnevezésénél több dologra kell figyelni. 1) Az első fontos szempont, hogy a név alapján a jogi személy egyértelműen beazonosítható legyen. Mivel a társasági formák, ill. jogi személyek típusai a különböző jogrendszerekben és azon belül is országonként eltérnek, semmiképpen sem javaslom az idegen nyelvű cégformákat (Ltd., Gmbh. stb.) alkalmazni. A jogi személy személyiségét a nemzeti jogszabályból meríti, ezért nem szabad elszakítani a társasági forma...

Szerződés megszűnése


A megszűnéssel kapcsolatos fogalmak között most a szerződés megszűnését nézzük meg tüzetesebben. Nagyon nem mindegy, hogy egy adott helyzetben melyik fogalmat használjuk, ugyanis az egyes megszüntetési módoknak teljesen más joghatása van. A kérdést többféle szempontból közelíthetjük meg, különbséget lehetünk visszamenőleges hatályú és a jövő vonatkozó megszűnés között, vagy – másféle megközelítésből – a szerződés egyoldalú és közös megegyezéssel történő megszűnését. Az első szempontot alapul véve a szerződés megszűnése ex tunc...

Tags: megszűnés, megszüntetés, felmondás, elállás, felbontás

meghatalmazott angolul


A meghatalmazott leggyakrabban az „attorney”, aki lehet jogi képviselő vagy természetes személy képviselő. Az „attorney” egy adott ügyben vagy ügykörben meghatalmazás alapján eljár valaki helyett. Ha valaki nem meghatalmazás alapján, hanem törvény rendelkezése következtében jogosult a képviselet ellátására, akkor nem „attorney” lesz, hanem „registered representative” aminek magyarul törvényes képviselő a jelentése. E kettő között az a különbség, hogy milyen alapon látja el a képviseletet a meghatalmazott személy. Céges...

ellenőr angolul


Játszunk a szavakkal. Azt kerestük, hogy mi az ellenőr pontos angol megfelelője. A válasz az, hogy mindig az adott kontextustól függ, hogy mi a helyes kifejezést. Az alábbi táblázatban összeszedtük a leggyakoribb kifejezéseket: client’s technical inspector synonym műszaki ellenőrCost consultant költségellenőrdoping officers doppingellenőrinternal auditor Belső ellenőrinventory auditor leltárellenőrlabour inspector munkaügyi ellenőrplanning supervisor tervellenőrquality auditor minőségellenőrtechnical inspection műszaki...

jogrendszerekről általában


Jöjjön most egy rövid kis teszt a jogrendszerekkel kapcsolatosan. A következő teszt az angolszász és a kontinentális jogrendszer különbsége kapcsán felmerült szavakkal kapcsolatos feladatokat tartalmaz. Sok sikert a tanuláshoz! [quizzes:legal-systems-12...

Munkák épületeken


Egyik kurzusunkon felmerült néhány kérdés az épületeken végzett különféle munkák pontos elnevezésére. Az alábbi listán az épületekkel kapcsolatos leggyakoribb építőipari tevékenységek felsorolása található: addition to a building épület továbbépítésealteration of a building épület átalakításaconstrution of a building épület létesítésedemolition of a building épület bontásaextension of a building épület bővítésefit out a building épület belsőépítészeti kialakításamodernisation of a building épület korszerűsítéserefurbishment of a building...

Meghatároz angolul


Ez már magasiskola angol szerződéssel dolgozó magyar szakemberek számára, aprónak tűnő különbségekkel, amely azonban nagyban tudja rontani egy jogi dokumentum szépségét. Attól függően, hogy mit határozunk meg, más-más igét javaslunk használni. Amikor olyan dolgot határozunk meg, amelyet részletesen ki kell bontani, meg kell magyarázni, akkor a „define” igét javasoljuk használni. Tipikusan ilyen, amikor egy fogalmat határozunk meg, jól példázza ezt a szerződések elején található „meghatározás”, ami minden esetben „definitions” névvel...

Hitelezéssel kapcsolatos kifejezések


Íme egy glosszárium a hitelezéssel kapcsolatos legfontosabb kifejezésekről. A lista tartalmazza a hitelezés folyamatában felmerülő alapvető fogalmakat angolul és magyarul: bank deposit bankbetétbank statement bankszámlakivonatcollection order inkasszócredit hitelcredit agreement antonym hitelszerződéscredit rating antonym hitelminősítéscreditworthiness hitelképességdebt service adósságszolgálatdisbursement folyósításdisbursement fee folyósítási jutalékdrawdown notice lehívási értesítődrawdown period lehívási időszakevent of default...

szerződések elnevezése angolul 1


Hogyan nevezzük el a szerződéseket angolul Sokszor kihívást jelent, hogy mi lehet egy szerződések legpontosabb és legmegfelelőbb és nyelvileg is pontos angol elnevezése. Ezzel kapcsolatosan szeretnék egy rövid és érthető megközelítést megosztani. Először meg kell néznünk, hogy adott szerződésnek van-e bevett angol elnevezése. Ha igen, akkor célszerű azt használni. Ezek jól ismert elnevezések, az adásvételi szerződés például „sales contract”, a jelzálog szerződés „mortgage contract”, a társasági szerződés „articles of association”, stb. ...

szerződő felek angolul


Hogyan nevezzük el a szerződő feleket angolul? A szerződések elnevezéséhez hasonlóan a szerződő felek elnevezése is viszonylag egyszerűen rövidre zárható. Igaz, hogy az angolszász országokban nincsenek polgári törvénykönyvben meghatározott és diszpozitív jelleggel alkalmazott szerződéstípusok, de vannak tipikus jogviszonyok, amelyek még az esetjog alapján is kategorizálhatók. Ilyenek például a landlord -tenant relationship, amely hasonló a a bérleti jogviszonyhoz a magyar Ptk-ban, vagy a principal-agent relationship, amely a megbízási...

kötbér angolul


A kötbér fogalma sokszor problémát okoz a különféle jogrendszerek útvesztőjében járatlanok számára. Nézzük meg milyen fogalmak jöhetnek szóba. A „liquidated damages” bevett angolszász fogalom arra a kártérítés fajtára, amikor a felek a szerződés megkötésekor előre megállapodnak, hogy a szerződésben foglalt kötelezett nem teljesítése esetén ez az összeg kerül egyfajta kárátalányként kifizetésre a másik fél számára. Tehát a kötbér funkcióját az angolszász jogban az LD látja el. Azonban az alkalmazása eltér a magyar kötbértől. Ha a felek...

Az equity szó többféle jelentése


Angolszász szerződésekben sokszor olvassuk az „equity” kifejezést, de nem biztos, hogy egy szótár vagy egy hirtelen megtalált netes link segít eligazodni a lényegét illetően. A szótár több dolgot ad ki az equity jelentésére. Jelenti egyszer a saját tőkét, a méltányosságot és végül az angolszász jogrendszerhez tartozó „equity” jogot. Az első kettővel most nem foglalkozunk, nézzük az utolsót. Az "equity" fogalmat itt nem tudjuk pontosan lefordítani magyarra. Valóban a méltányosságon alapszik - ami a szó eredeti jelentése- de ez egy külön...

Tags: equity, equity jog, equty jogérvényesítés

ügyvezető angolul


Ügyvezető angolul A szokásostól eltérően nem most nem az angol fogalmat kezdjük el boncolgatni, hanem a magyart. A társasági jogot hatályosan szabályozó törvény, a polgári törvénykönyv az ügyvezető fogalmat használja, nem szerepel a Ptk. -ban ügyvezető igazgató, noha a köznyelvben sokszor hallani -helytelenül -ez a fogalmat. Ezzel nem mondom az, hogy az ügyvezető igazgató” fogalma nem létezik, mindenki úgy nevezi magát, ahogy akarja, de a pontos jogi meghatározás az „ügyvezető”, így ezzel folytatom. Az ügyvezető az a személy, aki a...

Tags: ügyvezető angolul

igazgató angolul


Akik magyar angol szótárt használnak, nyilván tudják a pontos választ: A igazgató angolul a „director”. Ez így is van, ez a pontos megfelelő. Azonban érdemes megnézni, hogy mit jelent a „director” angolul? A „director” az angolszász országok társasági joga szerint alapvetően egy gazdasági társaság első számú vezetője, aki a cég irányításáért felel. Minden cég élén kell, hogy álljon egy „director”, személye be van jegyezve az adott cégnyilvántartásba, személyében – a jogszabályok szerint – felelős a cég működéséért. Ha az igazgató a...

Tags: igazgató angolul

elnök angolul


Nem tudok egyszerű választ adni arra, hogy mi lesz az elnök angolul. Egyrészt ezt a szót többféle kontextusban is használjuk (politikai, társasági ill. jogi), másrészt az egyes kontextuson belül is lehet a szónak többféle értelme. Most szűkítsük le az elnök fogalmát a társasági jogi ill. vállalatirányítási kontextusra. Ki is az elnök egy társaság működésében? A magyar jog szerint az elnök alapvetően az igazgatóság elnökét jelenti. Ez a személy nem más, mint a „chairman” (ha férfi), ill. „chairwoman” (na nőről van szó), vagy ha nem...

Tags: elnök angolul, role of chairman, role of president

illeték angolul


Nehéz fogalmat néztünk ki a mai bejegyzés tárgyául – ismét egy szó, amelyet nem lehet rövid válasszal letudni. Mielőtt megnézzük, hogy mi az illeték angol megfelelője, nézzük meg, hogy mit jelent az illeték fogalma: az állam által önállóan megállapított bevételek tartoznak ide, amelyeket bizonyos állami szervek szolgáltatásai után kell fizetni (nem a szolgáltatással értékarányos összegről van szó) a jogszabályban meghatározott összegben, és közkiadások fedezésére fordítanak. Az állam többféle helyzetben vet ki illetéket. Az örökösödési...

Tags: illeték angolul

difference between aware and familiar


Both aware and familiar means that one has information about something. However, they are used differently. „Aware” means that someone has information of, is conscious of a fact or something, informed about its existence. It can be either something tangible or a piece of information. „The employee is aware of the liability flowing from management position" „You should be aware that the product involves significant investment risk” “The Receiver is aware that the source of such information was bound by an NDA” „Familiar”, on the...

Difference between gift and donation


In principle, there is no substantial difference between the two concepts. Both gift and donation refers to giving something of value to another person voluntarily, without consideration. However, they are used differently. Donation is used in situations when there is a specific purpose of the transaction, such as supporting an charitable organization or transferring title to a property without consideration. The document used in such situations is typically called Deed of Donation. The parties to this type of transaction are...

ajánlatkérő és ajánlattevő angolul


Bár korábban már esett itt szó az ajánlat pontos jogi angol megfelelőjéről (, most nézzük meg konkrétan, hogy mi az ajánlat két oldalán álló fél pontos angol megnevezése. Olyan mintha szerződő felekről lenne szó, de most még a szerződés valódi létszakaszát megelőző időszakban vagyunk. A fenti hivatkozott „ajánlat” szócikkben leírtak itt is helytállóak: ha nem szervezett keretek között hanem spontán adott ajánlatról van szó, akkor az offeror és offeree a két keresett jogi fogalom. Ezeket kevésbé...

Tags: ajánlattevő, ajánlatkérő

Difference between staffing services and placement services


Both types of activiites aim at providing employees to business. The difference is the period for which such employees are provided. Staffing is about providing temporary employees to businesses in need of additional help for a short period of time, typically offices, warehouses, factories, retail stores or other customer service positions. The length of time a temporary employee remains depends on business need. Placement services specialize in filling jobs within specific industries in permanent positions. This is a broad term which...

Külterület angolul


Hogy van a "külterület" pontosan és szakszerűen angolul? unincorporated area Tipikus példa arra, hogy egy szóra számos fordítási megoldás forog közkézen, de hiányzik egy pontos és frappáns kifejezés. Nézzük, hogy milyen szavakat javasolnak az egyes jogi szótársak és ezek mennyire használhatóak. rural area: vidéki terület, a belterületi részektől távol eső helyekre használják, egyben utal a közművesítés hiányára is. Ellentéte az urban area, amely általában a városias környezetet jelenti. outskirts: külváros, a belvárossal szemben az...

Tags: common law, civil law, legal english

Rögzít angolul


Jogi szövegben gyakran használják a rögzít szót a lehető legváltozatosabb értelemben, nem is mindig feltételül a legszerencsésebb módon, de ez nem változtat azon, hogy ez a szó kikerülhetetlen, ha már meglévő magyar jogi szöveggel dolgozunk. A kérdés mindig az, hogy mit milyen célból szeretnénk rögzíteni. A kérdést csak úgy lehet megválaszolni, ha előtte egy erre a kérdésre választ adunk. Talán elmondható az, hogy a itt a magyar nyelv használata a ludas, hiszen a különféle célból történő „rögzítésekre” lehet más, egyértelműbb kifejezést...

Számla angolul


A magyar számla szó alatt több mindent értünk, így itt nem csak az angol fogalom megfelelőségéről, hanem a magyar szó jelentéséről fogunk szót ejteni. A számla lehet egyrészről egy számvitel fogalom, ahova bizonyos üzleti eseményeket lehet lekönyvelni. A számviteli mérlek számlákból épül fel. Ez angolul az „account”, amely akár az accounting (könyvelés) szó kapcsán jegyezhető meg, amely a szóban forgó számlákkal való foglalkozást jelenti. Banki kontextusban a számla lehet az a nyilvántartási eszköz, amelyen bizonyos pénzügyi...

Test of business terms


Készen áll egy rövid tesztre alapvető társasági jogi fogalmak körében? A következő feladat segít begyakorolni a legfontosabb fogalmakat, mint a vagyoni hozzájárulás, ügyrend, társasági szerződés, beltag, igazgatóság, határozatképesség, könyvvizsgáló, székhely, stb. [quizzes:promo-choose-business-terms-2] Jó szórakozást...

Tags: Társasági jog, társasági formák

lejárat angolul


Mi minden járhat le az üzleti világban? Egy határidő, egy hitel, szavatosság, stb. Egy szerződés véget érhet a felek nyilatkozatával, amit tipikusan felmondásnak nevezünk. De úgy is véget érhet, hogy az eredetileg tervezett időtartam letelik, ilyenkor az „expiration” vagy „expiry” a keresett kifejezés. Az "expiration of the lease” (bérlet lejárata) vagy „expiration of the protection” (szabadalom oltalmi időszakának lejárata) jó példa ezekre. Amikor egy határidő lejáratáról beszélünk, akkor „deadline”, ha fizetési kötelezettség lejáratól...

Kihordási idő angolul


Egy fordítás során merült fel a kihordási idő helyes megfelelője angolul. Egy gyógyszerészeti szövegben merült fel termékek vonatkozásában, ami még inkább érdekessé teszi a kérdést. Az internetes tartalmak keresésével leginkább a „gestation” terminushoz jutunk el. Ez nem más, mint az az embrió életének a fogantatástól a születés pillanatáig tartó időszaka, amit szintén kihordási időnek nevezünk. De ez termékek vonatkozásában nem használható, tehát meg kell keresnünk a megfelelő jogi fogalmat. A fogalom azt az időszakot takarja,...

Tags: Kihordási idő

Jogosult angolul


Nincs könnyű dolgunk, ha a jogosult pontos angol megfelelőjét keressük. A magyar szerződésekben a jogosult egy generálisan használt kifejezés, amely széles körben használatos bármilyen jogosulti pozicióban álló szerződő félre. Generális kifejezésként jól hangzik a „rights holder”, de szerződésekben elvétve találkozni ezzel a kifejezéssel. Ha fogalom szó szerinti fordítását keressük, akkor kézenfekvőnek tűnik az „obgliee” szó, amely szemben áll az „obligor” fogalmával és pontosan kifejezi a felek egymáshoz való viszonyát. Azonban...

jegyzőkönyv angolul


Hogy van a jegyzőkönyv angolul? Erre a kérdésre nem tudok rövid és egyszerű választ adni. Attól függ, hogy mi a kontextus. Nézzük meg pontosabban. Egyes nyelveken a jegyzőkönyvet a „protocol” terminusra hajazó szóval fejezik ki. Ennek következtében az angolba a protocol hamis barátként elterjedt jegyzőkönyv értelemben. A protocol alapvetően nem jelent angolul jegyzőkönyvet, kivéve egy jogterületet: a nemzetközi jogban egyezményekhez csatolt jegyzőkönyvként valóban használatos (lásd Kyoto PRotocol). Akkor milyen terminust használjuk a...

Tags: jegyzőkönyv angolul

Hiánypótlás angolul


Egy tanítványom fordítási hibája érdekes tanulságot szült. Tanítványaimat mindig arra biztatom, hogy használják a jogi angol szótárat, a sok év alatt rengeted fordítást csináltunk már és igyekeztünk a tapasztalatokat beépíteni a szótárba, így rengeteg szót meg fognak találni. A szótárban talált szavak pedig átmentek már a rostán, lehet bennük bízni, sokkal inkább, mint egy internetes keresésből leemelt megoldásban. Tanítványaim általában követik a tanácsaimat. A szóban forgó esetben is így történt. A kollegina megtalálta a "submission of...

Biztosít angolul


A biztosít szót számos különféle értelemben használjuk magyarul, amely angol fordításnál sokszor értelemzavaró. Biztosítani lehet egy követelést, hitelt, egy személyt egy tényről, ill. egy bármit különféle káresemények ellen, vagy biztosítani valaki részvételét vagy teljesítését. Ezt mindet a „biztosít” szóval fejezzük ki. Sőt, akár anyagokat vagy feltételeket is biztosíthatunk valamely tevékenységhez. Nézzük meg, hogy, mely szavakkal fejezzük ki angolul. A követelés biztosítása a „secure” vagy akár „collateralize”. Ez magába foglal minden...

Belvíz angolul


A belvíz angolul lehet waterlogging vagy "stagnating water. Először nézzük meg a belvíz fogalmát: főként esővízből és hóléből, ill. felszínre emelkedő talajvízből, továbbá az árvédelmi töltések alatt átszivárgó vízből származó felszíni víz. A belvízzel elöntött területeken elpusztul a vetés v. megkésik a talaj művelése. A veszélyeztetett területeken bizonytalan a termelés, csökken a terméseredmény. Nézzük, hogy a szakirodalom milyen kifejezéseket használ: waterlogging: Amikor a föld oly mértékben telített lesz vízzel, ami már...

Tags: belvíz, belvíz angolul

beleértve angolul


Ebben a bejegyzésben két olyan kifejezést szeretnék most tisztázni jogi angol nyelvi kontextusban, amely jogot nem tanuló emberek számára nem evidens. De bevezetésül induljunk ki a „beleértve” szó angol megfelelőjéből. Olyankor használjuk ezt, amikor egy tág kategóriát adunk meg, és tisztázzuk a kategóriához tartozó halmaz pontos tartalmát. Ha a tág kategóriát nem akarjuk leszűkíteni, akkor ezt magyarul kifejezhetjük azzal, hogy „beleértve, de nem kizárólag”, vagy „példálózó felsorolással”, ez a kettő ugyanezt fejezi ki. Ilyenkor az...

Beépítetlen telek angolul


A beépítetlen telek angolul unimproved parcel. A témát ismerő szakemberek tisztában vannak, hogy a jogi kifejezéseket nem lehet szó szerint átvezetni angolra, hiszen a kifejezés minél pontosabb jogi tartalmát kell visszaadni a másik nyelven. Az angolszász jogban az "improvement" fogalma jelenti azt, hogy a földön bármilyen felépítmény található. Ez összefoglalja mindazt, ami földön épült vagy attól elválaszthatatlan. A gyakorlatban ezzel utalnak egy telken épült felépítményekre. Nézzük meg, mi más fogalom jöhet szóba, és azok...

Tags: common law, civil law, legal english, beépítetlen telek

átadás átvétel angolul


Az átadás–átvétel angol megfelelőjével mindig gondok vannak a fordításokban. A legpontosabb kifejezés az "acceptance". Az átadás –átvétel fogalmát elsősorban az építőiparban használják, ez az építőipari kivitelezés utolsó fázisa, amelynek egyaránt van műszaki és pénzügyi aspektusa. Az építési vállalkozó írásban nyilatkozik, hogy az építőipari kivitelezési szerződésben foglaltak szerint az építési munkákat befejezte a kivitelezési tervdokumentációnak megfelelő tartalommal és készen áll a használatbavételi eljárás lefolytatásának...

Tags: átadás, átvétel angolul

álképviselő angolul


Ha gyors választ szeretne valaki találni,akkor tessék: az álképviselő angolul "unauthorised representative". Ha valaki nem elégszik meg a rövid válasszal, akkor nézzük részletesen: 1. Álképviselet a magyar jogban Először is nézzük meg, hogy mit jelent az álképviselő a Magyar jogban. Az új Ptk úgy fogalmaz, hogy aki képviseleti jog nélkül vagy képviseleti jogkörét túllépve más nevében jognyilatkozatot tesz, nyilatkozata a képviselt jóváhagyásával vált ki joghatást. (6:14. §). Tehát azt kell keresnünk, hogy az angol jogi nyelv hogyan...



Az ajánlat szótár szerinti jelentései között az alábbi szavakat találjuk: offer, proposal, quotation, bid és tender. Itt is elmondhatjuk, hogy egyáltalán nem mindegy, hogy közülük melyik szerepel egy jogi dokumentumban. Jogi kontextusban az offer a legkézenfekvőbb terminus. Az offer - mint ajánlat - úgy érthető meg, ha szembeállítjuk az ajánlat elfogadásával, amely angolul az „acceptance”. Az offer és az acceptance együtt tulajdonképpen egy szerződést képez, hiszen a szerződés az ajánlat elfogadásával jön létre. Az offer és az acceptance...



Hogy van a salátatörtény angolul? "omnibus act" Bízom abban, hogy a salátatörvény lefordításához senki sem azzal kezdi, hogy a saláta szót elkezdi begépelni a szótárba. A fogalom megértéséhez először meg kell néznünk, hogy pontosan miről van szó. A salátatörvények lényege, hogy vegyesen rendelkezik különböző tárgykörhöz tartozó dolgokról, ill különböző törvények egyes pontjait egyetlen törvénnyel módosítják. A pontos angol fogalom megtalálásához egy módon juthatunk el, mégpedig úgy, hogy megnézzük, az angolszász világban van-e hasonló...

Tags: salátatörvény

szerződések elnevezése angolul-2


Folytassuk most a szerződéstípusokkal. A következő tesztben a Magyarországon használt legfontosabb szerződések elnevezését nézzük meg magyarul. Megtalálható a tesztben az adásvételi szerződés, a megbízási szerződés, a bérleti szerződés, kölcsönszerződés, a munkaszerződés, a vállalkozási szerződés, a jelzálogszerződés, a hitelszerződés és a társasági szerződése elnevezése angolul. [quizzes: choose-the-contract-type] Reméljük, hasznosnak találta a tesztet. Ha bármi egyéb kérdése, kérése merülne fel a témával kapcsolatban, tegye fel a...

Alapvető büntetőjogi fogalmak


A mai blogban alapvető büntetőjogi fogalmakat tesztelünk ill. gyakorolhatunk be. Megismerhetünk olyan fogalmakat, mint bűncselekmény, bűntett, tárgyalás, ügyész, jogi képviselő, pénzbüntetés, stb. [quizzes: basic-criminal-law-terms-1] Reméljük, hasznosnak találta a tesztet. Ha bármi egyéb kérdése, kérése merülne fel a témával kapcsolatban, tegye fel a hozzászólásoknál, igyekszünk minél hamarabb...

nyeles telek


Hogy van a nyeles telek helyesen angolul? pandhandle lot Íme egy terminológia gyöngyszem. Hogyan találhatjuk meg a legjobb kifejezést egy számunkra közismert és egyértelmű jelentéssel bíró fogalomra? A netes forrásokban erre csak rossz megoldásokat látunk, ezek iskolapéldái a terminológia problémák helytelen kezelésére. A kérdés itt, hogy az angol nyelv hogyan kezel egy hasonló alakzatot. Van olyan bevett angol kifejezés, amely erre a formára utal bármilyen kontextusban? Vajon ezt a kifejezést használják? Az első kérdésre könnyű a...

Tags: nyeles telek

"Kivett" angolul


Egy olyan kifejezés angol megfelelőjét szeretném tisztázni, amely sok félreértés és félrefordítást eredményez. Ez a kivett, amelynek a pontos angol megfelelője a non-agricultural. A kivett ebben a kontextusban azt jelenti, hogy az adott földterület mezőgazdasági művelés alól ki lett véve, így "kivett". A kataszteri rendszer alapvetően meghatározza, hogy a földterület milyen célra használatos, ezt a jog művelési ágnak is nevezi. Amennyiben a földterület nem mezőgazdasági célt szolgál, akkor nevezzük mezőgazdasági művelés alól kivettnek...

Tags: common law, civil law, legal english

Difference between notice and announcement


Both notice and announcement are used for informing people about something that has take place or will take place. They are used differently, though. Notice is inteded only to the persons affected by the effect of the communication, the concerned person or group or persons. Notice is linked to a presumption that those affected are deemed to have been informed. Announcement is made to the public so that everyone interested may be informed of a fact. It is generally targeted to a larger number of people, the public in general....

Éves beszámoló és éves jelentés közötti különbség


Sokszor zavart okozhat, ha összekeverjük az éves beszámolót és az eves jelentéssel. Az éves beszámoló egy számviteli fogalom, amely egy vállalkozás vagyoni helyzetét és jövedelmezőségét mutatja be az érdekelt felek számára egy adott üzleti év vonatkozásában. Ez az Annual Report angolul, amely magába foglalja mérleget, az eredmény-kimutatást, a kiegészítő mellékletet és szükség esetén egyéb kapcsolódó dokumentumokat. Az éves beszámolót a társaság által megbízott könyvelő készíti el az üzleti év lezárása után. Az éves jelentés –az éves...

Épület, építmény és műtárgy angolul


Épület, építmény és műtárgy angolul Jogi szaknyelvi fordítások mellett sok fordítást csinálunk építőipari és energiaipari területen is. Igyekszünk itt is minél pontosabban fordítani, és a felhalmozott tapasztalatot feldolgozni és rendszerezni. Ha valamit nem tudunk vagy nem világos, akkor utánajárunk, addig kutatjuk a megfelelő terminológiát, amíg meg nem találjuk a megfelelő kifejezést. Megrendelőink tudják ezt és ezért bizalommal fordulnak hozzánk, ha minőségi fordításra van szükségük. Ezzel kapcsolatosan szeretném megosztani a címben...

Tags: Épület, építmény, műtárgy angolul

Adatkezelés és adatfeldolgozás közötti különbség angolul


Az adatkezelés és adatfeldolgozás nem egyező fogalmak. A GDPR megkülönböztet adatkezelőt (data controller) és adatfeldolgozót (data processor). Viszont - mint tevékenység - GDPR magyar szövegében a "data processing" és a "data controlling" egyaránt adatfeldolgozásként szerepel. Ennek ellenére a két fogalom között különbséget kell tennünk az alábbiak szerint: Az adatkezelés az alkalmazott eljárástól függetlenül az adaton végzett bármely művelet vagy a műveletek összessége, így különösen gyűjtése, felvétele, rögzítése, rendszerezése,...

Tags: adatkezeles, adatfeldolgozás

kötött kötetlen rugalmas munkarend angolul


Munkarendek A munkarendek kapcsán több olyan kifejezés van, ami angol nyelven gondot okozhat, így megpróbáltuk összeszedni a kapcsolódó kifejezéseket. Kötött munkarend Azt nevezzük kötött munkarendnek (fixed work schedule), ha a munkavállaló a munkáltató által meghatározott munkarendben és időben végzi a munkáját. A Munka Törvénykönyve azonban lehetővé teszi, hogy a munkavállaló egyes munkakörökben ettől eltérő munkaszervezéssel (work arrangement) dolgozzon, különösen ahol a munkavállaló önállóan dolgozik. Kötetlen...

Megrendelő angolul


Megrendelő angolul A megrendelő angol fordításánál sokszor gondot okoz a szó két jelentése, különösen olyan esetben, amikor hasonló kontextusban használatos a két szó. A megrendelő jelenti egyrészt a vállalkozási szerződésben szereplő felek egyikét, akinek a Ptk. szerint feladata a szolgáltatás elfogadása és a vállalkozási díj kifizetése. Erre a megrendelőre a leggyakrabban használt kifejezés a „client”. Ne keverjük össze a megbízóval (principal), aki megbízást ad a megbízottnak, és a megbízó vállalja egy feladat ellátását. A...

energetikai tarifák


Energetikai tarifák Egy munka kapcsán összegyűjtöttük az energiaipari tarifákkal kapcsolatos legfontosabb fogalmakat az alábbi szójegyzet formájában connection fee csatlakozási díjconversion factor átváltási tényeződistribution transfer fee elosztási átszállítási díjfeed-in tariff kötelező átvételi tarifanatural gas distribution fee földgázelosztási díjnetwork and metering losses földgázelosztói hálózati és mérési veszteségodorization fee szagosítási díjparameter for the calculation számítási elemperiod settled with actual figures...

Jogi Angol Egypercesek: "Átruházás és átadás" angolul- Negyedik rész


Ahogy ígértük, az átruházás és átadás fogalmaival és azok angol megfelelőivel foglalkozó bejegyzés-sorozatunk lezáró bejegyzésében teszteket hozunk olvasóinknak, melyek segítségével gyakorolhatják és ellenőrizhetik is a sorozat segítségével elsajátított tudásukat. Összesen három teszttel készültünk olvasóinknak, melyeket -a reszponzív és felhasználóbarát kialakításnak köszönhetően- akár okostelefonról vagy tabletről is kitölthetnek. Kezdődhet a tesztelés! [quizzes:turning-over-property:Teszt...



These two terms seem to be synonymous, and in a sense they are, but in the technical language they have different meanings. Both of them refers to a process of verifying the suitability and operability of a technical solution, be it a facility, a structure, a software or any other result of a project. Test operation, as the name implies, is part of the testing process, whereby a project is put to test whether it conforms to the requirements set out in the initial requirements. In practice, this is when a facility is first used for its...

Tags: test operation, trial operation

Jogi Angol Egypercesek: "Átruházás és átadás" angolul - Harmadik rész


Bejegyzés-sorozatunk harmadik részében az átadás fogalma és annak angol megfelelői kapcsán öntünk tiszta vizet a pohárba. 1. Give Az átadásra nyilván a legegyszerűbbnek tűnik a „give” szó, és meglepő módon ez az egyszerű szó sokszor előfordul szerződésben, annyira, hogy egyes kollokációkban ezt a helyes kifejezés. A „give notice” (értesítést átad) például másként nem is igazán hangzik jól. 2. Hand over A szótár jó eséllyel a „hand over” kifejezést fogja megadni a keresett szóra. Magyar füllel kézenfekvőnek hangzik, használják...

"Átruházás és átadás" angolul - II. rész


Bejegyzés-sorozatunk második részében folytatjuk az előző gondolatot, ám most nem tulajdont és birtokot ruházunk át, hanem kicsit bővítjük a kört, és jogok és más immateriális dolgok átruházására koncentrálunk. 1. Assign A jogok átruházására szerződéses kontextusában az „assign” ige a leggyakoribb. Az assignment pontos jelentése az engedményezés, amely révén a jogosult a kötelezettel szembeni követelését másra ruházhatja át, aki így belép a szerződésbe az engedményező helyett. Így egyaránt használatos az “assign rights” ill. az...

"Átruházás és átadás" angolul - I. rész


Következő bejegyzés-sorozatunkat egy komplex és sokfelé ágazó témának szenteljük, ami nem más, mint az átadás és átruházás fogalma, valamint azok angol megfelelőinek helyes használata. A könnyebb érthetőség és feldolgozhatóság végett a témát három bejegyzésre osztottuk, valamint lezárásképp egy tesztet is hozunk olvasóinknak, melynek segítségével felmérhetik, hogy valóban helyesen és magabiztosan használják-e ezeket a fogalmakat. Első bejegyzésünkben az átruházás fogalmával kezdünk. Sokféle dolgot tudunk átruházni, többek között...

Nyári olvasmány angolul


Mindannyian kerülhetünk olyan helyzetbe, amikor egy teljesen hétköznapi kifejezést szeretnénk angolul visszaadni, azonban sem a szótárból, sem az iskolában elsajátított tudásunkból nem tudjuk elővarázsolni a helyes angol megfelelőt. Ezek olyan finomságok, amelyeket anyanyelvi környezetben lehetne elsajátítani, azonban erre nem mindenkinek van lehetősége. Legújabb bejegyzésünkben azt szeretném megmutatni, hogy ilyenkor mit tehetünk, hogy mégis tökéletesítsük tudásunkat. Idén nyáron, amikor éppen nem ugrált egy csemete sem a fejemen, Ken...

"Részlet" angolul


A “részlet” fogalmával kapcsolatban az okozhat nehézséget, hogy magyarul sok szituációban és fogalom kifejezésére használjuk a részlet szót, nem kizárólag abban az esetben, amikor az egésznek a részét szeretnénk kifejezni, hanem sok esetben speciális jogi tartalommal. Nézzük először ezeket a jogi vonatkozású jelentéseket. 1. Instalment Egy hitel visszafizetése történhet egy összegben ill. részletekben. Ilyenkor az “instalment” szó a megfelelő választás, ami tipikusan havi egyenlő összeget jelent, amely magába foglalja a...

Teszt a munkajog terminológiájáról


A munkajog az egyik olyan jogterület, amely garantáltan előfordul a jogászok mindennapi munkája során. Ezért azoknak a jogászoknak, akik angolul vagy nemzetközi szinten is dolgoznak, elengedhetetlen a területhez kapcsolódó alapvető angol terminológia ismerete. Mai bejegyzésünkben egy munkajogi terminológiával kapcsolatos tesztet hoztunk olvasóinknak, mellyel ellenőrizhetik, vagy épp felfrissíthetik a témával kapcsolatos tudásukat. [quizzes:choose-employment-terms-11] Ne ijedjen meg, ha nem sikerült hibátlanra a teszt. Ősszel induló...

Terv angolul


Egy építőipari kivitelezési szerződés („construction contract”/„works contract”) fordítása során többféle rajz megnevezésével is találkozhatunk. Hasonló jelentéstartalmuk miatt hajlamosak vagyunk szinonimaként tekinteni rájuk, és ezáltal felcserélni őket. Most ezekkel kapcsolatban szeretnénk egyszer s mindenkorra tiszta vizet önteni a pohárba. 1. Drawings A „drawings” önmagában jelenthet tervet és műszaki rajzot is (például: „as-built drawing” = „megvalósulási terv” vagy „drawings of dams” = „gátak műszaki rajzai”). Vigyáznunk kell...

Ingatlanjog - Teszt


Legújabb bejegyzésünkben egy ingatlan adásvétellel kapcsolatos tesztet hoztunk Önöknek. A teszt húsz kérdésből áll, és minden kérdésnél két helyes megoldást kell kiválasztania. Ha szeretne ingatlanjoggal kapcsolatos tudását még magasabb szintre emelni, ajánljuk figyelmébe Kisokosunkat, melyben rengeteg színes feladatot, mintadokumentumot és tanulókártyát is talál! [quizzes:drafting-sales-contracts-1] Bízunk benne, hogy bejegyzésünket hasznosnak találta! Ha bármi további kérdése lenne a témával kapcsolatban, tegye fel a...

Engedély angolul


Az engedély pontos angol jelentése alapvetően két dologtól függ. Függ egyrészt attól, hogy ki adja ki, másrészt pedig attól, hogy mire vonatkozik. Mai bejegyzésünkben ezen ismérvek mentén vizsgáljuk meg részletesen a szóba jöhető kifejezéseket. 1. Permit Ha egy hatóság által kiállított engedélyről van szó, akkor a „permit” lesz a megfelelő választás. Soha sem fogjuk elfelejteni, ha a „building permit” (építési engedély) kifejezést a fejünkbe verjük, hiszen ez rengetegszer előfordul jogi szövegekben. Persze nem csak építésre,...

Visszatart angolul


Ma egy könnyű bejegyzéssel készültünk Önöknek, egyszerű szavakkal és világos magyarázatokkal. A magyar jogi nyelvben is más szót használunk, amikor pénzösszeg kifizetését tartjuk vissza, mint amikor jogokat tartunk fenn vagy megtagadjuk egy engedély kiadását, noha tulajdonképpen mindhárom esetben visszatartunk valamit. Ezzel ki is merítettük a magyarázat lényegét, csak a szakszerűség kedvéért nézzük meg a kifejezéseket példákkal illusztrálva. 1. Retain A „retain” használatos pénzösszegek vissztartására. Ha valaki ismeri a ...

Szabályzat angolul


Sokféle szabályzatot vagy irányelvet használunk vagy akár írunk a jogi munkában, amelyek angol megfelelőit mindig az egyes kontextusok ismeretében kell alkalmaznunk. Ebben a bejegyzésben az egyes fogalmak közötti különbséget szeretnénk megvilágítani. 1. Policy A céges szabályzatra leginkább bevett kifejezés a „policy”. A cégek a különféle policy-k útján szabályozzák a munkavállalók magatartását, adják meg a társaság működése során követendő normákat. Számos különféle szabályzat létezik, a gépkocsi vagy a számítástechnikai eszközök...

difference between promulgation and publication


Both promulgation and publication refers to the act of making a new act publicly known, after which it is enforceable by the state. Promulgation is The act of the head of state to announce that a legal rules becomes part of the legal system of a state. Publication is the announcement of a new act in the official gazette so as to inform the public, generally through the official gazette of the country....

Hiba angolul - Harmadik rész


Az előző két bejegyzésünk során a "hiba" szó angol megfelelőit és azok helyes használatát tisztáztuk. Ígéretünkhöz híven, a sorozat harmadik részét alkotó bejegyzésünkben egy tesztet hoztunk olvasóinknak, melynek segítségével gyakorolhatják és ellenőrizhetik is tudásukat. A teszt a lenti "Start" gombra kattintva indul. Bízunk benne, hogy a sorozatot hasznosnak és érdekesnek találta, és hogy tesztünkkel hozzájárulhatunk ahhoz, hogy valóban magabiztosan bánjon ezzel a szóval a jövőben. Ha bármi további kérdése lenne a témával...

Hiba angolul - Második rész


A hiba szó angol megfelelőivel kapcsolatos bejegyzés-sorozatunk második részében arra derítünk fényt, hogy milyen kifejezéseket használhatunk akkor, ha azt szeretnénk kifejezni, hogy valami nem lett teljes körűen és hibátlanul elvégezve. Ezeket a szavakat akár mulasztásként is értelmezhetjük. 1. Fault A „fault” – mint egy másik helyen részletesen kifejtettem – egy személy hibája, aki nem végezte el, azt, ami tőle elvárható vagy amire a szerződés vagy jogszabály alapján köteles. A „someone’s fault” kérdése a jogban gyakran a...

Difference between standard and practice


Standard: A set of written rules applicable to an industrial sector. It is universally applied, and no deviation is accepted from the general meaning of standards. Practice: The way a certain industry operates. Without being a set of written rules, it is deemed to apply to certain services in the given sector, deviation from which is frowned upon and disfavoured....

Tags: standard practice

Difference between manufacturer and producer


Manufacturer: Producer of a physical product. Producer: The creator of a product, either tangible or...

Tags: manufacturer, producer

Difference between ostensible authority and colour of authority


Ostensible authority: A relationship between two parties that reasonably leads a third party to believe that one is the agent of the other. Colour of authority: A situation when a person is claiming or implying that his or her actions are performed by having been given the right in real...

Tags: ostensible authority, colour of authority

Difference-between margin and mark up


Margin: It is the percentage of profit in the final selling price. Mark-up: It is the percentage of the cost price added on the top to get the selling price. A product sold with 20% margin has a mark-up of 25%...

Tags: margin, mark-up

Difference between implementation and execution


Implementation: The realization of the project, thus bringing about a result. Execution: The carrying into effect of a task, a complete project or a contract, thus becoming discharged from all obligations. ...

Tags: implementation and execution

Difference between supplier and vendor


Supplier: A legal word for a person in the business of providing certain type of goods, on a continuing basis, to a retailer, but not directly selling to the public. Vendor: A legal word for a person who is specialised in the long-term business of selling certain...

Tags: supplier and vendor

Hiba angolul - Első rész


A hiba egyike azokak a szavaknak, amelyek angol fordításánál nagyon kell ügyelnünk arra, hogy kontextusnak valóban megfelelő kifejezést használjuk. Más az a hiba, amit elkövetünk, más a műszaki hiba, más a szerződésben a hiba, a hibás teljesítés, sőt más szót használunk arra, amikor valaki hibát követett el, és ismét mást, amikor tévedett. A kérdéskörben felmerülő megoldások sokfélesége miatt úgy döntöttünk, két részre osztjuk a témát, majd egy harmadik bejegyzésben egy tesztet is hozunk olvasóinknak, amellyel ellenőrizhetik tudásukat....



Ismét egy olyan szóval van dolgunk, amelynek esetében több megfelelő is használatos a jogi angolban, attól függően, hogy milyen kontextusról van szó, ill. minek a megszűnését szeretnénk kifejezni. Röviden nézzük át, kontextustól függően melyik angol terminus lesz a legalkalmasabb a megszűnés fogalmának kifejezésére angolul. 1. Házasság A házasság megszűnését a "dissolution" kifejezéssel írják le (dissolution of marriage). Ezt hétköznapi nyelvben a divorce szóval fejezik ki. Egyébként a házasság megszűnhet érvénytelenítés (annulment)...

Tags: megszűnés

Kötelezettség angolul


Újabb olyan kifejezést hoztunk Önnek, amely kapcsán problémás lehet angol megfelelőt választani. Ahhoz, hogy a valóban megfelelő angol ekvivalenst használhassuk, először meg kell vizsgálnunk, hogy milyen szövegkörnyezetben merül fel a kötelezettség fogalma. 1. Szerződés vagy jogszabály Ha azt szeretnénk kifejezni, hogy a kötelelezettnek valamit meg kell tennie egy szerződés vagy jogszabály rendelkezéseinek megfelelően, az "obligation" a megfelelő választás. Például: A vállalkozó a szerződésből eredő kötelezettségeit...

Tags: kötelezettség angolul

Kötelezett angolul


A jogosulthoz hasonlóan a kötelezett pontos angol megfelelője sem intézhető el egy szóval. Egy generális kifejezést keresve könnyedén bukkanhatunk a „obligor” kifejezésre, azonban ez főként pénzügyi kötelezettség kötelezettjeként használatos angol nyelvű szerződésekben. Praktikus kifejezés a „provider”, amely sokféle kontextusban jelölheti azt a személyt, aki egy jogviszonyban az ügyletre jellemző főkötelem teljesítésére kötelezett. Bevett kifejezés a „service provider”, feltehetően a provider ebből önállósította magát. A service provider...

Függőben tartás és tulajdonjog fenntartása angolul


A függőben tartás és a tulajdonjog fenntartása is az ingatlan adásvételhez kapcsolódó fogalom és mindkettő arra szolgál, hogy a vételár teljes kifizetéséig az ingatlan tulajdonjoga ne kerüljön bejegyzésre az ingatlannyilvántartásba a vevő nevére, így biztosítva az eladó jogos érdekeinek védelmét. A hasonlóságuk ellenére azonban, a két fogalom nem használható egymás helyettesítésére, és korántsem mindegy, hogy mikor melyiket használjuk. Ebben a bejegyzésben a két fogalom közötti különbséget szeretnénk tisztázni, és segíteni olvasóinknak,...

Tags: függőben tartás, tulajdonjog fenntartás

Difference between proof and evidence


Proof and evidence sounds similar in meaning, Both refer to a court process, where a fact needs to be or has been accepted as truth for the purposes of the judgement in a dispute. Evidence is a means of proving a fact. It may be a paper, an object or even a statement from a witness presented in the form of a testimony. Proof, on the other hand, is something that has already been accepted by the court or public authorities as truth, typically be presenting evidence....

vállalkozó angolul


A vállalkozó szó angol megfelelője sokszor okoz gondot jogi angol szövegek szerkesztésekor, hiszen, mint sok más esetben, itt sincs egyetlen univerzálisan használható kifejezés. Nézzük meg, hogy mely szavak alkalmasak a fordításához! Egy vállalkozási szerződésben a szerződő felek a megrendelő és a vállalkozó. Ebben a kontextusban a client mellett a "contractor" jelenti a vállalkozót. Az egyéni vállalkozók (akik magánszemélyként saját nevük alatt folytatnak gazdasági tevékenységet) az angolszász világban a „sole proprietor” vagy...

Tags: vállalkozó

Difference between performance and completion



átvilágítás angolul


Az "átvilágítás" szó egy fordítás kapcsán került elő. Ez is egyike azoknak a kifejezéseknek, amelyeknek pontos angol megfelelője nem határozható meg a kontextus ismerete nélkül. Egyaránt szóba jöhet a “due diligence” és a “screening” kifejezés is. Lássuk ezek pontos jelentését! A “due diligence” arra az eljárásra utal, amikor –tipikusan egy felvásárlás előtt- a vevő megpróbálja meghatározni a felvásárolni kívánt társaság vagyoni helyzetét és a benne rejlő kockázatokat. A jogi szempontú átvilágítás kiterjed a jogszerű működésre,...

Tags: átvilágítás, angolul

6 eszköz, amellyel minimális pénz és/vagy energiabefektetéssel is hatékonyan fejlesztheti jogi angolját


Szeretné fejleszteni szaknyelvi tudását, de nincs ideje részt venni egy hosszabb tanfolyamon? Ebben a bejegyzésben összegyűjtöttük azokat az egyszerűen elérhető tartalmainkat és szolgáltatásainkat, melyek segítségével ingyen, vagy minimális anyagi befektetéssel, de mégis hatékonyan fejlesztheti tudását. 1. Jogi angol szótár Valószínűleg az egyik leghasznosabb ingyenesen elérhető termékünk magyar-angol és angol-magyar jogi szótárunk, mely immár több mint 30 000 szócikket tartalmaz. Az egyes szavak és kifejezések jelentésén kívül a...

vállalatirányítás angolul


Mai egypercesünkben a szótár kritika és gondolkodás nélküli használatának veszélyeire mutatunk egy újabb jó példát. Egy fordításban a “válallatirányítás” szó szerepelt, amelynek –noha a fogalom egyértelmű – többféle vetülete van. A „corporate governance” a vállalat irányítási módszerek, mechanizmusok és struktúrák összességét jelenti. Arra a kérdésre keresi a választ, hogy hogyan lehet a társaságot a legeredményesebb és leghatékonyabb formában irányítani. Tehát ebből a szempontból egy cég irányításának, vezetésének rendszerszemléletű...

Tags: vállalatirányítás, angolul

Határozat angolul


Visszatérő kérdés hallgatóink, ügyfeleink körében, hogy mi a "határozat" szó angol megfelelője. Természetesen mindenki egy egyszerűen és általánosan alkalmazható válaszra vágyik; egy olyan megfelelőre, amit jolly jokerként minden szituációban lehet alkalmazni, és amivel nincs más tennivaló, mint beilleszteni a szövegbe. A válasz azonban korántsem ennyire egyszerű, hiszen sajnos ebben az esetben sincs egyetlen, minden kontextusban alkalmazhatü megoldás. Nem használhatjuk ugyanazt az angol megfelelőt, ha társasági jogi határozatról van szó,...

Tags: common law, civil law, legal english

Fedezet angolul


Nemrég egy ügyfelünk osztotta meg velünk az alábbi történetet. Egy angol dokumentum szerkesztése során a fedezet fogalmát szerette volna angolul leírni, azonban, az angol megfelelő ismerete híján először kollégái, majd, a sikertelen próbálkozás után szótár segítségét igénybe véve. Ezután meghökkenve tapasztalta, hogy az idegen anyanyelvű ügyfél egyáltalán nem érti, hogy miről szól a dokumentum. Hosszas huzavona után derült csak ki, hogy ügyfelünk a "hedge" szót használta a "collateral" helyett, ezzel teljesen összezavarva a gyanútlan...

Tags: fedezet

Meghatalmazás angolul


Az alábbi írás egy kedves ügyfelünk kérésére született, akinek gondja akadt a meghatalmazás szó használatával angol nyelven. Ez valóban egy olyan szó, amely gyakran kerül elő a jogi munkában, így nézzük meg, hogy mely angol szóval tudjuk legjobban kifejezni - természetesen szövegkörnyezettől függően. Közismert a „Power of Attorney”, amely a legáltalánosabban használt kifejezés a meghatalmazásra. Valóban, ez az a jogi dokumentum, amellyel a meghatalmazó meghatalmaz egy másik személyt - tipikusan jogi képviselőt - hogy helyette és...

Tags: meghatalmazás, proxy, power of attorney

Difference between scope and subject


Both scope and subject are used at the beginning of a contract to specify the issue to be regulated. However, they are used differently; they are not interchangeable. Subject, on the other hand, is a simple definition of the purpose of entering into the contract. The “subject” clause typically defines what the whole contract is about. It does not imply any restriction, whereas the terms "scope" is precisely a set of restrictions. However, please note that subject is used in many other ways with special meanings in contracts. Scope...



Both notice and statement refer to a a formal, written communication in a contract setting. A notice is a communication by one contracting party to the other, usually requiing actions within a time frame or giving substantive information which will effect further performance of the contract. A statement is a communication by any person, not necesarily a contracting party, and it is generally an expression of a fact, disclosure of information regarding anything one wishes to express or other such matters....

Difference between exception and objection


Both exception and objection refer to a statement issued either verbally or in writing, in protest to actions of others. At the outset, it must be made clear that there are two commonly used meaning of exception, while objection has only one meaning. The everyday usage of the word exception includes meaning indicating that certain things are excluded from a categorization (such as with the exception of Sundays and holidays). The strictly legal usage of “exception” is now to be compared with the usage of the word “objection”....

Difference between damage and damages


Both damage and damages and damages refer to the situation when an adverse event happens with legal implications. Let’s look at the difference between the two terms. Damage is defined as a loss resulting from causing injury to a person, harm to property or hurting one’s reputation. This term does not go beyond the effect of the wrongful action. The term “damages” refers to the legal consequence of the harm caused by the wrongful action, namely compensation provided to a person who has suffered a loss or harm due to such wrongful...

Difference between the usage of by and until


Both "by" and "until" are used to designate a date or time by which something must be finished, ready or accomlished. However, they are used slightly differently. As an expression of time, "until" is used to describe an action or event that happens on or before a particular moment, whereas "by" is used to describe a state or situation in the period of time up to a particular moment....

Tags: by, until

Difference between contract and agreement


What is the difference between contract and agreement? Contract and agreement look like synonyms in document names. The document regulating the relationship between employer and employee can be called either employment contract or employment agreement. There is no difference between the two in this respect. However, there is a major difference between the two terms in the common law, contract being a legally binding and enforceable agreement between two parties. A contract is made through offer and acceptance, and requires consideration...

Felmondás angolul


A felmondás és szinonimái sok gondot okozhatnak a jogi angol nyelvben. Itt is óva intenék mindenkit attól, hogy egy szótárban talált szót a kontextus ismerete és vizsgálata nélkül felhasználjon. Egy másik bejegyzésben már tisztáztuk, hogy a felmondás nem azonos a felbontással ill. az elállással. E két utóbbi jogkövetkezménye az eredeti állapot helyreállítása (ex-tunc hatállyal ér véget a jogviszony), míg a felmondás a jövőre vonatkozik (ex-nunc). A felmondás, mint okirat, pontos elnevezése a notice of termination , a dokumentum...

Tags: felmondás, angolul

Idézés angolul


Ismét egy olyan szóval van dolgunk, amelyre nincs egyetlen angol megfelelő, ezért problémás lehet a használata. Ebben a bejegyzésben az "idézés" angol megfelelőit vesszük górcső alá és tisztázzuk jelentésüket, hogy legközelebb már magabiztosan használhassa őket munkája során. 1. A bíróság által az alperesnek elküldött irat (amelyben a tárgyaláson történő megjelenésre szólítják fel) megfelelője a "summons." (vigyázat, ez így van egyes számban, a többes száma a summonses). Példa: „The court issued a summons to the defendant.” 2. A bíróság...

Tags: idézés angolul

Difference between permit and licence


Both permit and licence refers to an approval by one party to an action of another party....

Difference between effective and efficient


Effective and efficient are both used to describe how well a process is performed. However, effective is related to reaching a target. A process is effective if the target has been reached. Efficient is related to the cost. It is about what resources have been used in order to bring about a result. Effective is also used to determine when a contract is operative. In this case, it is different from valid....

Tags: effective, efficient




Difference between conditional and provisional


Both conditional and provisional refers to situations where something is granted or provided before it is supposed to have fully and irreversibly granted or provided. However, they are slightly different. If something is conditional, a precondition has to be met in order for something to happen. If something is provisional, the same event happens but it is verified or nullified by a fact arising later. Examples: A conditional contract only becomes enforceable in the case of the prior performance of another agreement or...

A FIDIC szerződések terminológiájának problémája


Ebben a bejegyzésben arról írunk, hogy mennyire lehet irányadónak tekinteni egy bevett - de szakmailag nem pontos - terminust a jogi terminológia szempontjából. Európai uniós forrásból készülő építőipari kivitelezésben dolgozó jogászok számára elkerülhetetlen a FIDIC szerződések rendszerének alkalmazása. A FIDIC tulajdonképpen egy mintaszerződés csomag, amely főként építőipari kivitelezésre van kihegyezve, de van olyan változata is, amely akár a tervezés, akár az üzemeltetés kérdéseire is kiterjed. A FIDIC szerződés aktuálisan bevett...

Tags: fidic, construction

Difference between liquidated damages and penalty


In the United States, a liquidated damages clause is intended to estimate damages in the event of non-performance or breach of contract. Such a clause will be enforced where the court finds that the harm caused by the breach is difficult to estimate, but where the amount of liquidated damages is reasonable compensation and not disproportionate to the actual or anticipated damage. The intent of liquidated damages is to measure damages that are hard to prove once incurred. However, if the liquidated damages are disproportionate, they can be...

Tags: liquidated damage, penalty

Difference between


Both supported and substituted decision making applies to persons under guardianship, hOwever, there is an important distinction between them. Decision-making supports for persons with disability take many forms. Supported decision-making applies to the situation where a supporter helps a supported person to make choices and to communicate these choices to others, such as banks, doctors, employers, etc. On the other hand, substituted decision-making refers to the appointment of someone to make a decision on behalf of a person who...

Tags: supported decision makingand, substituted decision making

Difference between cure and remedy


Both cure and remedy refers to the situation when one party commits a breach of the contract and its calls for an action to make good for the wrong. In this respect, cure is the term for the actions of the defaulting party to make good for the wrong caused. The best way to cure the breach is to re-perform the services, make the payment required or to correct the problems that caused the breach. Remedy refers to the actions that the non-defaulting party wishes to take in seeking a way to put such party back to the situation before the...

Tags: cure, remedy

Difference between trust agreement and deed of trust


A deed of trust is a document that embodies the agreement between a lender and a borrower to transfer an interest in the borrower’s land to a neutral third party, a trustee, to secure the payment of a debt by the borrower. Like a mortgage, it pledges real property to secure a loan. It is used instead of a mortgage in certain states. On the other hand, a trust agreement is a document establishing a trust (a legal entity created by a party, the trustor, through which a second party, the trustee, holds the right to manage the trustor's assets...

Tags: trust agreement, deed of trust

Difference between majority and quorum


Majority and quorum are two words related to voting. See what the difference is between them here. Majority is more than half (50%) of some group, while quorum is the minimum number of members required for a group to officially conduct business and to cast votes, often but not necessarily a majority or supermajority....

Tags: majority, quorum

Difference between board of directors and supervisory board


Traditionally, one and two-tier corporate governance systems have evolved from the corporate law of England and Germany, respectively – under the English model, a company is governed by one corporate body that undertakes both the management and monitoring functions (the one-tier board system), while under the German model, two separate bodies operate independently: the board of directors and the supervisory board (the two-tier board system). Under the two-tier system, the board of directors and the supervisory board exist side by side....

Tags: board of directors, supervisory board

Difference between distribution of profit and dividend


Dividends and distributions refer to the payment of cash to investors. However, there are important differences between the two terms. A dividend is a payment made by a corporation to its shareholders. It is allocated as a fixed amount per share, with shareholders receiving a dividend in proportion to their shareholding. When a corporation earns a profit or surplus, it can re-invest it in the business (called retained earnings), and pay a fraction of the profit as a dividend to shareholders. Distribution to shareholders can be in cash...

Tags: distribution of profit, dividend

Difference between agenda and minutes


While both agenda and minutes are document related to the Shareholders’ Meeting, they refer to two different things. Learn the difference between the two terms here. An agenda is a list of meeting activities in the order in which they are to be taken up. It usually includes one or more specific items of business to be acted upon. It may, but is not required to, include specific times for one or more activities. An agenda may also be called a docket, schedule, or calendar. On the other hand, minutes or informally, notes, are the instant...

Tags: agenda, minutes

Difference between annual general meeting of shareholders and special meeting of shareholders


The shareholders have a general meeting each year, but a special meeting might also be convened from time to time. See the details here. The annual general meeting of the shareholders occurs regularly. Here, the company presents its annual report, which contains information for shareholders about its performance and strategy. Shareholders with voting rights vote on current issues, such as appointments to the company's board of directors, executive compensation, dividend payments and auditors. Shareholders who do not attend the meeting in...

Tags: annual general meeting of shareholders, special meeting of shareholders

Difference between manager and executive


A manager is the person who is responsible for the activities of a group of employees in an organization. He has to play the role of a motivator and mentor while guiding the employees to achieve the goals of the organization. There may be supervisors under a manger to help him in his task, but the overall responsibility for the performance of the workers under him lies on the shoulders of a manger. A manager is at the lower rung of the managerial ladder that he has to climb for a prominent position in the management. On the other hand, an...

Tags: manager, executive

Difference between breach and violation


A breach of contract is a violation that can invalidate the contract. On the other hand, a violation is an action against the contract not necessarily invalidating the...

Tags: breach, violation

Difference between privacy and confidentiality


Privacy is a state when a person is free from public interference while confidentiality refers to a situation when an important information is kept secret between two persons until the person to whom the information belongs permits to disclose...

Tags: privacy, confidentiality

Difference between variation and variance


The word variation refers to a change in the form, position, condition, or amount of something. A variation can be something that is similar to something else but different in some way Variance, however, refers to the amount of difference or change, and in legal texts, it can also indicate an official decision or document that allows someone to do something that is not usually allowed by the...

Tags: variation, variance

Difference between procure and purchase


The verb 'procure' means to obtain something with great care, it can be used in a wider context than 'purchase' which is used to refer to something acquired by buying it. In a legal context 'procure' can also be used with the meaning of persuading or causing somebody to do something. “Procurement” is the overarching function that describes the activities and processes to acquire goods and services. It involves the activities involved in establishing fundamental requirements, sourcing activities such as market research and vendor evaluation...

Tags: procure, purchase

Difference between approval and consent


Both approval and consent means that one person accepts the action of another person. Approval refers to a formal acknowledgement of and agreement to what has already been done, whereas consent is the acceptance of what is planned to be done....

Tags: approval, consent

Difference between account stated and settlement


Account stated is a statement between a creditor (the person to whom money is owed) and a debtor (the person who owes) based upon a series of prior transactions that a particular amount is owed to the creditor as of a certain date. Often the account stated is a bill, invoice or a summary of invoices, signed by the customer or sent to the customer who pays part or all of it without protest. Account stated may also be called statement of account. A settlement, on the other hand, is a formal agreement or decision that ends an argument or...

Tags: account stated, settlement

Difference between flood control embankment and dam


A dam is a barrier that impounds water or underground streams. Reservoirs created by dams suppress floods and also provide water for human consumption, industrial use, aquaculture, navigability, generating electricity. A dam can also be used to collect water or for storage of water which can be evenly distributed between locations. The main purpose of artificial embankments is to prevent flooding of the adjoining countryside and to slow natural course changes in a waterway to provide reliable shipping lanes for maritime commerce over...

Tags: flood control embankment, dam

Difference between taxable and tax free


Taxable refers to items that are subject to taxation, such as income, food, property, and merchandise. A governing agency usually determines the percentage of taxes that need to be paid on a specific item or service. Tax free, however, refers to certain types of goods and/or financial products (such as municipal bonds) that are not taxed and with earnings that are not taxed. The tax free status of these goods and/or funds may incentivize individuals and business entities to increase spending or investing, resulting in economic stimulus....

Tags: taxable, tax free

Difference between tax deduction and tax reduction


Tax Reduction reduces or eliminates the income tax payable for lower income taxpayers. Tax deduction, on the other hand, is a reduction in taxable...

Tags: tax deduction, tax reduction

Difference between unimproved land and parcel of land not connected to public utilities


Unimproved land simply means that no building or other structure has been built on the relevant parcel of land. Parcel of land not connected to public utilities simply means – as the name suggests – that the parcel of land is not connected to public utilities, but there may or may not be structure built on...

Tags: unimproved land, parcel of land not connected to public utilities

Difference between mutual and joint


The difference between these words lies in the relationship of the parties. ’Mutual’ is used when the parties are on the opposing ’side’, while ’joint’ is used when the parties are on the same ’side’ of a...

Tags: mutual, joint

Difference between transcript and protocol


A transcript is an accurate word for word description of testimony or statement made in the course of a case, prepared by a certified court reporter. A protocol, on the other hand, is a system of rules that explains the correct conduct and procedures to be followed in formal situations; or it may also refer to a plan for a scientific experiment or for medical treatment, or to a document that describes the details of a treaty or formal agreement between...

Tags: transcript, protocol

Difference between solve a problem and resolve a dispute


The verb to solve is generally used to mean find a solution – for example an answer or explanation. We solve a problem, something with a logical or complete answer. The verb to resolve has a number of meanings, one of which is to deal with conclusively – that is, to settle something, effectively to finish it in an acceptable way. The conclusion reached with resolving something may be one of many choices, and it may not please everyone, but it concludes the problem, finishing it. The conclusion reached with solving a problem,...

Tags: solve a problem, resolve a dispute

Difference between trial and hearing


In law, a trial and a hearing are different. A hearing is a procedure before a court or any decision-making body or any higher authority. Trials happen when the parties in a dispute come together to present their evidentiary information before an authority or a court. Trial: The process in a lawsuit where the parties present their evidence and the case is adjudicated. Hearing: The process of discussing anything before the case can go to trial for a final determination....

Tags: trial, hearing

Difference between slavic and slavonic


British English uses the word Slavonic, while in American English, the word Slavic is preferred. However, the two words mean the same. The words Slavic or Slavonic may refer to Slavic people (an ethno-linguistic group living in Europe and Asia), or Slavic languages, Slavic mythology etc. Slovak is a Slavic or a Slavonic...

Tags: slavic, slavonic

Differnce between self check and self audit


In banking, self check refers to a Check issued by a drawer to himself or herself, or Check presented for collection at the bank on which it was drawn. It is also an alternative term for „self test.” Self audit, on the other hand, is the complete and careful examination of the financial records of one’s own...

Tags: self check, self audit

Differnce between forwarder, carrier and hauler


Freight Forwarders provide a logistics service for the shipper, and arrange shipment through a Carrier. Forwarders do not need to own any vessel. They sign the contract of carriage with the shippers and then they find actual carriers to perform the transportation. It is, however, possible for a freight forwarder to act as a carrier when it assumes liability either as a contractual or actual carrier. Carriers transports goods from the port of loading to the port of discharge under their own or chartered vessels. The main distinction...

Tags: forwarder, carrier, hauler,

Differnce between probationary period and probation


Probation period is the initial period of employment during which both parties may terminate the employment with immediate effect. During this period the employer may make sure that the employee is capable of performing his/her duties at a required standard. Probation is a situation or period of time in which a person who has committed a crime is allowed to stay out of prison if that person behaves well, does not commit another crime,...

Tags: probationary period, probation

Differnce between pretorian and praetorian


Pretorian is an alternative form of praetorian, both refer to something of, forming, or resembling the Roman imperial bodyguard, of or relating to a...

Tags: pretorian, praetorian

Differnce between permit and permission


A permit is an official document issued by a public authority in which request to do a specific act is granted. Permission is the right or ability to do something that is given by someone who has the power to decide if it will be allowed or permitted; it does not refer to a...

Tags: permit, permission,

Differnce between minutes and protocol


A minutes is an official record of the proceedings of a meeting. Protocol, on the other hand, is a system of rules that explains the correct conduct and procedures to be followed in formal situations. It may also refer to a plan for a scientific experiment or for medical treatment, or to a document that describes the details of a treaty or formal agreement between...

Tags: minutes, protocol

Difference between law school and faculty of law


A law school (also known as a law centre or college of law) is an institution specializing in legal education, usually involved as part of a process for becoming a lawyer within a given jurisdiction. Faculty of law is another name for a law school or school of law, the terms commonly used in the United States. This term is used in Canada, other Commonwealth countries and the rest of the world. It may be distinguishable from law school in the sense that a faculty is a subdivision of a university on the same rank with other faculties,...

Tags: law school, faculty of law

Difference between instalment and installation


Instalment refers to one of the parts into which a debt is divided when payment is made at intervals. Installation is the act or process of making a machine, a service, etc. ready to be used in a certain place, the act of installing something. It can also refer to a ceremony in which someone is put in an official or important...

Tags: instalment, installation

Difference between inland water and stagnating water


Inland water refers to any of the waters (as lakes, canals, rivers, watercourses, inlets, and bays) within the territory of a state as contrasted with the open seas or marginal waters bordering another state subject to various sovereign rights of the bordering state. The term is usually used in plural. Stagnating water, however, is the excess stormwater left behind after a massive amount of rain, or the groundwater seeping up from the...

Tags: inland water, stagnating water

Difference between execution and implementation


Implement means to put into effect according to or by means of a definite plan or procedure; to begin, to put into action, to set on, to start a course of action. On the other hand, execute means to perform or accomplish something, as an assigned task. So the word execute means to see through to...

Tags: execution, implementation

Difference between issue price and nominal value


The issue price is the price at which a new issue of shares is offered to the public. On the other hand, the nominal value is the stated value of an issued security, based on the worth of a company. Nominal value is also known face value or par...

Tags: issue price, nominal value

The difference between principal and principle


It’s very easy to confuse these two words. Although they sound the same when they’re spoken, their meanings are quite different. The meaning of principle is a fundamental idea or general rule that is used as a basis for a particular theory or system of belief. The word principal refers to the original amount of the loan which must be...

Tags: principal, principle

Difference between update and upgrade


Software updates and upgrades can seem pretty similar. Updates are similar to small fixes around a house, whereas an upgrade is like a full renovation. One builds on top of something existing and can take very little time. The other wipes the slate, starts over, and takes longer. The major differences you’ll find in updates versus upgrades is in the file size, the time it takes running them, and the amount of change you see as the end...

Tags: update, upgrade

Difference between use and usage


The noun use comes from the verb use, meaning to employ for a given purpose or put into action. For the noun usage, the basic dictionary definition can look pretty much the same as that for use, but with usage, there is a sense of continued or common use. It can also refer to the way that something is...

Tags: use, usage,

Difference between within the city limits and incorporated area


The terms city limits and city boundary refer to the defined boundary or border of a city. The area within the city limits is sometimes called the city proper. The terms town limits/boundary and village limits/boundary mean the same as city limits/boundary, but apply to towns and villages. The term incorporated area, however, refers to the area within or outside the city limits that is part of the area supplied with various services, such as public utilities, public transport,...

Tags: within the city limits, incorporated area

Difference between wood and woods


Wood is the substance making up the central part of the trunk and branches of a tree used as a material for construction, to manufacture various items, etc or as fuel, while woods is a dense collection of trees covering a relatively small area; smaller than a...

Tags: wood, woods

Difference between abolishment and abolition


Abolishment, on the other hand, appears in many dictionaries and is not considered incorrect, but abolition is preferred in all modern varieties of English. Both nouns mean the act of doing away with something, ending some kind of practice forever. Neither has any meanings it does not share with the other. Abolition has always been more common, and it now appears about ten times as often as abolishment. Some writers reserve abolishment for senses unrelated to slavery, but the distinction is...

Tags: abolishment, abolition

Difference between embezzlement and misappropriation of funds


Embezzlement is a theft crime that involves taking property that you already possess, but do not own. With embezzlement, a person who is entrusted to manage or control someone else's property uses that property inappropriately, and to the person's own benefit. An employee who uses company property for his personal projects commits embezzlement. Embezzlement can encompass both money and other forms of property. Misappropriation of funds is embezzlement of money only. For example, the treasurer of a club who diverts club funds to his own...

Tags: embezzlement, misappropriation of funds

Difference between motive and intent


In criminal law, there is a sharp distinction between intent and motive. But this distinction is often neglected. Motive is the moving power which impels one to action for a definite result, whereas intent is the purpose to use a particular means to effect such result. Motive is often not an element of a crime, while intent normally is. The question of motive then suggests an inquiry into the state of mind of a person and his thoughts (which is difficult, if not impossible, to conclusively determine), while intent can be established...

Tags: motive, intent

Difference between Ponzi scheme and pilot scheme


A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation where the operator (an individual or organization) pays returns to its investors from new capital paid to the operators by new investors, rather than from profit earned through legitimate sources. Operators of Ponzi schemes usually entice new investors by offering higher returns than other investments, in the form of short-term returns that are either abnormally high or unusually consistent. A pilot scheme is something that is done on a small scale in order to see if it is successful...

Tags: Ponzi scheme, pilot scheme

Difference between rape and assault


By definition, rape is forced and unwanted sexual intercourse onto an individual without his consent. Essentially, sexual assault is an umbrella term that includes all unwanted sexual contact whereas rape refers to a specific crime. Rape is always sexual assault but sexual assault is not always...

Tags: rape, assault

Difference between steal and stealth


Stealth and steal come from the same root word and used to mean the same thing. Stealth is still a certainly a quality useful in stealing, but the meaning has branched out. It can also be something done in...

Tags: steal, stealth,

Difference between seminar and seminary


The difference is that seminary is a theological school for the training of rabbis, priests, or ministers while seminar is a class held for advanced studies in which students meet regularly to discuss original research, under the guidance of a professor....

Tags: seminar, seminary,

Difference between estate tax and inheritance tax


While the terms "estate tax" and "inheritance tax" are often used interchangeably when referring to taxes collected after someone dies, these two terms refer to two completely different types of death taxes. An estate tax is a tax on the privilege of transferring property to others after a person's death. In addition to federal estate taxes, many states have their own estate taxes. It is a type of death tax that is calculated based on the net value of property owned by a deceased person on the date of death. It On the other hand,...

Tags: estate tax, inheritance tax

Difference between employment contract and collective contract


Employment contract: A contract regulating the employment relationship between employer and employee. Collective contract: The contract between the employer and the body representing the employees. An employment contract is an agreement between employer and employee which regulates the conditions of employment in compliance with the labour regulation in effect. A collective contract is the agreement between the employer and the body representing the...

Tags: employment contract, collective contract

Difference between detriment and disadvantage


While these two words have very similar meanings, it is important to understand the difference between them. The word detriment means harm, hurt, or damage, while disadvantage refers to a weakness or an undesirable...

Tags: detriment, disadvantage

Difference between consignee and commission agent


While both are considered business auxiliary services, the nature of the services provided by a consignee is different than those provided by a commission agent. A commission agent sells or purchases on behalf of the principal, while a consignee receives and dispatches the good on behalf of the...

Tags: consignee, commission agent

Difference between consideration and countervalue


Consideration is something of value promised by one party to another in exchange for the performance of a contract. When a person buys a currency for example against the dollar, Countervalue is the dollar value of the...

Tags: consideration, countervalue

Difference between chamber and chambers


A chamber is an association comprising the principal players in a certain industry, usually organized on a geographical level. Chambers, however, refer to the office of a judge, where certain types of matters can be heard "in chambers" instead of open...

Tags: chamber, chambers

Difference between carrier and career


The word carrier refers to a person or company engaged in the professional activity of transporting goods or people from one place to another. A career refers to what a person does for a living: his job, his profession, his occupation, his line of work,...

Tags: carrier, career

Difference between apparatus and bureaucracy


The word “bureaucracy” refers to a body of nonelective government officials, an administrative policy-making group, or a government characterized by specialization of functions, adherence to fixed rules, and a hierarchy of authority. Apparatus, on the other hand, is a group or combination of instruments, machinery, tools, materials, etc. having a particular function or intended for a specific...

Tags: apparatus, bureaucracy

Difference between apostille and legalization


An apostille is a declaration verified or attested to by a notary public. It certifies that the notary who verified a document is one registered in a state. This is the way to ensure that a document receives international recognition. It is sometimes referred to as a ‘fast-track’ version of legalization. Legalization is an internationally recognized procedure for certifying the authenticity of official signatures and/or official seal applied to a public document. It operates by means of an unbroken chain of verifying signatures commencing...

Tags: apostille, legalization

Difference between antiques and antiquities


The two terms are closely related, but they refer to different things. An antique is an old piece of furniture, household item, or other similar item, an object that people collect because of its special features, rarity, or personal emotional connection to the object. On the other hand, antiquity is ancient times; former ages; times long since past; or it can refer to objects or relics of various kinds belonging to ancient times. In building works, they could be parts of ancient structures or artefacts, coins or works of...

Tags: antiques, antiquities

Difference between alteration and altercation


Even though the spelling of these words is almost the same, their meaning is completely different. The word alteration refers to a change, usually a slight change, in the appearance, character, or structure of something. The word altercation, however, refers to a noisy or angry...

Tags: alteration, altercation

Difference between actual and current


'Actual' and 'current' are both adjectives and for Hungarian speakers they are easy to confuse. 'Actual' is most often used as a synonym for 'real', while 'current' is used when referring to something connected to the present. Both notions refer to present and that is why they are confusable. Actual always refer to something real, in reality or something based on fact. Note that actual can only be used in front of a noun, it cannot be used with a verb. For that sense, use current which refers to belonging to the present, or being in...

Tags: actul, current

Difference between limited and unlimited liability


The liability of the owners of a company may either be limited or unlimited. This articles looks into the differences between various forms of liability. Unlimited liability related to the situation where the owners share joint and several responsibility for the entire amount of debt and other liabilities of the business. In contrast, limited liability is a type of liability that does not exceed the funds invested in a business association. Most typically, partnerships can be either limited or unlimited. In case of an unlimited...

Tags: limited liability, unlimited liability

Difference between one tier and two tier corporate governance


Corporate governance refers to the various mechanisms and processes through which corporations are controlled and directed. Companies, or corporations, are generally directed by a director. In cases when one director is not enough to perform all directorial functions, the owners may elect more directors. They form a so called board, which is a corporate body consisting of all the directors. The board is vested with the power to direct and control the company during the period between general meetings. This is basically the one-tier...

Tags: one tier, two tier, corporate governance

Difference between repayment in lump sum and in instalments


If you have a loan, you are likely to make the repayment in monthly instalment. However, it is also possible to repay the whole amount upon maturity. Repayment in instalments means that regular payments are made at certain intervals, usually every month. This way the debt gradually decreases. Each instalment include elements of principal and interest. This is considered a safer way to the bank to collect the debt, since the regular cash from the borrower is an indication of the sound financial position. In some cases, ...

Tags: lump sum, instalments, loan repayment

Difference between instruction and order


Instructions and orders are given by the client in various legal relationships. An order is formal request that the provider or contractor should perform something. The client assumes an obligation to pay for it. An instruction is a written or oral statement given by the client or the client's representative in connection to the performance of an obligation. An order related to the requirement whether the services should be performed, while the instruction is more about how it should be performed. ...

Tags: instruction, order

Difference between receiver and liquidator


The people called in to help in a situation when a company facees insolvency are known as receivers and liquidators.The receiver and liquidator play different roles in helping the company in sucy situations. The liquidator’s role in an insolvency situation focusses on liquidating a company’s assets and turning them into cash in order to pay satisfy the company's creditors. on the other hand, Receivers are appointed to manage a company’s assets for the benefit of the secured parties. This is the major difference, receivers focus on...

Tags: receiver, liquidator, receivership, liquidation

Difference between civil law and common law


Legal systems around the world vary greatly, but they usually follow either civil law or common law. The difference between these systems lies in the actual source of law. Common law is generally referred to as the legal system of Anglo-American countries, which is based on case law, as opposed to civil law, which is based on codified law. In common law, past legal precedents or judicial rulings are used to decide cases at hand. This allowes judges to pro-actively contribute to rules. For example, the elements needed to prove the crime...

Difference between problem and issue


Problem and Issue are two words that are often confused as two words that give the same meaning, although they are not so and there are some differences between the two words. Both problem and issue are to be solved somehow. While issue can be solved more easily, with relatively less brainwork because one already has some applicable plan how to solve it, problem means something more. Solving it requires more thinking and forethought. Thus, an issue is “smaller”, a problem is “bigger” and more serious. Issue might cause some annoyance, but...

Difference between preservation and conservation


Both preservation and conservation refer to maintaining the condition of somethings that is prone to degradation by time. However, their use is totally different. Conservation refers to the effort to keep something in good condition by doing the repair work of a particular piece or collection of items which had degraded from time, elements, and use. For example, an old book or painting may need conservation work to restore its condition while maintaining the original statue. Conservation also refers to the sustainable use of...

Tags: conservation

Difference between biannual and biennial


Biennial and biannual are two terms very often confused. Based on the usage of the pattern of using bi-" in other contexts, one would use these two terms interchangeably. Biannual means something occurs twice every year, or two times within a 365-day period. A biannual session is one take takes place twice a year. Biennial means that something either occurs once every two years or exists or last for two years. The way to remember this is to think of a famous film show in Venice, called "Biennale di Venezia". It is held every two...

Tags: biennial, biannual

Difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion


Both tax avoidance and tax evasion refer to the efforts to minimise the tax payment in various ways: read on to learn the difference between them. Tax avoidance and tax evasion both are means of reducing tax liability, but there is a significant difference between them – tax avoidance is legal and tax evasion is a crime. Tax avoidance is the lawful way of minimizing taxes. Businesses avoid taxes by taking all legitimate deductions and by sheltering income from taxes. This can be done by adjusting the accounts in a manner that it will...

difference between intense and intensive


Intense means something at an extreme degree or strength. It is often used for describing activities or human feelings beyond a certain degree. The task required intense concentration. The project generated intense interest from the investors. There is intense competition between the two companies. Intensive refers to a process which involves continuing efforts. We are offering intensive courses for developing communication skills. The inventory was sold by means of an intensive sales campaign. Intense means...

Difference between validity and effectiveness


Validity and effectiveness have similar meanings, but are used in very different situations. Something is valid if it is well-grounded and justifiable or is acceptable. While something is effective if it has the power to produce some sort of effect. Both validity and effectivenss describe the extent to which a contract is capable of reaching the desired legal effect. Validity: The status of a contract which conforms to all requirements, and there is no reason for its invalidity. Effectiveness: Effectiveness determines the scope that...

Difference between claim and demand


Claim and demand are both legal terms requesting certain things, however the two is not interchangeable, as demand refers to a summons to court, while claim is used to demand compensation for something. In everyday use the difference between the two verbs is that demand expresses a forceful request, while claim is to demand ownership of something. Demand may also refer to the desire to purchase goods. Claim: A monetary amount to be paid by the requestor in a civil action based on the assertion of a right. Demand: Requirement that...

Difference between competence and competency


The two words are interrelated because they have some common meaning; that is why they are confusable. For example, both of them have the meaning of being able to do something. Competence describes what a person can do because they have the ability and the skills, or they possess the required qualification. In legal context, competence of a witness means the mental capacity to participate in a legal process. Competence can occur in science, too. Meanwhile, competency refers to being able to bring something into effect because the person or a...

Difference between company and corporation


Company: An English term for a business association established by owners or shareholder by contributing funds. Corporation: An American term for company, with substantially the same meaning. The terms ‘company’ and ‘corporation’ are mostly used interchangeably – incorrectly. A corporation is a business organization having separate legal entity, which means that is distinct from its owners. It can sue or be sued in its own name, with limited liability (the liability of the members is limited up to the amount unpaid on the shares...

Difference between accrual and deferral


Accrual and deferral are different types of accounting adjustments. An accrual, however, occurs before a payment or receipt. An accrual of an expense refers to the reporting of an expense and the related liability in the period in which they occur, and that period is prior to the period in which the payment is made. Accrued expenses are the expenses of a company that have been incurred but not yet paid. An example of an accrual for an expense is the electricity that is used in December, but the payment will not be made until...

Tags: accrual, deferral



This article intends to clarify the difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics, which are two different fields of the economics. Both micro- and macroeconomics provide fundamental tools to help fully understand how an economy is managed and sustained. While the two disciplines appear to be different, they are actually interdependent and complement one another since there are many overlapping issues between the two fields. Microeconomics deals with the ways in which individuals, firms and families take decisions regarding...

Difference between bookkeeping and accounting


Bookkeeping is the recordation of basic accounting transactions. The bookkeeper follows a prescribed set of procedures on a repetitive basis to record a common activity. A bookkeeper could compile financial statements from the aforementioned transactions. However, those financial statements would be incorrect to some extent, because they would not include the accrual or deferral of expenses, and the accrual or deferral of revenues. These are usually handled by an accountant. Accounting also includes activities such as creating the chart of...

Difference between housing loan and household loan


These terms sound similar but they are used for entirely different purposes. The housing loan is a loan that is basically used for purchasing a home, though it is often used in a broader sence, for the following: • acquisition of land and construction of house, • repairs, renovation, remodeling or extension of a house, • furnishing, beautification or purchase of a house, etc. Household loan, on the other hand, is designed to meet the short term financial need of individuals or households with consistent income. As its name...

Difference between marketing and sales


Marketing and sales are both aimed at increasing revenue, but they are closely intertwined. Most people often don’t even realize the difference between the two. In small organizations, the same people typically perform both sales and marketing tasks. Nevertheless, marketing is different from sales. The typical goal of marketing is to generate interest in the product and create leads or prospects. Marketing activities include consumer research, product development, advertising and pricing the products and services. On the other hand,...

Difference between marketing and public relations


Both Marketing and PR are management functions. But in many organizations, PR and marketing have become intertwined and it’s hard to tell where one ends and the other begins. The difference lies in the final goal: The purpose of marketing is to create and bring to market a product or service that people will buy. It works to sell the company’s products and services. It focuses on customers, both existing and potential, by meeting customer demand and moving goods from producers to distributors and consumers. The purpose of PR, however, is...

Difference between term and condition


The words "term" and "condition" are critical items of a written offer, designed to protect the buyer and seller in a transaction. They are used as a legal English collocation. They are identical, but the two words have different meanings. Conditions must be satisfied before the transaction becomes binding upon the two parties, the seller and the buyer. For example, due diligence allows the buyer to verify all important details before committing to purchase. A term is used to clarify what the buyer expects to be done or included with the...

Tags: term, condition

Difference between public sector and private sector


The private and the public sector are different sectors of the economy. The private sector is usually composed of organizations that are privately owned (and not part of the government). It usually includes corporations (both profit and non-profit) and partnerships. For example, retail stores, credit unions, and local businesses will operate in the private sector. The public sector is usually composed of organizations that are owned and operated by the government. For example, educational bodies, health care bodies, police and prison...

Tags: private sector, public sector

Difference between training and education


The two notions relate to improving skills and knowledge in their first meaning. The difference is that while training aims to provide you with you special skills which are in harmony to your needs, vocation and skills, while learning is about theory: knowing a few in almost every field. For learning, you need to have a foundation or a base in knowledge because it assumes furthering the individual knowledge, training, on the other hand, gives you something new. Secondly, the two words differ in their usage. You can train a horse, for example,...

Tags: training, education

Difference between report and brief


When a task is assigned to a person to conduct a research, the researcher will prepare a document presenting the output of the work performed. This can take various forms, the most frequently used terms are report or brief. A report is a paper containing the findings of the researcher of a certain matter. It can also be an account of events (usually of writing, speech, television, or film) made with the intention of displaying information to the general public, an organization or a specific audience. A brief is an document presenting...

Tags: report, brief

Difference between resume and biography


A biography is a detailed description of a person's life. It comprises not only the basic facts about people like education, work, relationships, and death, but also gives an insight into a their life events. It is usually presented in the form of a book. A resume is a document usually required by companies during job interviews that displays one’s work experience and skills. In summary a biography is an informal account of someone’s life while a resume is a more formal list of the person’s abilities and experiences relevant to an...

Tags: resume, biography

Difference between option and possibility


Option is often used synonymously with possibility, referring to something that may or may not happen. This is fine, until it comes to legal English, where each word may have specific meanings. If you are not familiar with those meanings, your mistake may lead to significant consequences. Let's start with the easier one, possibility. This is basically a "binary", meaning that something will either take place or not. Option is choice that one may make or that the law may provide. It is a possibility to elect something that you have the...

Tags: option, possibility

Difference between heir and beneficiary


Both heir and beneficiary are persons to whom property is passed in a probate situation. Heir is known to many as one who inherits property from a deceased person, but don't forget that it refers to one who has not been mentined in the decedent's last will and testament. The beneficiary is a person named in a will to get a share from the estate, either real or personal property. To further confuse the situation, the beneficiary has other meanings, such as the person who uses the property of another for a certain period or for life....

Tags: heir, beneficiary

Szerződésírással kapcsolatos tippek az angol nyelvet idegen nyelvként beszélők számára (A szerződésírás 5 titka)


Jogászok minden nap foglalkoznak szerződésírással. A szerződések helyes és pontos megfogalmazása alapvetően fontos, hiszen a szerződésben előforduló egyetlen hiba is súlyos következményekkel járhat. Ezt elkerülendő összegyűjtöttünk 5 tippet, amelyek segítségével tökéletesítheti szerződésírási készségeit, hogy a legmagasabb minőségi elvárásoknak is megfelelő szerződések kerülhessenek ki a keze alól. 1. Tömörség A kaliforniai „Civil Code” bevezetetett egy elvet, miszerint „a felesleges információk kihagyása nem vezet érvénytelenséghez”. Ez...

Difference between notice and invitation


To make sure that a person attends some kind of meeting, you may either give notice or send an invitation, depending on the circumstances. Both a notice and an invitation has the same purpose but they are used in different contexts. A notice is a kind of notification given to members of an organization or shareholders of a company informing them of the time, date and venue of the meeting of such organization. It is based on a legal requirement to give such notice in due time before the date of holding a meeting. The notice must always...

Tags: notice, invitation

Difference between earning and profit


Many sources on in the Internet make no distinction between these terms, but they are used differently. Generally, earnings refer to the money that a business earns, which may be calculated after deducting the costs of producing, purchasing, or providing the goods or services. It is used in financial indicators, such "earnings per share". It refers to the company’s profit that is attributed to each individual share, and it is an indicator of a company’s profitability. The higher this ratio is, the more valuable its shares are. Another...

Tags: earning, profit

Difference between revenues and profit


Although both terms relate to the money that a company makes, there is significant difference between revenues and profit. Generally, revenue means the money that the company makes in various ways. Most typically, revenues are generated from the operation activities, but money may also come from financial operations (e.g. borrowing or lending) or extraordinary items (one-time transactions, such as selling a property). Profit is the amount of money that a company keeps after deducting expenditures from the revenues. If the expenditures...

Tags: revenues, profit

Félresikerült vicces fordítások


Néha egy-egy egyszerűbb mondat lefordítása is trükkös lehet. Az alábbi példák tökéletesen illusztrálják, hogy bizony ezekből a bakikból nagyon vicces dolgok is születhetnek. In a Bangkok temple : IT IS FORBIDDEN TO ENTER A WOMAN, EVEN A FOREIGNER, IF DRESSED AS A MAN. Cocktail lounge, Norway: LADIES ARE REQUESTED NOT TO HAVE CHILDREN IN THE BAR. Doctor's office, Rome: SPECIALIST IN WOMEN AND OTHER DISEASES. Dry cleaners, Bangkok: DROP YOUR TROUSERS HERE FOR THE BEST RESULTS. In a Nairobi restaurant: CUSTOMERS...

Difference between disclosure and discloser


For learners of English, disclosure and discloser may sound similar. In fact, they are different terms. Disclosure is the process under which a person in possession of some confidential information reveals such confidential information to someone else. Disclosure is usually made under circumstances where protection is granted, usually by means of a Non-Disclosure Agreement, which is abbreviated to NDA. The Discloser is a person who is engaged in the process of disclosure, thus, reveals confidential information to another person. An NDA...

Tags: disclosure, discloser

Difference between confidential and privileged information


E-mails often end with a statement that the content of the letter is confidential and privileged. This implies to many that they are similar or even inter-related terms. However, this is not the case. It concerns two different legal concepts: lawyer-client confidentiality and lawyer-client privilege. Both terms address information related to the client that a lawyer is not entitled to reveal. It is also true that both confidential information and privileged information serve the purpose of protecting the client’s ability to confide...

Tags: privilege, confidentiality, confidential, information, confidential information

Difference between non-disclosure and confidentiality


Non-disclosure and confidentiality are terms relating to the use of confidential and private information. They are generally incorporated in a document which regulates the use of such confidential information. Such documents are called Non-Disclosure Agreements and Confidentiality Agreements. In business practice, they are used interchangeably and there is little or no difference between the Confidentiality Agreement and the Non-Disclosure Agreement. Persons entering into a Confidentiality Agreement or a Non-Disclosure Agreement will get...

Tags: confidentiality, non-disclosure

Difference between warranty and guarantee


Both warranty and guarantee are used in situations when one provides some products or services and, simultaneously, assumes some kind of additional obligation regarding such products or services. How can we differentiate between them? First let's look at warranty. Warranty is a promise that the provider will stand behind its products or services if they are defective. A warranty is usually a written obligation assumed at the time of providing such products or services. The provider assumes responsibility to repair or replace a defective...

Tags: warranty, guarantee

Difference between general power of attorney and special power of attorney


There are basically two types of powers of attorney: general and special. The general power of attorney is used to authorize a person to act instead of another person in all matters that one could do. It is usually given to a person who is, for some reason, unable to or not in the position to act in a certain matter. A general power of attorney is also called durable power of attorney. The special power of attorney is a document in which one authorizes another person, who is called an attorney in the law, to act on behalf of the...

Tags: Power of Attorney, general power of attorney, special power of attorney

Difference between unimproved land and unincorporated area


Both unimproved land and unincorporated area refers to land where something is missing for housing puposes. Unimproved land simply means that no building or other structure has been built on the relevant parcel of land. Unincorporated area refers to the area within or outside the city limits that is not part of the area supplied with various services, such as public utilities, public transport, etc....

Tags: unimproved land unincorporated area

Difference between drawings and specifications


Both drawings and specifications relate to the documents that must be prepared for obtaining the building permit to erect a building or other structure. Drawings usually refer to the technical designs that the architect of civil engineer prepares. It includes the layout and the various sections. Specifications include documents other than drawings and designs, usually consisting of the so called technical descriptions, including the parameters certifying that the building or structure complies with the requirements set forth in the...

Tags: drawings, specifications

Difference between renewing and extending a contract


Both the renewal and the extension of a contract results in the prolongation of the lease term in everyday terms. Generally speaking, renewal refers to the situation when a contract for a definite term becomes prolonged with another term, usually with the same duration as the original term. In case of extension, the contract is prolonged to a certain date. IN this case the contract will expire at the date specified in the extension clase. Let's look at a practical example. If a contract commencing on January 1 and expiring on...

Tags: extend, renew, extension, renewal, contract extension, contract renewal, extension of a contract, renewal of a contract

Difference between foreseeability and proximiate cause


Difference between foreseeability and proximiate cause These two concepts play a crucial role in tort law. Generally speaking, if the consequence of an act or omission by one party results in injury to second party, the significant query is was the fact that an injury to the second party was likely to follow the act of the first party FORESEEABLE? If it was, and the first party proceeded nevertheless, then the first party is negligent. If the act/omission of the first party caused the injury, he is liable for the damages most...

Tags: foreseeability, foreseeable, proximiate cause, proximity,

Difference between duty and tax


Duty and tax are just two examples for the sources of income for a government. Duty means levied only on products, first of all, and mainly on goods that are imported from another nation (custom duty), while export duty means the duty imposed on goods that are exported from the country. Taxes, on the other hand, are binding which means that if someone failing to pay them is punishable. Taxes come as direct and indirect tax. Income tax, for example, is a direct tax and VAT is an indirect tax. So duty and tax are different in the sense that the...

Tags: duty, tax

Difference between income and revenue


Revenue and income are similar terms but their actual usage differ in various ways. Let's look at the difference. In terms of a business, we can talk about income and revenue. Revenue is the total amount of income generated by the sale of goods or services related to the company's primary operations. Revenues are also known as gross sales, which means the total amount of money that the business receives from selling its products and services. It often referred to as the "top line" because it is displayed at the top of the profit and...

Tags: income, revenue

Difference between state and government


In general sense, state refers to the country or a governed entity, such as a province, and government is the agency through which authority is exercised by political units. State can be defined as a nation or territory considered as political community under one government. There are different types of states, for example, federal state, nation state or sovereign state. Note that a state, in general, occupies a particular geographic area. A state is an independent entity which has certain tasks to carry out. Government, on the contrary, means...

Tags: state, government

Difference between surface water and ground water


Surface and ground water differ in various aspects. The water found on the surface of the earth (rivers, lakes…) are called surface water. Ground water can be found under the surface of the earth. In terms of usage, it is the ground water we drink, use it for cooking, cleaning, etc. Besides these, surface water is used in agriculture or generating electricity. As for the temperature, ground water maintains a constant one, while that of the surface water alters according to the surface. In relation to chemical composition, surface water...

Tags: surface water, ground water

Difference between espionage and treason


Espionage means the act or practice of spying or of using spies to get to know secret information. It may be committed in service of one’s country. Although all cases of espionage are not illegal, it can be against one’s country if one engages in stealing the secrets of the government of that country. It is important to know that according to law, one can be charged separately with treason or separately with espionage or sometimes both, as treason refers to the violation of allegiance toward one’s country. It is committed against the safety of...

Tags: espionage, treason

Difference between cost and price


Cost means the expense that a business incurs in bringing certain product or service to market. Price refers to the amount a customer pays for that product or service. The difference between price and cost is that the profit the business makes when the item sells. In other words, price means the amount customers pay for a product.  For example, when you pay a price for something, it represents the value of what you have to give up for a product or service. Cost, on the other hand, is the amount spent by a business on producing the product....

Tags: cost, price

Difference between ROE and ROA


ROE and ROA are two indicators of the financial performance of a company. They are used to find a company’s financial health and its profitability. Since both of them measure the return on investments, ROE and ROA may be confusable. ROE is the abbreviation of Return on Equity. It means that the net profit is divided by total equity. The result is expressed in percentage. ROA, on the other hand is the abbreviation of Return on Assets. It is a measure used to determine how efficiently a company uses its assets. It means if the company gets...

Tags: ROE, ROA

Difference between progress and development


Both progress and development indicate growth, improvement, moving further. Among these meanings, rather development means movement and growth. Development is more on the scope of movement. In this sense, progress has a linear or upward pattern, and is part of a development, development is focused on the expansion of all aspects. In relation to work and labor, progress is concerned with the result of labor. Development deals with the process. Development occurs when there is growth, or the plan and internal growth enables to work more...

Tags: progress, development

Difference between supply and demand


Supply and demand are two basic concepts used in economics. These terms have to do with the goods that are available in the market. They also affect the price. Supply means the amount of given products that the producer intends to sell at a certain price. This price is usually determined by the supply and the demand of the product. So, the higher the price of a product, the higher the supply the product, and the lesser quantity of the product, the higher the price of that product is. Demand, on the other hand refers to a consumer desire and...

Tags: supply, demand

Difference between marriage and wedding


The common in the terms marriage and wedding is that in both cases, to persons’ life is united. While wedding refers to the act of marrying, the act of joining closely, marriage means the union itself in which a couple lives, in an ideal case, happily. In other words, wedding refers to the ceremony on the occasion of the beginning of the marriage of a couple, marriage means the legal union of a woman and a man as wife and husband. There are different forms of marriage. In some legislation, the legal union of two persons of the same sex is...

Tags: marriage, wedding

Difference between manner and method


Manner and method are often confusable in terms of their meanings. Manner means the social behavior. For example, if somebody shouts in the streets, it is a bad manner. Manner can refer to a kind of polite behavior that should be innate. For instance, if we say “That person has no manners”, we mean that a person can not behave politely which they should do by nature. Moreover, manner can refer to a poet’s writing style. Method, on the other hand, is often used to refer to any branch of mental activity. It can also mean a scheme of...

Tags: manner, method

Difference between friend and acquaintance


Everyone can decide who is a friend for them and who is not. If someone is not your friend but not a foe either, they can be an acquaintance. It depends on the depth of your relationship with the other. Acquaintances are those people, who you see and talk to almost every day, nevertheless, your relationship is not that intimate and deep. That is, the relationship with acquaintances is rather superficial. Also, friends and acquaintances have different level of interest. Moreover, the quality of time spent with others can define who is a friend...

Tags: friend, acquaintance

Difference between cause and effect


Although cause and effect are a series of actions which rationally follows from one action to another, there is a difference between their meanings. Cause happens first. It is anything that makes an event happen. Effect comes after cause. It refers to the outcome of the cause. Effect can not exist without any cause. In other words, cause can explain why the effect comes in the first place. Cause can be a person, object, event or situation that results in something, while effect is the result of the actions of the persons or it means the...

Tags: cause, effect

Difference between GDP and GNP


GDP is the abbreviation of Gross Domestic Product, and GNP is Gross National Product. Both measure the size and the strength of and economy but they are calculated in a different manner. While GDP means the estimated value of the total worth of the production and the service of a country, within the borders, GNP refers to the estimated value of the total worth of production or service of a country, on its land, or abroad. Both are calculated over the course on one year. GDP is used to see the strength of a country’s local economy, whereas GNP...

Tags: GDP, GNP

Difference between ambition and goal


Ambition and goal are sometimes confused in terms of their usage, although one of them means something more than pure motivation. Goal can be desired result that a person whishes to achieve. In other words, it is a target someone wants to reach. Ambition, on the other hand, means the desire or a motivation that drives a person. To put it differently, a goal is a target, an end-point from where a person sees themselves after a certain period of time. Also, goals can be short or long term. Ambition, on the contrary, refers to the strong...

Tags: ambition, goal

Difference between jail and prison


Most often, jails are run by sheriffs or local governments and they are designed to hold individuals awaiting for their trials or serving their sentences. Prisons, on the other hand, are operated by the state and the Federal Bureau of Prisons and they are designed to hold people convicted with a crime. Moreover, jails operate work release programs and specialized programs which address educational needs, substance abuse needs, and vocational needs while managing inmate behavior. Prisons operate halfway houses work release centers and...

Tags: jail, prison

Difference between title warranty and warranty for defects


The concept of warranty differs in the civil and common law systems, now, we look at the concept "warranty" from a civil law point of view. Civil law being primarily statutory law, the types of warranties are generally described in the civil code of the relevant jurisdiction. However, in general, warranty has two main categories, title warranty and warranty for defects. Title warranty is a statement, or in other words, representation, of a seller concerning the product sold. It generally relates to the legal status of the product...

Tags: title warranty, warranty for defects, civil law warranty

Difference between mortgage and security interest


Both mortgage and security interest relate to securing the repayment of a loan by providing a collateral. Mortgage is a legal instrument, whereby real property is granted as a security for the repayment of a loan. In case of a payment default, the mortgagee may acquire the title to the property which has been used to secure the loan. The person who holds a mortgage, that is the right to eventually acquire titel to the property is the credit is not repaid. Security, on the other hand, is a term used more frequently in commercial...

Tags: mortgage, security interest, secured transactions

Difference between applicant and candidate


Both applicants and candidates are persons aspiring either to receive something, or, as in our case, to fill a certain position. Since the two terms are related to each other in the context of employment, we look at the meanings of these words in an employment setting. In employment, an applicant is a person who wishes to get a job, usually by submitting a job application. Please note that application can aim at admission to other institutions, too, such as a university, for example. The company will then decide if they wish to employ such...

Tags: applicant, candidate

Difference between work and works in legal context


In the legal setting, both work and works are related to some efforts exerted by various persons. They all have everyday meanings, but we now look at the legal meaning of the words. Work refers to any activity that one may be engaged in under a contract aimed at performing various activities. In this sense, an employment contract is also a contract aimed at performing work, though a specific one. Contracts for services are also considered contracts for the performance of some type of work. A contracting agreement is also aimed at doing...

Tags: work, works,

Difference between sale and supply


Sale and supply both refer to selling certain items in various situations. The property that is sold may vary from real property to different products or goods. Sale generally refers to the passing of title to such property. The property in this context is classified as either real or personal. The exact content differs in various jurisdictions, but the passing of the title in exchange for a consideration is present in each case. The contract regulating sales, namely a contract for sale, is focused on the transfer of title to the property....

Tags: sale, supply

Difference between suicide and euthanasia


Suicide derives from the Latin word suicidium meaning to kill oneself. So suicide means the act of intentionally taking one’s own life. It is often committed because if despair, depression or stress due to financial, family or relationship problems, or unhappiness with one’s own life. Euthanasia, on the other hand, means the act of intentionally taking other person’s life. What makes euthanasia different from killing? Some doctors, for example, are entitled to apply euthanasia on those who are very sick and who have no chance for life and...

Tags: suicide, euthanasia

Difference between democracy and monarchy


Democracy and monarchy refer to two completely different forms of governance. In a monarchy, the head of the state is decided upon heredity, there is no elections for it. The crown is passed from one generation to another and it is essential to be part of the royal family because the children of the monarch inherit the power and the title. There are two types of this form: absolute monarchy-which means the royal family has supreme powers and it can participate in law making, what is more, people have no voice-and constitutional monarchy,...

Tags: democracy, monarchy

Difference between nationality and citizenship


To put it simply, nationality refers to the country where a person was born, while citizenship means the legal status, that is, an individual who has been registered with the government. Nationality is inherited from parents (which is called natural phenomenon), while an individual can receive citizenship only if he is accepted into the political frameworks of a given country through legal terms. In other words, nationality can be described as a term referring to belonging to a group which has the same culture, whereas citizenship means a...

Tags: nationality, citizenship

Difference between facts and evidence


In legal context, fact means a truth that can be proven. Also, a fact is told by someone and it has to be accepted only on belief. In terms of evidence, there are two types: documental and factual. For example, the decision of a court is always based on documental evidence. It can be disproved with factual evidence. Second, evidence can be easily destroyed because it lacks strength and cannot be proved authentically, while fact can be proved by all means. Moreover, fact is characterized by truth, whereas evidence is characterized by falsehood....

Tags: facts, evidence

Difference between fraud and theft


Both fraud and theft are crimes and both are about taking away something from others without permission. Fraud means a deceit over another person in order to gain profit and an untruthful advantage. The main purpose of fraud is take money or other valuable things from other people. Theft means taking away something from somebody without their consent. The difference between the two terms is that while the fraudster tends to hide the crime as long as possible because they do not want their victim to know about something has been stolen from...

Tags: fraud, theft

Difference between also and as well


Also and as well are two adverbs meaning basically the same. So, it is not the meaning in which they differ but their place in the sentence, for example. Also is usually used with the verb. As well usually goes to the end of the sentence or the clause. However, they can refer to different parts of a sentence or a clause depending on what is intended to express. Also can be placed at the beginning of the sentence. Also has more liberal sentence placement-for example, it can go to the beginning of the sentence-because it is the synonym of...

Tags: also, as well

Difference between corporation and incorporation


Both terms refer to the formation and the structure of legal entities. A corporation may have properties, may sue and be sued, also conduct business in its own name. Shares can be sold, given and inherited. The shareholders’ liability is limited to their investment. Usually they do not risk their personal assets unless a lender or a seller asks them to guarantee payment of their debts. A board of directors manages the corporation who are elected by shareholders. Incorporation, on the other hand, refers to the process that created the...

Tags: corporation, incorporation

Difference between advice and advise


These words belong to different categories: advice is a noun, while advise is a verb. When you hear these two words without context, it would be really difficult to decide which is which. Fortunately, the pronunciation helps us: advice is pronounced with an [s], whereas advise is pronounced with a [z]. Use-use is the example of the same phenomenon. So advice refers to recommendation, while advise means the act of giving advice. It is important to note that advice is...

Tags: advice, advise

Difference between opportunity and possiblity


Both opportunity and possibility mean that there is a chance for something achievable, to succeed in something. However, they can not be used as synonyms for each other in any situations. Opportunity refers to something being possible for you to do because the circumstances are favorable or ucky at the time. In other words, it is an appropriate time or occasion and comes with some defined realities. Possibility, on the other hand, means the fact that something might happen or be true. Also, it is used with of or that. It has fewer...

Tags: opportunity, possibility

Difference between beholder and repository


Beholder has the meaning of observer. In other words, it is a person who gains awareness of things or events through their senses. Repository refers either to a place where a large number of objects, things are stored, or to a person possesses a lot of information, a wisdom, for example. It also means a side altar in a Roman Catholic church where the consecrated Host is reserved. It also relates to a burial vault. A place or region which is rich in natural resources, it is also called repository....

Tags: beholder, repository

Difference between capacity and resource


Capacity primarily occurs as a noun. Its appearance as an adjective is extremely rare but as an adjective it means filling a space with the most it can hold. As a noun, it refers to the ability to receive or hold something, or to the maximum amount that can be contained. It also refers to the mental ability to learn or retain knowledge, or the ability to make or accomplish something. In legal context, it refers to legal qualification or authority. Resource, on the other hand, relates to something that is available for use, or to an available...

Tags: capacity, resource

Difference between prominent and prestigious


Both terms have to do with the meaning of being acknowledged or recognized. Prominent, on the one hand, means standing out so as to be easily seen, on the other hand, it refers to standing out beyond the adjacent line, and thirdly, it means being eminent, widely known, or leading, important. Prestigious particularly means having a high reputation, widely known and esteemed. Prestigious usually relates to a...

Tags: prominent, prestigious

Difference between image and appearance


Image and appearance have common in the sense that both can relate to physical appearance. However, from other points of view, their meaning is different. Image can appear as a noun or a verb. As a noun, primarily it means the representation of a person or an object. In physics, it refers to an optically formed duplicate or other representative of an object. It also refers to the opinion about something held by the public. Moreover, it also means a mental picture. As a verb, it means to mirror or reflect on the on the one hand, on the other...

Tags: image, appearance

Difference between invasion and occupation


Both terms have to do with the meanings in military sense, however, their meaning differs from other points of view. Invasion means the entrance of an armed force into a territory to conquer or it relates to any intrusion. Besides, it means the onset or advent of something harmful, especially, a disease. In pathology, it refers to the spread of cancer from its point of origin into surrounding tissues. Invasion also occurs in the field of botany, where it means the movement of plants to a new area or where they are not native. Occupation, on...

Tags: invasion, occupation

Difference between continuous and constant


Continuous comes from the Latin continuus which is a form of continere meaning to hold together. It may have different meanings, including moving through time, or substance without interruption, or attached in repeating units. Constant, on the other hand, refers either to something recurring regularly or unchanging or invariable. In these senses, these words are adjectives. Constant can occur as a noun, too. In this case, it refers to a factor that is permanent or invariable. In algebra, it relates to a quantity that remains at a fixed value...

Tags: continuous, constant

Difference between error and mistake


Both words mean a wrong action due to bad judgment or ignorance. They are often used interchangeably, while they have their proper way of usage. In formal or technical context, the use of error is appropriate, and in computing, too, error is the fitting term for any kind of mistake or fault. Mistake, on the other hand is often used in causal English. In language learning, mistake is natural, which the language learner commits while learning, but if they are corrected, they should not come up anymore. If particular mistakes occur more often and...

Tags: error, mistake

Difference between townhouse and villa


They are different types of adobe. A townhouse emphasizes more on the terraces and it is more of a contemporary style of a house, whereas a villa consists of a larger central building with all amenities. Most villas are built in Roman style and for the upper class. Townhouses are found in crowded areas, usually in town or cities. Villas have beautiful gardens which townhouses do not. Villas are usually for one family, while townhouses may accommodate more. Villas usually stand alone, whereas townhouses are built in complexes....

Tags: townhouse, villa

Difference between FBI and CIA


Both FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) are two agencies that collect and act upon information that is either related to crimes or affects national security. Although, they often cooperate, they differ in more points of view. The FBI, primarily, is a law enforcement agency that performs crime investigation and collects intelligence concerning domestic security, while the CIA is not responsible for the latter. The FBI also has to coordinate information collection and evaluation, and for this, it has...

Tags: FBI, CIA

Difference between hazard and risk


Both nouns refer to something that is threatening or can cause harm or damage. Hazard refers to the source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects under certain conditions. Examples can include, for instance, electricity, chemicals, certain working conditions (like climbing up a ladder), bully at work, stress. Risk, on the other hand, is the high or low chance that any kind of hazard will cause harm. In other words, it refers to a factor or a cause involving uncertain danger, hazard. It is also used as a term for the variability of...

Tags: hazard, risk

Difference between manslaughter and murder


Both terms refer to killing a human being. The main difference between them is determined upon the intention in the mind of the killer. Murder means killing another person without any justification or excuse. In other words, it is the unlawful premeditated killing of a human being. In the most modern statutes of the US, murder has four varieties: intentional murder, a killing which resulted from the intention to cause bodily injury, a killing which resulted from a depraved heart or extreme recklessness, and finally, a killing committed by an...

Tags: manslaughter, murder

Difference between attachment and enclosure


The document that is part of a business letter is called attachment. It adds information within the letter or further describes it. When sending an attachment, include the word “attachment” on the bottom right side of the letter and a semi-colon after which the number of the attachment shall be written. Enclosure, on the other hand, is a document which is in addition to a business letter. It can stand alone, and thus, it is not necessary to explain in the business letter what the document is or how to interpret it. When sending an enclosure...

Tags: attachment, enclosure

Difference between depreciation and devaulation


Both depreciation and devaluation mean an incent when the value of currency falls in terms of another one. The main difference between them lies in the manner in which this happens. Devaluation happens when a country consciously lowers its exchange rate in a fixed or semi-fixed exchange rate. This may be done, for example, in order to boost its exports. Devaluation is only possible if the country is a member of some kind of fixed exchange rate policy. Depreciation, on the other hand, occurs due to supply and demand factors, that is, the value...

Tags: depreciation, devaulation

Difference between than and then


Firstly, than is a conjunction used mainly in comparisons. Then is primarily an adverb usually used place actions in time. For example: First, I went to the post office, then I did the shopping, then I went home. In distinguishing between the two words, it is useful to remember that than has no one-word synonyms. Promotion is cheaper than advertising.The word then most often relates to time. Then can be used as enumeration, as well....

Tags: than, then

Difference between aim and objective


Many consider aim and objective the same. Basically, they meaning is similar, nevertheless, there is difference between them. First of all, aim refers to what you want to achieve, while objective is what you need to do to achieve those goals. So an aim is more abstract, an objective is more specific. Moreover, an objective is bound to time, whereas an aim does not need to be. Aim is related to hope and ambition, while objective relates to material action. In other words, aim means the overall intention in a project, so it is generally broad,...

Tags: aim, objective

Difference between advertising and promotion


Basically, advertising is a one-way communication, where the purpose is to inform customers about products and services. Promotion, on the other hand, is about disseminating the information about a product or a brand. Advertising is used in long term, while promotion in short term. Thus, advertising is more expensive than promotion. The purpose of advertising is to increase sales and to build brands, while the aim of promotion is only to increase sales. Advertising is suitable for medium to larger companies, while promotion is appropriate for...

Tags: advertising, promotion

Difference between copyright and patent


Copyright, as a noun, protects basically the expression of ideas which can include books, paintings, songs, movies… In other words, it prohibits the distribution of the original works of an author. However, it does not protect the process through which this particular work was created or the use of information it contains. Patent is a right, granted by the government, to exclude others from making, using or selling an invention. The essential point is that patents protect ideas, not just their expressions. Copyright, in this form, can also...

Tags: copyright, patent

Difference between civil law and criminal law


Both regulate citizens and include and determine the consequences of serious and less serious crimes. Civil law deals with the disputes between individuals, organizations, while criminal law deals with crimes and their legal punishment. It also maintains the stability of the state and society by punishing offenders. In civil law, a case can be filed by a private party, while in criminal law, it can be filed by the government. In civil law, it depends on the judge whether a defendant is liable or not. In criminal law, the jury decides if a...

Tags: civil law, criminal law

Difference between stock and bond


Stock and bond are the two main categories of assets investors use. While stocks represent an ownership interest in a corporation, bonds are long-term debts, in which the issuing corporation has to pay the principal amount by a given date. Stocks pay dividends to the owners only if the corporation declares a dividend, while bonds pay interest rate to the bondholders. Stocks can be bought and sold, while in case of bonds, they make the owner a lender. In other words, stock is a piece of corporation signifying partial ownership in the company,...

Tags: stock, bond

Difference between debit card and credit card


With debit cards, you can pay for goods in shops and it is also used to withdraw money at any time. The money is automatically taken from the current account when it is spent, so enough money is needed to have on the account. Some debit cards are contactless, meaning that you do not need to type in your PIN-code under a certain amount. In opposition, a credit card is not linked to the current account but it is a credit facility which enables you to buy things immediately up to a certain limit and pay for them at a later date. However, the cost...

Tags: debit card, credit card

Difference between accounting and finance


Accounting and finance are both forms of managing money of a business, however, they are not the same, as they differ in more points of view. First of all, accounting could be defined as the preparation of accounting records, while finance is about efficient and productive management of assets based on existing information. As for the purposes, it aims to measure, analyze and interpret the financial statements, as well as to collect and present financial information, while finance relates to decision making regarding to working capital issues,...

Tags: accounting, finance

Difference between notice and notification


Notice and notification sounds very similar, as both refers to the procss thorugh which the parties can inform each other. However, their meaning is different. Notice is rather used in the sense of observe or warning, while the synonym of notification could be announcement. And this is the main difference between the two words. It is important to note that notice can occur in this form either as a noun or a verb. If it is a verb, it refers to the meaning of observe. But when it is used as a noun, then it means warning. In other words,...

Tags: notice, notification

Difference between developing countries and developed countries


A developed country has a high-level of industrial development, and the base of its economy is technology and manufacture, while a developing country bases its economy rather on agriculture. In a developed country, the factors of production (like natural resources) are fully utilized and leads to mass production and consumption, which results in high level of per capita income. In contrast, developing countries do not have the means and the resources for mass production and thus, for mass consumption, therefore, the per capita income in these...

Tags: developing countries, developed countries

Difference between annulment and divorce


The similarity between these notions is that technically, both procedures put an end to a marriage. The main difference between them is that while annulment declares that the marriage was never valid and thus, never existed. In other words, annulment treats the marriage as if it had never existed. Divorce, in contrast, means the legal dissolution of a valid marriage. The result of a divorce is that the marriage was legally concluded and each party is single again and has the chance to remarry. In other words, if you receive an annulment, you...

Tags: annulment, divorce

Difference between insurance and assurance


Insurance: The legal term for providing coverage for a contingent loss. Assurance: A term synonymous to insurance. These two terms are often mixed up because they sound similarly. In financial context, insurance refers to the guaranteeing protection of an object or a person or it means the guarantee in case of loss or damage. Assurance, on the other hand, means to make someone comfortable with a decision and to clarify their doubts. Insurance refers to the protection against an event that might happen, while assurance means the...

Tags: insurance, assurance

Difference between will and intention


The meaning of these nouns are really similar, however, they are not the same. Intention means the aim that guides an action or an objective. It also means goals or aims. In legal context, it means the design with which a person refrains from doing an act. In medicine, it refers to a certain manner of healing, like healing fracture without granulation. Will, on the other hand, desire, purpose, determination, so it is kind of stronger than intention. It can also mean self-determination or self-discipline. As a verb, it means to decide or to...

Tags: will, intention

Difference between decision and resolution


Both decision and resolution words refer to the final statement made in connection with an issue. But they are used in different contexts. In legal context, decision refers to both administrative and judicial determinations, for example, final judgments, rulings or provisional orders made by court. It also means a conclusion or a judgment reached after consideration or the act of making up one’s mind. As for resolution, in legal sense, it means the official expression of the opinion or will of a legislative body but it can also refer to...

Tags: decision, resolution

Difference between inform and notify


Both verbs mean to tell somebody about something. Both verbs can have two objects. The first difference is that notify is more official than inform. Basically, notify means to give someone a notice of something, whilst inform means to provide information. Also, it means to disclose confidential information to an authority, or to report. In addition, it also refers to the act of education or training, but this sense of meaning is a bit obsolete. Inform may occur as an adjective in this form, in this case, it means unshaped. Notify, on the other...

Tags: inform, notify

Difference between affect and influence


Affect, which is primarily a verb, means to have an influence, to act on the emotions. It might occur as a noun, in that case, affect refers to a feeling or an emotion which is manifested by facial expressions or body language. Influence, on the other hand, means a power which affects people, a thing or events. It also refers to the power or affect based on prestige, wealth, ability or position. In addition, it can also relate to a determining factor which is believed to affect individual tendencies. As a verb, it means to have an effect upon...

Tags: affect, influence

Difference between effect and affect


Both words have to do with impact, influence. The crucial difference between them is their word form which people tend to interchange. Affect is the verb and effect is the noun. Effect means a consequence or a result produced by a cause or an agency. It also refers to the power to produce results, moreover, it can also mean efficacy, force or validity. Although it is a noun, the verb form of the world also exists but the meaning is different. If it is a verb, in legal context, for example, it means to bring to pass, to execute, to enforce or...

Tags: effect, affect

Difference between employment and labour


Both employment and labour are related the relationship regulating the world of work. Basically, the contractual relationship between the employer and the employee is called employment. The contract regulating their relationships is called employment contract. Labour, or as used in American English, labor, is the relationship between all parties involved in any labour issues.In addition to employer and employee,it most often includes the organization of the employees, namely the trade union or the workers' (or works ) council. The...

Tags: employment, labour

Difference between agency agreement and contracting agreement


Both the agency and the contracting agreements aim at certain services to be peformed by the agent/contractor to the principal/client. An agency contract is made between the principal and the agent, under which the latter agrees to represent the principal in any matters or perform certain duties in advancement of the interest of the principal. A contract whereby the contractor agrees to build, repair, assemble or create a product required by the client. The difference between the agency contract and the contracting agreement is...

Tags: agency contract, agency agreement, contracting agreement, civil law, legal terms

Difference between terraced building and townhouse


The two words refer more or less to the same type of housing, the only difference between them is that the expression ’terraced building’ is used in the UK, whereas the word ’townhouse’ is used in the US. Both types refer to a two or three-story house separated from the adjacent house by a common wall in a row of houses. They can also be called row houses or linked houses. In case of terrace houses, the first and the last houses in the row are called end terraces; the houses in the middle of the row are called mid terraces. It is...

Tags: terraced building, townhouse

Difference between crime and delict


In everyday use, the two words are often used interchangeably; however, they refer to different types of offences. The word ’crime’ is used in a wider sense describing either intentional or accidental wrongs. A murder, a fraud, a robbery can all be described as a crime. The punishment for a crime is more severe than the punishment for a delict. Contrary to the word ’crime’, delict refers exclusively to offences resulting from the intentional or negligent breach of duty. A breach of contract or breach of trust can be considered as a...

Tags: crime, delict

Difference between revolution and civil war


In the course of human history, revolutions and civil wars have taken place from time to time. Revolution comes from the Latin word ‘revolutio’ meaning ’turn around’. It refers to an event during which people revolt against their government with the aim of toppling the current regime. It is interesting to mention that, figuratively speaking, the word ’revolution’ can also be used to describe cultural, technological or digital changes, if these phenomena occur quickly and suddenly. Contrary to revolutions, civil wars take place among people...

Tags: revolution, civil war

Difference between townhouse and duplex


In housing, there are plenty of expressions which refer to different houses depending on their size, type or function. In North America and Australia, townhouse refers to a type of home with two or three floors and a common wall with the adjacent house. Contrary to the condominium ownership, in which the owner owns only the airspace between the walls, ceiling and floor, townhouse owner owns the actual structure as well. In British English, townhouse originally referred to city residence of a noble person in opposition to their country...

Tags: townhouse, duplex

Difference between concept and conception


These are two tricky words because it seems that concept and conception can be used interchangeably. They are releated to each other in a sense that both refers to creating or having something new. Conception is the act of conceiving things and persons. Conception referes to how a new organizm is produced. This word is used synonimously to fertilization. A concept is a notion or an idea, very often referring to a new one. It is often an abstraction or generalization from experience or from theory. In the law, concepts referes to...

Tags: concept, conception, legal concept,

Difference between conduct and behavior


The first difference is that while conduct can be either a noun or a verb, behavior occurs as a noun, in this word form. Behavior refers to the action of a living being or a system, while conduct, as a noun refer to the way a person acts, especially from the point of view of morality and ethics. As a verb, it can mean lead or control, or to serve for conveying or transmitting. Behavior can mean the response to various external impulsions and it is controlled by the nervous system. In musical sense, conduct refers to the act of direction of a...

Tags: conduct, behavior

Difference between yours sincerelly and yours faithfully


Yours sincerelly is rather used in British English. It is also used in the US, however, American speakers tend to reverse the order and use the expression as Sincerelly yours. If the name of the recipient is not known, Yours sincerelly is used but if it is known, Yours faithfully is better to chose. You can say goodbye at the end of a letter with Yours faithfully if it is rather an official letter, in case of a rather friendly but not intimate letter, you can use Yours faithfully. For example, if you use Dear Mr Smith to begin your letter, it...

Tags: yours sincerelly, yours faithfully

Difference between historic and historical


Historic refers to an important and influential event of history, or to some famous persons in history, while historical means anything from the past. In light of this, the first voyage to the Moon is historic; the architecture of a town center can be historical. Historical documents mean documents from the history but if we talk about an important decision, for example, it is historic. Also a house can be historic, if and important person lived...

Tags: historic, historical

Difference between authoritative and authoritarian


Authoritative simply means to have due authority, or to have an air of authority. An authoritative person demonstrates authority, she or he is commanding. It also means being recognized or accepted as true, reliable or official. This adjective can also refer to showing or having impressive knowledge about a particular field, or having a confident quality of a respected person. Authoritarian, on the other hand, means being characterized by or to be favoring obedience to authority, as against individual freedom. It also refers to the person who...

Tags: authoritative, authoritarian

Difference between electrical and electronics


Electronics is the use of electronic devices, while electrical means concerned with electricity or relating to electronics. In another sense, electronics, if it is used with singular verb, it means the science that deals with the development and application of electronic systems and devices, for example, the flow of electrons in a vacuum. If electronics is used with a plural verb, it is about electronic devices, systems or circuits that are developed through electronics....

Tags: electrical, electronics

Difference between summary and summation


These word are often used as interchangeable words, however, there is a big difference between them. Summary is about dispensing with unnecessary matters and presenting only what is needed. Summation, on the contrary, is about dealing with totaling all that is available. To put it differently, summary means briefing, while summation refers to totaling. Moreover, summary is used rather in an official sense, while summation occurs in mathematical context, while in legal sense, in the US, it means the conclusion of statements made by opposing...

Tags: summary, summation

Difference between technician and technologist


These terms are often used as interrelated, however, they differ in terms of education level and responsibilities. Firstly, a technologist has a greater role. This means that while a technician has a practical understanding of technology, a technician has a good knowledge of the general principles of their field, whereas a technologist is aware of various technologies. Thus, a technologist controls the technician, former’s position is above. As for their education, a technologist has an engineering degree; a technician has some kind of lower...

Tags: technician, technologist

Difference between aquatic and marine


Both terms refer to a creature living in water or a thing operating there. The first difference is that aquatic always an adjective, while marine can either be a noun or an adjective. If it is a noun, it refers to a soldier serving on a ship or at a naval installation. Aquatic refers to a being growing or living in water; it describes the properties and characteristics of an animal or a plant in water. It also means some kind of activity in water, any kind of water sport. Also in biology, it can refer only to freshwater or together with its...

Tags: aquatic, marine

Difference between feasible and viable


Both adjectives mean possible, however, they are slightly different in the world of business, they differ mainly in usage with other words. To understand this very small difference, it is necessary to look at their definition. Feasible means capable of being accomplished or brought about, or capable of being used or dealt with successfully. In another sense, it also means logical or likely. Viable, on the other hand, means capable of living, or developing under favorable conditions. In business, there are some words which can be used only with...

Tags: feasible, viable

Difference between habit and behavior


Both terms describe the characters of a person or a system but it is important to understand the differences between them so as not to confuse them. Behavior refers to the action of a living being or a system, while habit is the routine of behavior. Habit occurs when a behavior is repeated regularly and it occurs subconsciously. Behavior means the response to various external impulsions. Habit sometimes can be “compulsory”, behavior, on the contrary, is controlled by the nervous system. Behavior can turn to be a habit but is does not work the...

Tags: habit, behavior

Difference between flat and apartment


Both words refer to a kind of residence which is not a house with a garden but they are smaller residences. The first difference between them is that flat is a British English word, while apartment is apartment is an American English word. Although, apartment exists in British English, too but it has a different meaning: it refers to a set of large rooms with expensive furniture and decoration. Castles can be referred to as apartments or some particular public building, for example, the Royal Apartments. It also means a room furniture and set...

Tags: flat, apartment

Difference between protectorate and colony


These terms are similar in terms of a country, is either a protectorate or a colony, it is influenced by another country in some ways. However, protectorate means that the state is under the protection of another country in exchange for something. This other country acts as a defender and protects the protectorate from foreign invasion. On the contrary, a colony is a territory governed by another country, thus, it does not have any sovereignty. A protectorate is likely to have foreign relations but they are directed towards the country that...

Tags: protectorate, colony

Difference between technology and technics


Technics, by definition, means the study of an art, or arts generally, especially in terms of mechanical or industrial ones, that is, their technicality. In other words, this term refers to the technical details, rules or methods, if the word is used in plural. If it is in singular, it means theory or the principles of an art. On the other hand, technology refers to the branch of knowledge dealing with the creation and the use of technical means and their connection to life, society and environment. It can also mean the scientific or...

Tags: technology, technics

Difference between erase and delete


If we erase or delete a file, we can not see it anymore, in this sense, these verbs are similar. Erase refers to the act of removing something written, usually by rubbing it. If something is erased, it is gone from existence, while if something is deleted, it means removing files from one place, however, it does exist in another, and it is recoverable. If something is erased, it does not exist anymore. Both terms are used in digital sense, while in real world, only erase can be used, as delete can refer only to deleting something digitally....

Tags: erase, delete

Difference between courier and cargo


These terms are similar in the sense that both courier and cargo are modes of sending a parcel, they differ in more aspects. For example, as for the parcel itself to be sent, cargos usually send goods, heavy packages, clothing, materials and so on, while courier is about sending smaller items, like documents. Cargo ensures the safety of the things while couriers do not guarantee it. They also differ in the amount of time the sending of the parcels take: for cargos, delivery takes longer. Cargo services usually handle more number of things to...

Tags: courier, cargo

Difference between boat and yacht


Both are a means of water transport and they are referred as smaller types. The first difference between them is that a boat is generally longer: it is usually 197 feet long, while a yacht is about 30 feet long. However, a boat can be referred to as a yacht if it is luxurious enough. They also differ in usage. Yachts are used for longer trips and thus, they are equipped with modern navigation system. As a consequence, they are more expensive, especially if they are so called megayachts or superyachts. In short, yachts are kept mainly for the...

Tags: boat, yacht

Difference between antique and vintage


Basically, both terms refer to something old, bygone. Antique does not have other meaning than being really old. Vintage, one the other hand originates from the Anglo-French word meaning vine harvest. Later, this sense shifted to the age of a given wine. In the 1880’s, vintage referred to a general adjective, being an earlier time. Later, in the 1920’s, it was used for cars, and nowadays, it describes a particular design, referring to fashion, home or any other kind of decoration. One of the differences between the two terms is the perceived...

Tags: antique, vintage

Difference between ship and boat


Both words can occur as nouns and verbs, too and both are a means of water transport. The first difference between them is that, for example, a ship can carry a boat, but it is not true the other way. That is, there is a difference between them in terms of size: ship is bigger. Secondly, they differ in relation to operational areas. Ships are operated in oceanic areas and high seas. Cruise vessels, naval ships, tankers, container ships are all belong to the category of ships. They are built mainly for cargo or passenger transportation. In...

Tags: ship, boat

Difference between compare and contrast


These terms are often used together, for example, in instructions. Both of them have Latin origin. Compare comes from comparare, meaning to liken or compare. Contrast comes from contra + stare, meaning against + to stand. This information suggests that compare refers to the relative value of the objects in all qualities, while contrast means to look at the dissimilarities between two (or more) things. Although, compare is about to find similarities, it can trigger the meaning of contrasting the items as well, after finding the similarities. To...

Tags: compare, contrast

Difference between interpreter and translator


Both professions are about mediating between the mother tongue and one, or more foreign languages. If it happens in speech, it is called interpretation, if it happens in written form, it is a translation. It is not enough to be an expert in the mother language and the foreign ones, both interpreters and translators need to have a strong cultural background. Although both professions work with language, different skills are needed for a translator and an interpreter. While translators usually translate to their mother tongue, an interpreter has...

Tags: interpreter, translator

Difference between conservation and preservation


Both terms occur generally in environmental context. Conservation is about to accept that changes and progressions are necessary for a better future but only if the change takes place not in a way that is not wasteful. Environmental conservation is sometimes regarded as a shallow form of environmentalism. On the contrary, preservation refers to the act of those areas of the Earth in their present condition which is still untouched by humans. Environmentalist preservation is seen a deeper form of environmentalism. Conversation refers to the...

Tags: conservation, preservation

Difference between refugee and asylum


To understand better the difference between the two terms, it is necessary to clarify their definitions. Refugee refers to a person who flees from the home land to another country seeking refuge from war, political oppression or religious persecution. Asylum means protection from extradition granted by a government to a refugee from another country. Both terms are used in immigration law and they are often confused and both of them refers to persons who are subject to persecution beaus of their race, ethnicity, religion, nationality or...

Tags: refugee, asylum

Difference between fact and theory


Although, both terms are used in several fields, their meaning is different. In scientific context, facts can be observed, it can relate to any objective and real phenomenon. Facts are obvious and undeniable. On the contrary, theories are linked to explanation to what has been observed. They are always presented to be true because they go under tests several times. In other words, theory is a set of ideas that tend to explain events or facts, or an idea that is suggested to be true but it is not proven. Fact, on the other hand, is something...

Tags: fact, theory

Difference between objective and subjective


These two adjectives are the features of statements which are used by speakers to get their points across. By definition, subjective means based on a person’s experience, understanding or feelings. Objective means based on observation, or uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices. Facts are objectives but beliefs are subjective opinions. An objective fact is based on observation; subjective beliefs are, as mentioned before, personal opinions or assumptions. Objective facts can be found in science, subjective opinions exist rather in...

Tags: objective, subjective

Difference between search and selection


The first difference between the two words is that search in this form can be either a noun or a verb, selection, in this form, is only noun. Regarding their meaning, the main difference between them is that while in case of search, you do not have a group of people, for example, from which you can chose some people for a job, you need to find appropriate ones by vacancy notices. In case of selection, you have the opportunity to choose the most appropriate persons from a given group. By definition, search means to look through carefully to...

Tags: search, selection

Difference between due care and due diligence


Due care: Taking the appropriate measure of care in the performance of a duty. Due diligence: Making every effort in the performance of a duty, regardless of the degree of...

Tags: due care, due diligence

Difference between contributory negligence and comparative negligence


Contributory negligence: An old legal theory under which a wrongdoer is not held liable if the other party’s fault was involved in the wrongdoing. Comparative negligence: A more advanced theory under which the fault of the other party involved in a wrongdoing does not relieve the first party from liability but determines the degree of fault to which each individual contributed to the cause of the...

Tags: contributory negligence, comparative negligence

Difference between primary sources of law and secondary sources of law


Primary sources of law: The supreme source of EU law consists mainly of the founding treaties of the European Union. They are at the apex of the European legal order; they prevail over all other sources of law. Secondary sources of law: Laws made by the European Union institutions in exercising the powers conferred to them by the Treaties. They consist of regulations, directives, decisions, recommendations and opinions of the appropriate bodies ...

Tags: primary sources of law, secondary sources of law

Difference between legal custom and customary law


Legal custom: A custom that operates as a rule even in the absence of specific legislation. Customary law/practice: A source of law that is not linked to a specific legislative act but still enforceable as a legal rule....

Tags: legal custom, customary law

Difference between conflict of laws and international law


Conflict of laws: Sometimes termed private international law, provides methods to solve dispute between private entities where an international element is involved. International law: The law regulating the relations between independent states and international relations in general. It also regulates the affairs of entities where their relations concern international matters. Also termed public international law....

Tags: conflict of laws, international law

Difference between public procurement in the common law and public procurement in civil law system


Public procurement in the common law: It is governed by regulation that carries the force of law and is passed by legislative bodies. Public procurement in civil law system: The public procurement process regulated by legislative actions called Public Procurement Act, in compliance with EU...

Tags: public procurement in the common law, public procurement in civil law system

Difference between public finance law and law of finance and banking


Public finance law: A body of law which governs the preparation, accounting and balance of the central budget and its appropriations, as well as taxes and other levies. It belongs to what is known as public law. Law of finance and banking: The area of law which regulates the operation of financial institutions of the private sector....

Tags: public finance law, law of finance and banking

Difference between general private law and special private law


General private law: It consist of the traditional fields of civil law, namely the law of persons, property, contracts, torts, succession and family. Special private law: Fields of the private law which, due to their nature, require special regulations, such as commercial law, business law and labour law. Some scholars believe intellectual property law also belongs to this...

Tags: general private law, special private law

Difference between substative law and procedural law


Substantive law: The statutory law that governs rights and obligations of those who are subject to it. Procedural law: Areas of law that regulate the legal process, including who can have access to the court system, how complaints are submitted, and the legal steps that can or must be...

Tags: substative law, procedural law

Difference between constitutional law and administrative law


Here you find a clarification of the difference between constitutional law and administrative law. Both regulate the operation of the state and its relationship with citizens, therefore, they share some common features. Constitutional law deals with the power and structures of the state, such as the legislative, the executive and the judiciary branches. Administrative law focuses on how the state exercises its power through the executive branch of government. The other focus of constitutional law is on the fundemantal rights of the...

Tags: constitutional law, administrative law

Difference between jurisprudence and legal science


Jurisprudence: The pulling together of a distilled theory of a certain field of law. Legal science: A specific German concept of categorization of the several fields and sub-fields into specific...

Tags: jurisprudence, legal science

Difference between french codification and german codification


French codification: It is based on a practical and rational approach intended to be used by citizens. German codification: It is based on the principles of law that have been historically in effect in...

Tags: french codification, german codification

Difference between act and code


Act: Any piece of legislative enactment passed by the legislature. Code: A statutory enactment covering a district area in a concise manner, prescribing uniform rules....

Tags: act, code

Difference between act and law


Act: A statutory enactment passed by the legislature. Law: A general term for all legal principles, rules, etc. in existence....

Tags: act, law

Difference between thesis and dissertation


Both thesis and dissertation are assigned to graduate students. In order to get a degree, people need to get a passing grade on these papers. One difference between the two can be found in subject choice. While a thesis is composed of an original subject and include own hypothesis, working along with an advisor, dissertation is made up of original insights and collected knowledge during your studies. The other main difference is that a thesis is submitted at the end of master’s degree, dissertation is submitted to obtain pHd degree. A...

Tags: thesis, dissertation

Difference between argue and debate


Both words mean to talk over something. The first difference between them is that argue can only be a verb form, while debate can either be a verb or a noun. Debate means, as a noun, strife or discord. It also refers to an informal but generally civil discussion of opposing points of views. As a verb, it can mean to fight, to dispute, or argue, especially in a public area. As it was already mentioned before, argue in this form can only be a verb. It means to prove something, to indicate or to imply. It also means to have an argument or a...

Tags: argue, debate

Difference between rural and urban


These are adverbs and usually the noun area is attached after them. A rural area has agricultural characters while urban areas are ones with increased density of human-created structures. Rural areas include villages and hamlets, whereas urban ones cover towns and cities. Rural areas tend to develop randomly, according to natural vegetation and fauna available in a region, urban areas are planned settlements built up according to urbanization. Urban areas are defined by advanced opportunities for work and education, facilities for transport,...

Tags: rural, urban

Difference between manager and leader


Both are key positions, they are higher in the hierarchy. A manager is responsible for the aspects of job, a project or a team, while a leader is an influential person and an example for others. Managers have the ability to implement plans for a team or a business. A leader leads a group and performs the best of their ability and helps the others, as well. Leaders usually deal with personal issues of a team, whereas a manager rather works with projects and manages tasks. Managers have subordinates who follow their rules, while leaders have...

Tags: manager, leader

Difference between marketing and advertising


The aim of both is to enhance customer awareness of a product or service. People confuse it because advertising is just a part of the marketing process. While advertising is a one-way communication by a persuasive message which addresses potential customers, marketing is about systematic planning and the control of business activity to bring buyers and sellers together. Advertising refers to the process of spreading information about a product or service to customers. Marketing is about to promoting value to customers. It includes research,...

Tags: marketing, advertising

Difference between data and information


It is extremely important to note two facts in connection with these words. Firstly, data in this form is plural in English. The singular one is datum, which was taken from Latin. Secondly, information is an uncountable noun, so the suffix –s can not be attached to the end of the word. In light if this fact, be careful with the verb agreement: use plural verb after information and data. If you want to use it in plural form, pieces of information. The first difference between the two is that data can be regarded as a building block, while...

Tags: data, information

Difference between race and ethnicity


The two notions are related to biological and sociological factors. Race is about the physical characteristics, like skin or hair color, while ethnicity refers to culture including nationality, ancestry or language. It means a population group where the members identify one other on the basis of their history, nationality or shared cultural traditions. Race is about to divide people into populations based on physical features. Ethnic groups tend to distinguish themselves differently from one period to another, while races are distinguished by...

Tags: race, ethnicity

Difference between hardware and software


Both of them are part of computers. Hardware is any physical device. It is described as a hard drive which can be connected to the computer, for example a CD-ROM, a computer display monitor or a printer. Without any hardware, no software would be able to function. Software is the general term which describes a collection of computer programs, a collection of code installed on the computer. Software means an ordered section to change the state of the hardware. Hardware is to store and execute or run...

Tags: hardware, software

Difference between growth and development


Both notions describe success and reaching goals. Growth shows an increase in something which can be counted. For example, an organization can grow by adding people. Profit can grow by adding money. Growth is shown through evidence of it happening. By itself, it can not measure development. On the other hand, development can be caused by structural changes, for instance. It can refer to economic development which means that not only the profit increases but working conditions get better and employees may have higher salary. To sum up, growth...

Tags: growth, development

Difference between administration and management


The first thing which should be clarified in connection with administration that in the United States, it means what government refers to in the United Kingdom. Secondly, administration and management differ in various aspects. Administration is rather about setting up objectives, while management means the act of putting into practice the policies decided upon by the administration. Administration has determinative function whereas management has an executive one. The decisions of administration are shaped by public opinion, government...

Tags: administration, management

Difference between laptop and notebook


People sometimes do not make any difference between laptops and notebooks because basically, they do not differ in function or performance. Indeed, they are called mainly how the manufacturer chooses to call them; however, traditionally and technically, the main difference between the two is size. Laptop is the bigger; it is as big as it fits into your lap, while a notebook is as small as it can fit into a briefcase or a backpack. Consequently, a laptop is thicker than a notebook. Generally, a notebook weights less than 5 pounds. In terms of...

Tags: laptop, notebook

Difference between university and college


Both belong to tertiary education. Colleges are smaller institutions of higher education which offers undergraduate degree. Some of them, like community colleges or junior colleges lasts for two year but the length of education time can differ, for example, some of them lasts for four years, still, it is a college. Universities, on the other hand, offer not only undergraduate degree but graduate ones as well, like master or PhD. They have more diverse educational program in order for the students to obtain a more rounded knowledge. Medical or...

Tags: university, college

Difference between bus and coach


Both bus and coach are used for carrying passengers to a place, so the two terms are often used interchangeably. However, there is difference between them in terms of service, comfort and price. Buses usually have a schedule according to which they stop frequently at given stops. Coaches make stops too but less frequently. They refer to more luxurious form of bus and they usually cover longer distance, from one city to another or even from one country to another. Because of this, coaches tend to have toilets, DVD players, and air conditioning...

Tags: bus, coach

Difference between car and automobile


Automobile is a motorized vehicle which has four wheels powered by an internal engine. It is used for land transport (items, for example) but it can also transport people. In the US, it is also called motorcar. Automobiles include, for example, trucks, vans, RVs, and personal vehicles referred to as cars, but cars mean not only the means of transport of people but also the railroad train component in which cargo or passengers are found. A chariot, a cart is also called...

Tags: car, automobile

Difference between structure and artefact


First of all, artefact is a variant of artifact. Structure refers to bigger buildings, artefact relates to smaller hand-made objects. Structure means the way in which parts are arranged or put together. It refers to something constructed but which is not hand-made, while artefact is something hand-made in order to use it or something which is given shape by man. In a somewhat abstract sense, structure means the pattern or the system of belief or relationship in society. It also means a complex system considered from the aspect of the whole....

Tags: structure, artefact

Difference between rational and explanation


Rationale and explanation differ in the viewpoint. Both of the words have Latin origin. While rationale is the process by which one arrives to a conclusion, explanation means to clarify something in order to make it clear. Rationale is about logic and reasoning, while explanation is about meaning, interpretation, the basis or fundamental reason of a phenomenon. In legal context, rationale means a discussion of the reasons behind how a decision was made. This kind of document discusses the reason of choice, how it was developed, what...

Tags: rationale, explanation

Difference per stripes and per capita


Per stirpes: Term used to designate a system of inheritance under which children inherit the share which their parent would have received had they survived the decedent. Thus the children are said to claim their shares by representing their parent. Per capita: An alternative way of distribution, where heirs of the same generation will each receive the same amount from the inheritance....

Tags: per stripes, per capita

Difference between disqualification and disinheritance


Disqualification: Divesting one from the right to participate in receiving from the estate for well-grounded reasons. Disinheritance: The act whereby a potential heir is deprived of his/her share in the estate for specific reasons or no reason at all....

Tags: disqualification, disinheritance

Difference between decedent and descendant


Decedent: A person who has died. Also referred to as the deceased. Descendant: The progeny (child or grandchild) of a decedent....

Tags: decedent, descendant

Difference between succession and probate


Succession: The concept of passing property from a decedent to another. Probate: Legal process by which a court determines who will inherit a decedent’s...

Tags: succession, probate

Difference between testamentary succession and intestate succession


Testamentary succession: The passing of property to the beneficiaries named in the will. Intestate succession: The passing of property without testamentary disposition, in accordance with the rules of succession effective in the given state....

Tags: testamentary succession, intestate succession

Difference between donation inter vivos and donation mortis causa


Donation inter vivos: A document giving property to a beneficiary during the lifetime of a donor. Donation mortis causa: A deed transferring property to the recipient upon the death of the donor....

Tags: donation inter vivos, donation mortis causa

Difference between device and legacy


Device: An instrument vesting the legal title to real property in the beneficiary. Legacy: Personal property specifically disposed of by the decedent to the benefit of the legatee....

Tags: device, legacy

Difference between living trust and testamentary trust


Living trust: A trust set up during the lifetime of a person, usually in order to transfer property directly to the beneficiaries and to avoid probate. Testamentary trust: A trust created as a testamentary disposition, which takes effect upon the death of a person....

Tags: living trust, testamentary trust

Difference between administrator and executor


Both administrator and executor are involved in distributing the property of a deceased person to the inheritors. The difference is the existence of a last will and testament. THe executor's role is to distribute the property under a will in a testamentary process. The executor is specificaly named by the decased person in the will. The executor acts based on the power vested in him/her by the testator, as executor is a person trusted by the deceased. The executor is expected to act in strict compliance with the decrees of the deceased...

Tags: administrator, executor

Difference between waiver and disclaimer


Waiver: A statement in a contract made to give up one's rights. It is used as a voluntarily limitation of one's rights. Disclaimer: A statement in a contract made to limit one's responsibility or liability. It is used as a clarification to prevent an erroneous understanding of a statement....

Tags: waiver, disclaimer

Difference between waiver and reservation of right


Waiver: Voluntarily giving up certain rights that one would otherwise be entitled to based on some law or a contract. Reservation of right: An express statement that one will assert his/her rights. Such rights include various claims for money, such as insurance amounts or rights to property, such as intellectual property rights....

Tags: waiver, reservation of right

Difference between alimony and palimony


Alimony: The money paid for the financial support of a former spouse after the dissolution of the marriage. Palimony: Support paid to a partner in a dissolved relationship, where the partners were not...

Tags: alimony, palimony

Difference between uncontested divorce and contested divorce


Uncontested divorce: The dissolution of the marriage by the agreement of the spouses. Contested divorce: If the parties cannot agree on the terms of the dissolution, the court will determine the issues to be resolved between...

Tags: uncontested divorce, contested divorce

Difference between dissolution of marriage and divorce


Dissolution of marriage: A legal term for the termination of the marriage through a judicial process. Divorce: A colloquial term describing the dissolution of marriage in layperson's terms....

Tags: dissolution of marriage, divorce

Difference between separation and dissolution


Separation: Separation does not put an end to the marriage but enables the spouses to own separate property and live separately whilst remaining married. Separation will put an end to the community property between husband and wife. Dissolution: Term used for the legally decreed termination of the bonds of marriage, after which the ex-spouses will be free to remarry....

Tags: separation, dissolution

Difference between bar and impediment


Bar: Usually refers to the prohibition of exercising a claim or judgment after a period established by a law. Impediment: A general term for any hindrance or obstruction that prevents one from exercising a right resulting from a status or standing....

Tags: bar, impediment

Difference between alternating custody and shared custody


Alternating custody: A situation when the child spends a certain period of time with one, then with the other parent. While the child is with one parent, such parent retains sole authority over the child. Shared custody: Though the child spends time with both parents, each parent retains joint authority over the child irrespective of which parent the child is currently living with....

Tags: alternating custody, shared custody

Difference between separate property and community property


Separate property: The spouses may agree that the property acquired by one party shall belong to whom such earnings are attributable. Community property: The property of the husband and wife, either acquired jointly during the marriage, or separately, prior to the marriage, which becomes the joint property of the...

Tags: separate property, community property

Difference between pre-nuptial agreement and post-nuptial agreement


Pre-nuptial agreement: An agreement entered into before marriage to regulate financial matters between the prospective spouses. Post-nuptial agreement: An agreement regulating financial matters between the husband and wife, concluded after the marriage....

Tags: pre-nuptial agreement, post-nuptial agreement

Difference between physical custofy and legal custody


Physical custody: After the dissolution of the marriage, the child spends most of his/her time with one of the parents. In certain cases, joint custody may also be ordered by the court. Legal custody: The right to make decisions concerning the most important issues related to the child. It usually includes education, housing, religion, as well as other factors that significantly affects the future of the child....

Tags: physical custody, legal custody

Difference between financial statement and financing statement


Financial statement: A statement setting forth the property to be distributed between the spouses. Financing statement: A document used in a commercial transaction, under the Uniform Commercial Code, to perfect a security interest ....

Tags: financial statement, financing statement

Difference between cease and desist order and restraining order


Cease and desist order: It commands a person to stop doing something that they are already doing. Restraining order: Orders a person not to do something in the...

Tags: cease and desist order, restraining order

Difference between blood relations and marital relations


Blood relations: The relation between persons who are born from the same ancestor or between a person and his/her descendants. It is also called consanguinity. Marital relations: Relations other than blood relations can be created by marriage. The relation is not only created between the spouses, but also between one spouse and the relatives of the other...

Tags: blood relations, marital relations

Difference between discrepancies and entire agreement


Discrepancies: It permits several different documents to be in effect between the parties and specifies the order of precedence between them. Entire agreement: It specifies that the contract is the one and only agreement regulating the rights and obligations of the parties. No other agreement will be in effect between...

Tags: discrepancies, entire agreement

Difference between discrepancy and contradiction


Discrepancy: Difference between two contract provisions which are supposed to be identical, but, in fact, they are different. Contradiction: Situation when two contractual terms are diametrically opposed to each other and cannot be...

Tags: discrepancy, contradiction

Difference between severability and survival


Severability: Severability means that the invalidity of one provision of a contract does not affect the validity of the rest of it. Survival: Survival clause sets out the specific provisions which will continue to apply in the event that one or both parties terminates the...

Tags: severability, survival

Difference between excuse and defence


Excuse: The reason why a person is not culpable for the wrong caused. Defence: The right to take certain actions to protect oneself or one's property....

Tags: excuse, defence

Difference between incidental and accidental


Incidental: An event occurring as an accompaniment of another event. Accidental: Something that happens by chance, unexpectedly and usually causing some damage....

Tags: incidental, accidental

Difference between reimbursement and indemnification


Reimbursement: Generally applies to a two-party situation where one party is required to pay the other party a certain sum expended by that party in a certain process. Indemnification: Generally applies to a three-party situation where a third party agrees to stand good for moneys provided by the first party to the second party in the activity. The third party (indemnifier) pays instead of the second party to the first party....

Tags: reimbursement, indemnification

Difference between imputable and attributable


Imputable: Causing someone to bear the liability for acts not necessary his/her own. The act of a person will be imputed to another who may have done nothing but found culpable. Attributable: Similar but not identical to imputable. It draws connection between persons or things based on cause without dealing with liability issues....

Tags: imputable, attributable

Difference between damages and indemnity


Damages: It is a collective term for money paid as a compensation for any loss or damage. Indemnity: Reimbursement of costs of a party which is secondarily liable for the wrong caused from a third party who is primarily liable for certain activities....

Tags: damages, indemnity

Difference between reparatory function of damages and punitive function of damages


Reparatory function of damages: The purpose of restoring the damaged party to the original condition and not to deter other members of the society from performing similar actions. Punitive function of damages: In the common law, damages may also be exemplary when they are awarded to deter other members of the society from performing such actions....

Tags: reparatory function of damages, punitive function of damages

Difference between reparation and restitution


Reparation: The process of making amends for a damage which has already occurred. Restitution: The process of restoring the original condition....

Tags: reparation, restitution

Difference between product liability and defect liability


Product liability: The liability of producers for any injury caused by their products, based on the concept of strict liability, regardless of the chain of supply of the merchandise. Defect Liability: An obligation assumed by the seller to make good for any defect identified in the products before the end of a specified period. Also termed liability for defect or liability for defective...

Tags: product liability, defect liability

Difference between product liability and strict liability


Product liability: The liability of producers for any injury caused by their products, based on the concept of strict liability, regardless of the chain of supply of the merchandise. Strict liability: Liability of a person for a wrong caused by his/her act regardless of fault. The plaintiff has to prove only the occurrence of the damage and the liability therefore, but not the intention or the negligence of the...

Tags: product liability, strict liability

Difference between contractual obligation and delictual obligation


Contractual obligation: A legal relationship between two or more parties based on a contract which regulates the respective rights and obligations of the parties. Delictual obligation: The legal duty of the wrongdoer to the plaintiff based not on a contract but an event occurring under the control of the wrongdoer, which is called a civil wrong or, in civil law terms, a delict....

Tags: contractual obligation, delictual obligation

Difference between illegal conduct and unlawful conduct


Illegal conduct: The dictionary definition is the same as unlawful, but ”illegal” is generally not used by legal practitioners in a legal context. Unlawful conduct: Legal scholars and practitioners use this phrase when referring to conduct that is in violation of some statutory provisions of...

Tags: illegal conduct, unlawful conduct

Difference between contract law and tort law


Contract law: A field of law that regulates obligations arising from a contract formed, either expressly or impliedly, between two entities. Contract law regulates, among other important issues, the formation, the defences against the validity, and the various ways of the ending of a contract, as well as the remedies for a breach of contract. Tort law: The body of law that regulates obligations arising from a civil wrong. In this case the obligation is created by a duty to compensate the injured party for the wrong caused, not based on an...

Tags: contract law, tort law

Difference between collateral and security


Both collateral and security refers to the sitaution when a secondary obligation is created in order to secure the primary obligation. Collateral is a general term signifying the concept that a secondary obligation is provided to ensure the performance of the primary obligation. It may not be used in the plural since it is not a specific right but the description of a legal concept. On the other hand, security is a legal instrument for securing an obligation. It may take various forms and it is also used for specific security...

Tags: collateral, security

Difference between sequential suretyship and unconditional suretyship


Sequential suretyship: The appropriate contractual term can specify that in certain circumstances the obligee is prevented from demanding satisfaction from the surety prior to exhausting all remedies against the primary obligor. It is an artificial term. Unconditional suretyship: The obligee has no requirement to pursue performance against the primary obligor, but it is entitled to proceed directly against the surety. In the common law, this type is simply indicated by indicating that the surety must pay ”immediately, upon first written...

Tags: sequential suretyship, unconditional suretyship

Difference between impossibility of performance and impracticability


Impossibility of performance: Situation when the services cannot be rendered due to objective, usually physical, causes. Impracticability: Though performance is possible in theory, it would cause extreme and unreasonable difficulty, thus releasing the provider from its...

Tags: impossibility of performance, impracticability

Difference between impossibility of performance and frustration of purpose


Impossibility of performance: The situation when a contracting party is released from the obligation for reasons outside his/her control to perform a contract on the grounds that circumstances have made such performance impossible. Frustration of purpose: An excuse for the non-performance of a duty due to the delay of the provider for reasons that were unforeseen and beyond the control of the provider....

Tags: impossibility of performance, frustration of purpose

Difference between innocent misrepresentation and intentional misrepresentation


Innocent misrepresentation: The situation when the representor had reasonable grounds for believing that the statement was true. Intentional misrepresentation: A statement made with the intention to deceive the other party knowing that it is false....

Tags: innocent misrepresentation intentional misrepresentation

Difference between lapse and elapse


Lapse: Becoming invalid through the passage of time. Elapse: Refers simply to time going...

Tags: lapse, elapse

Difference between consent and assent


Consent: An affirmation of the action of another, either expressly or impliedly. Assent: An inactive way of agreeing to an act of another, primarily in making a contract....

Tags: consent, assent

Difference between gratuitous contract and contract for consideration


Gratuitous contract: A contract where no consideration has been given in exchange for the services performed by the provider. Contract for consideration: A contract under which something is given in exchange for some services rendered....

Tags: gratuitous contract, contract for consideration

Difference between acquiescence and tacit agreement


Acquiescence: A method of going along with a suggested action. The lack of dissent is deemed by the other party to be consent. Tacit agreement: An agreement where parties give their silent consent and raise no objection to a transaction. This is a form of entering into a contract by conduct....

Tags: acquiescence, tacit agreement

Difference between contract implied in fact and contract implied in law


Contract implied in fact: A contract where one of the parties has performed in reliance on a factual understanding between the parties, and then wishes to enforce the promise that was given in exchange for his performance. Also called contract implied by conduct. Contract implied in law: A contract created by the court in the absense of a contract in order to compensate the provider of some services and prevent unjust enrichment....

Tags: contract implied in fact, contract implied in law

Difference between interpretation and construction


Interpretation: Using the common meaning of words when deciding on the legal effect of the text of a document. Construction: Construing the terms by the court to give force to the original intention of the...

Tags: interpretation, construction

Difference between obligor and obligee


Obligor: Contracting parties defined by their duties and responsibilities. Obligee: Contracting party defined by their benefits and rights....

Tags: obligor, obligee

Difference between compromise and consensus


Both nouns have to do with agreement, although, they differ in its degree. Firstly, compromise in this form can be either a noun or a verb. Compromise looks for a mutual agreement. Although, it satisfies only partially each party and both of them has to give up a part of their demands but it is a solution which can be accepted by either of them. It means to find an agreement in an argument through the means of communication. There are no winners or losers of a compromise. A compromise is acceptable if the aims of both parties are equally...

Tags: compromise, consensus

Difference between benefit and advantage


It is obvious that both nouns mean something positive. In general sense, benefit means something that promotes a well-being or an advantage. It also means the payment gave by a government agency to qualifying persons in time of need. Advantage means a favorable position or superiority of means. In the point of view of marketing, product benefit refers to actual or perceived factor of a product which satisfies the costumer (for example, the design, the color, performance and so on…). Advantage means the competitive edge gained via superior...

Tags: benefit, advantage

Difference between gender and sex


These words are usually used interchangeably but their usage is quite different. Sex refers to the biological and physical properties of people. Gender, on the one hand, describes the characteristics that a society believes to be feminine or masculine, for example, behaviors, roles, expectations and activities in society. On the other hand, gender means the grammatical gender of a noun, in certain...

Tags: gender, sex

Difference between debit and credit


The basic difference is that credit means funds added to an account, while debit menas charging funds against an account. These notions occur in accounting and debit or credit cards are also associated with them. In accounting or bookkeeping, it means that in every business transaction is recorded at least two accounts in the double-entry system. One account receives the debit entry, that is, the amount of money that is entered in the left side of the account. Another account receives the credit entry, meaning the amount which has to be...

Tags: debit, credit

Difference between internal and insider


Both expresse the inner (part) of something but they differ in usage. Internal usually means located or effective within the body, the intrinsic, or the mental or spiritual nature. Insider refers to the member of a (specified) group or an organization, a member who has a special knowledge or exclusive information or has some special advantage or influence. Internal also refers to domestic politics of a country, the internal affairs. Insider, similarly to the description above, refers to a person having a position in a business or a stock...

Tags: internal, insider

Difference between subject and object


In linguistic sense, subject is generally the noun phrase in a sentence that denotes the doer of the action or what is described by the predicate. Object, on the other hand, is the noun phrase in a sentence or a clause which is affected by the action of a verb. In another sense, subject is a person being under the rule of another person or an authority. Object can also mean purpose, aim, a specific action or effort. It is important, that in legal context, subject always refers to people, while object refers to animals or things. Also in law,...

Tags: subject, object

Difference between degree and diploma


The common in these notions is that both refer to a kind of certification at the end of a type of education ended with an exam. One can obtain a degree only from a university or at the end of a type of education lasted for 3-4 years at least, and a diploma after a type of education lasted for 1-2 years or at the end of polytechnics or other types of educational institution where you can study a trade. To get a university degree, students have to take general education courses (electives) to obtain a more rounded knowledge. Note that in the...

Tags: degree, diploma

Difference between neutralize and eliminate


The main difference between the two notions is that while when something is eliminated, it stops existing, when something, for example, a substance is neutralized, it does not disappear but its effect becomes neutral. To neutralize, in other words, means to render something ineffective, harmless. Thus, in military sense, it means to make something incapable of action, or if a country declares neutral, it is inviolable during the war. In medicine, it refers to counteract an effect of a drug or toxin. On the other hand, with Latin origin, to...

Tags: neutralize, eliminate

Difference between reject and refuse


Both verbs mean not to accept something. The difference lays in the usage because to refuse to do something means to say that you will not do something or you do not accept something, a proposal, for example. In this case, you reject it, that is, you refuse to accept it. You can reject a person; in this case, you do not show interest in them, at all. To refuse refers to decline to accept something that was offered, for example, an award. In military sense, it means to curve back, to bend. A claim can be rejected but a permission or a request...

Tags: reject, refuse

Difference between duly and properly


Their common meaning is in a right way. Duly refers to more general meaning: doing a task punctually, fittingly or in a proper or expected way, or doing something at the correct or expected time. Properly means as intended, in the accepted form and manner....

Tags: duly, properly

Difference between felony and misdemeanor


Both concepts are legal categories in criminal law. The main difference is that for a misdemeanor, one can be sentenced to a maximum of twelve-month imprisonment, for a felony, the imprisonment can be in excess of this amount of time. An assault falls under the category of misdemeanor; if a threatening to do harm to someone remains a threat only. If it resulted in a bodily injury, it is a felony. As for thefts, whether it is a felony or a misdemeanor, it depends on the value of the cash or that of the property stolen. In regard to traffic...

Tags: felony, misdemeanor

Difference between solicitor and barrister


These people cannot be replaceable with a lawyer, simply. These two notions are present in common low, and that is why it is hard to find an equivalent for them in continental law. A solicitor may perform all legal services, performs legal work outside court, they can work for commercial and non-commercial law firms, for example. They have special knowledge in different areas of law. Mostly, they advise clients. A barrister mainly defends people in court. They wear a wig and a gown in court. They work at higher level or courts. Just like...

Tags: solicitor, barrister

Difference between acquire and obtain


Obtain could be a synonym for acquire, but while the latter means to get, the former means to get hold of, to gain possession of something. In linguistics, it means to achieve native-like level of language knowledge, however, do not confuse it with language learning. In military context, it refers to location and track with a detector. Skills are acquired but a degree, for instance, is obtained. Obtain with an object, means to come into possession of something trough an effort or by a request. Without an object, it means to be prevalent or...

Tags: acquire, obtain

Difference between manufacturer and producer


Both manufacturer and producer makes, “produces” something. However, not all producers are manufacturers, while a manufacturer is always producer. A manufacturer makes something from raw material. A person, a group or a company making goods through various components, with different operations and the work is divided. While manufacturer is in connection strictly with business and trade, producer can occur at other fields, as well. In economics, it means a person or an enterprise which creates economic value, produces goods or services for...

Tags: manufacturer, producer

Difference between fault and failure


Fault as noun, refers to an imperfection or the responsibility for a wrongful act. In Geology, it means the break in the continuity in the body of a rock. In Electronics, it refers to some kind of defect caused by poor grounding, for example. In legal context, it means the legal blameworthiness, for example neglect of care, but it implies any negligence defect or judgment. Failure means the lack of success, the nonperformance of something due or required. In business, the failure of a bank is bankruptcy. In medical sense, it appears in names...

Tags: fault, failure

Difference between error and fault


The first large difference is that while fault can be either a noun or a verb, error occurs only as noun. An error is an act or an instance that unintentionally deviates from what is correct or true either in speech or in written form. It also means a moral offense, a sin. In Mathematics, error refers to the difference between the observed and the true value of a quantity. In legal context, error is a mistake in a court proceeding concerning a fact. Fault as noun, refers to an imperfection or the responsibility for a wrongful act. In Geology,...

Tags: error, fault

Difference between alluvion and avulsion


Alluvion: The inperceptible increase of land incrementally on a shore or bank. Avulsion: Sudden and perceptible accretion of land due to movement of the river....

Tags: alluvion, avulsion

Difference between transfer and alienation


Transfer: The process of parting with a piece of property or any interest therein and vesting it to someone else. Alienation: A general term for any means of giving up title to a...

Tags: transfer, alienation

Difference between servient tenement and dominant tenement


Servient tenement: Real property subject to the legal burden of easement. Dominant tenement: Real property for the benefit of those to whom an easement...

Tags: servient tenement, dominant tenement

Difference between adjacent property and adjoining property


Adjacent property: A property lying near to but not necessarily next to the property in question. Adjoining property: The real property immediately bordering the subject...

Tags: adjacent property, adjoining property

Difference between substantive right in another's property and security interest


Substantive right in another's property: A right to ensure a limited use of property owned by others. Security interests: The right to obtain satisfaction from the property in case of a failure to fulfill certain obligations....

Tags: substantive right in another's property, security interests

Difference between leasehold and freehold


Leasehold: Real property whereby the possession and use have been conveyed by the owner to an entity for consideration. Freehold: The outright ownership of a real property without any restriction. This type of tenure contrasts with leasehold, where the leaseholder has the right to occupy a property for a specified period of...

Tags: leasehold, freehold

Difference between exchange and barter


Exchange: A contract for the exchange of property. Used for real property or other transactions which fall within the Statute of Frauds. Barter: An instantaneous transaction whereby one party provides a piece of property in exchange for another....

Tags: exchange, barter

Difference between fusion and partitioning


Fusion: The process of joining together property items which previously were individually owned. Partitioning: The process of legally dividing the joint ownership of a...

Tags: fusion, partitioning

Difference between original acquisition and derivative acquisition


Original acquisition: The title of ownership is not acquired from the previous owner. Derivative acquisition: The ownership title has been acquired from the previous owner, and all rights are subject to the title of the previous...

Tags: original acquisition, derivative acquisition

Difference between encroachment and building on the land of another


Encroachment: The intrusion of another person’s property in various ways. In the strict property law sense it means a structure on a real property extending beyond the borders of the land to illegally intrude upon that of an adjoining owner. Building on the land of another: Building a structure entirely on the land of another...

Tags: encroachment, building on the land of another

Difference between squatter's right and adverse possession


Squatter's right: Definitionally, it does not involve the right to acquire title, but it is a mere right to possession. Adverse possession: It gives the possessor, under the appropriate and very specific circumstances, title to the property of another....

Tags: squatter's right, adverse possession

Difference between real property and real estate


Both real estate and real property has the same legal meaning, they are defined as land and anything permanently connected to another either by being affixed to, or growing from or otherwise attached thereto in a way that it cannot be detached without causing irreparable damage to such property item. In this respect, they are interchangeable, however, there is a difference in the usage of the two terms. In a nutshell, use property when talking about a thing in the law, especially when descrbing or defining a specific thing in a...

Tags: real porperty, real estate

Difference between fixture and essential part


Fixture: A property so affixed that it cannot be removed without causing irreparable damage. Essential part: A removable part without which full functionality cannot be...

Tags: fixture, essential part

Difference between chose in action and chose in possession


Chose in action: An absolute right to personal property to be acquired in the future by legal action or otherwise. Chose in possession: Personal property in your possession and absolute control....

Tags: chose in action, chose in possession

Difference between right and power


Right: A person's ability to do something or function in a certain way. It is bestowed by law or based on universally accepted concepts. Power: The ability, granted by law or by a person initially possessing such power, to perform a task....

Tags: right, power

Difference between possession and ownership


Possession: The right to control a piece of property without necessarily having ownership rights. Ownership: The right to dispose of a property item, which may not be in the possession of the owner....

Tags: possession, ownership

Difference between intellectual property rights and consent to sub-licence


Intellectual property rights: The main purpose of this clause is to reserve all rights related to intellectual property, or, at least, determine the precise conditions upon which transfer of such rights are permitted by the contract. Consent to sub-licence: It is intended to grant permission to the licensee to allow its customers to use the intellectual property owned by the license holder....

Tags: intellectual property rights, consent to sub-licence

Difference between patent search and patent examination


Patent search: The process of determining whether any other person has any right to the invention. Patent examination: The examination of the patent as to its conformity with the requirements of patents....

Tags: patent search, patent examination

Difference between abstract and extract


Abstract: A summarized version of a lengthier document in a significantly abbreviated form, usually prepared in order to facilitate the reading of a complex document. Extract: A portion accurately taken out as part of a longer...

Tags: abstract, extract

Difference between program and programme


Program: The set of computer codes which operate on hardware to fulfil general or special functions. Programme: A special event or series of events, especially in the UK, where this distinction is made. ...

Tags: program, programme

Difference between neighbouring right and neighbours' rights


Neighbouring rights: IP law term used for rights related to copyrights to protect those who are technically not authors but involved in distributing such rights. Neighbours' rights: A property law term used for certain rights of the owner of land to the neighbouring...

Tags: neighbouring rights, neighbours' rights

Difference between trademark and service mark


Trademark: A trademark is a distinctive mark attached to a product. Service mark: A mark, in terms of legal protection equivalent to trademark, covering services rather than...

Tags: trademark, service mark

Difference between trademark registration process and patent application process


Trademark registration process: The exclusive right to trademark can be obtained either through registration or actual use, depending on the jurisdiction. Patent application process: It is initiated by filing an application with the Patent Office. This is followed by a lengthy and thoroughly regulated process that may result in granting patent protection for a certain period....

Tags: trademark registration process, patent application process

Difference between license and permit


License: A permission given either by a private individual or a government agency to conduct certain activities, usually on a regular basis. Permit: An act of a government agency to allow a process which, though not forbidden, may not be pursued without such authority due to its inherent danger or because such activity is a source of state income....

Tags: license, permit

Difference between invention and discovery


Invention: The process of creating new objects or ideas that have not existed previously. Discovery: Finding out something that was previously unknown to someone....

Tags: ivention, discovery

Difference between declaration and statement


Declaration: A statement made under oath, to which some kind of liability is tied. An untrue declaration usually gives rise to criminal prosecution. Statement: Any expression of a person, intentional or unintentional, to which no specific liability is linked....

Tags: declaration, statement

Difference between public fine and damages


Public fine: An amount of money required by public officials to be paid to the public treasury. Damages: Monetary compensation to be paid by the wrongdoer to the damaged party in a civil action....

Tags: public fine, damages

Difference between objective consequences and subjective consequences


Objective consequences: on infringement regardless of culpability, such as the judicial determination of the infringement, as well as judicial order to desist from further infringement and a rectification by the infringer. Subjective consequences: Remedies are provided if the infringement was caused by one’s intentional or negligent conduct. They include the destruction of the infringing material, restoration of the original situation, or even damages for the infringement. ...

Tags: objective consequences, subjective consequences

Difference between secrecy and privacy


Secrecy: The requirement not to disclose information to third parties. Privacy: The right to be free from exposure or scrutiny from other the public....

Tags: secrecy, privacy

Difference between secrecy and confidentiality


Secrecy: The general requirement not to disclose information to others, usually in political, business or trade context. Confidentiality: The legal or contractual requirement not to disclose certain information to third parties. ...

Tags: secrecy, confidentiality

Difference between public entities and private entities


Public entities: Entities governed by the state or any subdivision thereof. Private entities: Entities other than public that are not subordinated to the state....

Tags: public entities, private entities

Difference between violation and infringement


Violation: Related to performing an action which is not permitted by law. If used in connection with rights, it usually refers to rights granted by statute. Infringement: Usually refers to acting inconsistently with someone's rights, most typically in the context of IP law....

Tags: violation, infringement

Difference between inherent rights and personal rights


Inherent rights: An inalienable right that is inherent in human beings. Inherent rights constitute a separate category within personal rights. They only attach to natural persons, such as the right to bodily wholeness. Personal rights: A right that all persons are entitled to on account of being a person, natural or fictitious alike. Rights attached to persons can be statutory and not...

Tags: inherent rights, personal rights

Difference between rights and lawful interests


Rights: Something that a person is entitled to based on statute or contract. Lawful interests: The relationship between the person and the subject matter that may establish certain claims or...

Tags: rights, lawful interests

Difference between NGO and civic organization


NGO: A publicly funded organization for some specific purpose established for the good of mankind. Civic organization: A self-financed or voluntary group of like-minded individuals established for some purpose of improving the general standards of human welfare....

Tags: NGO, civic organization

Difference between natural person and artificial person


Natural person: A human being as distinguished from an artificial person established by statute. Artificial person: Fictitious person created based on a provision of...

Tags: natural person, artificial person

Difference between accountability for one's actions and capacity to commit crime


Accountability for one's actions: Civil liability for the wrong caused by a person unable to connect actions with their consequences. Capacity to commit crime: The statutory age under which a person cannot be held criminally liable for his/her actions....

Tags: accountability for one's actions, capacity to commit crime

Difference between capacity and competence


Capacity: A general legal term describing the legal qualification of a person, including various factors such as age, mental ability, as well as capacity to sue, which is also known as standing to sue. Competence: A term used in law to denote a person’s basic ability to do something. Also used to describe the ability of a (judicial or other) body to take certain actions. It is used for specific situations rather than a general description of a person....

Tags: capacity, competence

Difference between legal status and legal standing


Legal status: The legal conditions of a person or entity regarding their rights. Legal standing: The right of a person or entity to make legal claims before a court or other authority....

Tags: legal status, legal standing

Difference between disinterested and uninterested


Disinterested: Related to one who does not hold a stake in the matter at hand. Uninterested: Related to one who has no interest in the...

Tags: disinterested, uninterested

Difference between private individual and natural person


Private individual: A person who does not hold any political or public office or is not a member of the military or law enforcement, or if so, is not acting in such official capacity. Natural person: A human being as distinguished from an artificial person established by statute....

Tags: private individual, natural person

Difference between limitation and restriction


Limitation: It is used for limiting either time or monetary values. Restriction: Determining the confines of actions, usage of property, as well as rights and privileges....

Tags: limitation, restriction

Difference between counterpart and counterparty


Counterpart: The number of contracts or other instruments executed and delivered by one party to the other. Counterparty:The opposing party in a contractual relationship....

Tags: counterpart, counterparty

Difference between the American rule and the English rule


The American rule: The practice under which each side bears their own attorney's fees. The English rule: The principle that the losing party is required to pay the prevailing party’s legal...

Tags: the american rule, the english rule

Difference between limitation and limits


Limitation: The time period within which action may be brought against the defendant. Limits: A physical or geographical point beyond which something does not extend....

Tags: limitation, limits

Difference between absolute limitation and excusable limitation


Absolute limitation: ertain limitations are absolute, which means that the person who failed to file the statutory document may not be excused for any reason whatsoever. Excusable limitation: A term denoting the situation where any delay by a litigant in a proceeding may be excused on proper justification when such delay might otherwise be fatal. There is no such term in the common law...

Tags: absolute limitation, excusable limitation

Difference between res judicata and final judgement


Res judicata: No actions may be brought against the same person, under the same cause of action, once the matter had been adjudicated. Final judgement: There is no further remedy against a judicial...

Tags: res judicata, final judgement

Difference between dispute and controversy


Dispute: When persons do not agree with a certain point of fact or law and resort to a formal or informal proceeding. Controversy:A euphemistic term for the dispute between the parties....

Tags: dispute, controversy

Difference between non-appealable and final and binding


Non-appealable: A non-appealable decision includes an intermediary determination of an issue that will have a deleterious effect on one of the parties without the availability of immediate remedy. Final and binding: A decision by a duly-constituted body which decides a legal dispute with finality and binding...

Tags: non-appealable, final and binding

Difference between arbitration and mediation


Arbitration: A formal way of resolving a dispute with the involvement of an arbitrator, which is binding on the parties. Mediation: A process where the mediator makes an attempt to eliminate the dispute by helping the parties overcome controversy....

Tags: arbitration, mediation

Difference between Statute of Limitation and bar


Statute of Limitation: Defence which attempts to terminate an existing legal proceeding by claiming its untimely initiation in situations where the dispute is otherwise ripe for adjudication. Bar: A legal action to bar the commencement or continuation of a legal proceeding is based on a variety of grounds, for instance that the forum in which it has been commenced has no jurisdiction over the parties or the issue, or the dispute is not yet ripe for litigation or performance under any circumstances cannot be compelled....

Tags: Statute of Limitation, bar

Difference between action and complaint


Action: A concept of taking a legal step to enforce one’s rights before the court. This step is also is referred to as the filing of (civil) action. Complaint: Complaint is the formal document submitted to the court. It is the necessary physical element of bringing an action against someone....

Tags: action, complaint

Difference between competence and jurisdiction


Competence: he ability of the court to adjudicate a specific matter. Jurisdiction: The authority conferred upon a court to adjudicate cases brought before it....

Tags: competence, jurisdiction

Difference between unofficial documents providing conclusive evidence and other private documents


Unofficial documents providing conclusive evidence: Documents prepared by the issuer and authenticated, if necessary, by an official person. They are admissible in evidence in court and are regarded as proof of the facts contained therein until otherwise proven. Other private documents: Documents prepared by natural persons. Their admissibility in evidence in court proceedings is subject to judicial discretion....

Tags: unofficial documents providing conclusive evidence, other private documents

Difference between conslusive evidence and rebuttable evidence


Conslusive evidence: An evidence accepted as proven, which may not be contradicted by any fact. Rebuttable evidence: Evidence which may be contradicted by...

Tags: conslusive evidence, rebuttable evidence

Difference between notaries' magisterial role and notaries' clerical role


Notaries' magisterial role: In civil law jurisdictions, notaries public , in their official capacities, perform quasi-judicial functions, such as preparing official documents, like a notarial deed, or making decisions on matters, such as probate issues. Notaries' clerical role: A notary public also acts as an clerk who simply certifies personal identity. This is similar to the notarial tasks in several common law jurisdictions....

Tags: notaries' magisterial role, notaries clerical role

Difference between decision and determination


Both decision and determination are related to the mental process whereby one chooses one way of doing something. Decision is used in everyday language for the above process. In the law, decision is an official action taken by a person or a public agency on a specific legal or administrative issue. Determination is a sub-element in a decision-making process, necessary to be made to resolve the entire set of issues. It is used in a contract situation when one or both parties choose a way of doing something as opposed to...

Tags: decision, determination

Difference between summons and subpoena


Summons: An order issued by the court to the litigant that a complaint has been filed against him. Subpoena: An order to a non-litigant to testify or produce physical...

Tags: summons, subpoena

Difference between denial and rebuttal


Denial: Negation of the allegations brought forward by the plaintiff. Rebuttal: Attempt to contradict or disprove an argument....

Tags: denial, rebuttal

Difference between amended complaint and supplemental complaint


Amended complaint: A complaint that modifies and replaces the original complaint. Supplemental complaint: A complaint that adds a relevant matter to an existing...

Tags: amended complaint, supplemental complaint

Difference between professional judge and lay judge


Professional judge: A judge qualified as a legal professional and appointed, or elected, if applicable, to work at a court in adjudicating disputes. Lay judge: A layperson involved in a judicial panel, participating in the adjudication of certain types of cases....

Tags: professional judge, lay judge

Difference between presiding judge and chief judge


Presiding judge: The professional judge in charge of a judicial panel consisting of at least three judges. Chief judge: The head of a judicial organization with overall responsibility for its operation and functioning....

Tags: presiding judge, chief judge

Difference between single judge court and judicial panel


Single judge court: Judicial economy requires that simple cases be determined by a single judge. Judicial panel: The operation of a court when groups of three to five judges are involved in the resolution of a dispute. This is typical in superior courts or in special cases when, due to the nature of the dispute, special expertise is...

Tags: single judge court, judicial panel

Difference between court and tribunal


Court: Various judicial authorities with power to adjudicate matters brought before it, usually as part of the regular court system of a state. Tribunal: Any judicial body may be referred to as a tribunal. It is also frequently used for various bodies in the administrative justice system. Generally, a court is called tribunal if it elects to describe itself as such....

Tags: court, tribunal

Difference between circuit court and district court


Circuit court: The court which covers a larger geographical area primarily with appellate function. District court: A term relating to the local court with first instance jurisdiction....

Tags: circuit court, district court

Difference between supreme court and superior court


Both superior and supreme court refer to high level court but they are different. THe supreme court of a state is the court of last resort in most jurisdictions which resolves cases in the last instance. The functions may differ depending on how the constitution regulates its role, but in all cases it is the highest judicial body of the relevant country. Superior court: A higher level court which may act as a trial court in more complex matters, as well as an court with appellate jurisdiction in cases initially tried by the local...

Tags: supreme court, superior court

Difference between conciliation and mediation


Conciliation: The process whereby the parties are persuaded not to pursue the controversy through seeking concessions. Mediation: The parties themselves come up with solutions. The mediator tries to guide the discussion in a way that optimizes parties needs, takes feelings into account and reframes...

Tags: conciliation, mediation



Justice: Judge of the highest judicial forum of a state. Judge: A court official trying cases at any level of the judicial system....

Tags: justice, judge

Difference between court reporter and cour secretary


Court reporter: A court official in charge of preparing an official record of the proceedings (also called transcript) of a common law trial, either by handwriting, typing or using a specially designed apparatus. Court secretary: A person working at a court and performing administrative and not legal duties....

Tags: court reporter, court secretarty

Difference between intervenor and joiner


Intervenor: The intervenor’s involvement in the lawsuit is always voluntary, and based on the intervenor's intention. Joiner: The joiner can be pulled into the lawsuit without his/her consent or agreement...

Tags: intervenor, joiner

Difference between higher education and continuing education


The notion of higher education is more widespread but it is important to distinguish between this one and continuing education. Higher education is often called tertiary education or third-level education, as after finishing secondary education, you have the chance to go on with studying at a university or college. For this, you need to have a General Certificate of Secondary Education. As for continuing education, it is a program which brings participants up to a date in a given area of knowledge or skills. These courses are designed for...

Tags: higher education, continuing education

Difference between class and grade


In educational sense, their meaning is quite similar. Both class and grade can mean the level of educational development in elementary, middle or secondary school, in other words, students at a given level. Their second meaning is note, that is, which is given to measure or determine the quality of the work or educational development of students. Grade also means the military, naval or civil service rank. Class occurs in the field of science, as well. For example, in Biology, it is a taxonomic category, in Statistics, it is an interval in a...

Tags: class, grade

Difference between duly and appropriately


Their common meaning is in a right way. Duly refers to more general meaning: doing a task punctually, fittingly or in a proper or expected way, or doing something at the correct or expected time. On the other hand, appropriately means something being suitable for a person, condition or an occasion. Secondly, it can also mean to be peculiar to a...

Tags: duly, appropriately

Difference between exclude and preclude


Essentially, the two verbs mean to prevent someone doing something, not allow or prohibit. However, the difference between the two is when something was prohibited. If you are a member of a group but you were excluded, you are no longer a member. In opposed to preclude which means to excludes the chance in advance or not even taking something into consideration. To exclude also refers to expulsion (from the Church, for example). On the contrary, to preclude means to make something impossible, to prevent something in advance to happen. In...

Tags: exclude, preclude

Difference between submit and file


On the whole, the two verbs mean to hand in but they differ in meaning. It is also not the same which documents can be submitted and which can be filed. In the first sense, to submit means to give someone any kind of document which needs to be considered or approved. Secondly, it also means to offer a solution or a suggestion for an issue. In another sense, it means to allow, that is to let another person, group or authority to have power over you. If used respectively, it means to yield or surrender oneself to the authorities. The first...

Tags: submit, file

Difference between prohibit and ban


Basically, both of the verbs mean not allow doing something. The main difference between them is that while to prohibit means to forbid, to disallow, to proscribe, to ban, besides its first meaning, means to summon, to call out. By definition, to ban means to refuse to allow doing something. Besides, it also means to excommunicate someone from the Church. To prohibit means to forbid something by law or by the authorities. For example, cars can be banned out from a city center, and smoking can be prohibited in restaurants. As a noun, it was the...

Tags: prohibit, ban

Difference between avoid and evade


To bypass is the synonym for both verbs, although they do not mean the same. To avoid means to prevent something to happen, you keep away, escape from it. For example, misunderstanding, ambiguity, disappointment, injury, mistake and so on can be avoided. On the contrary, to evade something means not to dealing with it. You can evade responsibilities, duties, obligations, problems, issues and so on. Taxes can be avoided and evaded, too. If you avoid taxes, you lower the amount of tax by the means of legal methods. It is also called tax...

Tags: avoid, evade

Difference between registered office and seat


Registered office: The main place of operation of a business, which is registered as such at the appropriate registration authorites. Seat: A non-legal term for the place where a business organization...

Tags: registered office, seat

Difference between voting and consensus


Voting: Reaching a decision by majority of votes. Consensus: making a decision with the consent of all stakeholders....

Tags: voting, consensus

Difference between voting by ballot card and voting by show of hand


Voting by ballot card: A traditional way of expressing the choice by filing in a voting card. Voting by show of hand: When the shareholders raise their hands in support of a motion....

Tags: voting by ballot card, voting by show of hand

Difference between office and position


Office: The position filled by persons elected by the meering. The person filling such office is referre dto as corporate officer. Position: An employee's place in the hierarchy of an organization with a view to his /her function....

Tags: office, position

Difference between general meeting and general assembly


General meeting: A general term for the main decision making body of an orgazniation, business or other. General assembly: Also refers to the supreme decision making body of an organization, however, it is more frequently used for large ones, attended by huge number of members. ...

Tags: general meeting, general assembly

Difference between rules of procedure and bylaws


Rules of procedure: A document regulating the operation of an elected body Bylaws: A corporate document which lays down the rules for the organizational structure and the operation of various organizations. Its content may be included in other documents....

Tags: rules of procedure, bylaws

Difference between minutes and memorandum


Minutes: An official the official record of the proceedings at a meeting of an organization. It is generally accepted as an official document, and, as such, can be used in eventual disputes arising from matters discussed therein. Memorandum: Generally, memorandum, which is frequently referred to colloquially as "memo", is a record prepared on teh basis of what has been orally discussed. As such, it is sometimes used instead of minutes, but it does not impliy any officialdom....

Tags: minutes, memorandum

Difference between motion and proposition


Motion: Anything proposed to be approved by a voting in an election process. Proposition: A general term for something proposed to be accepted....

Tags: motion, proposition

Difference between officer and director


Officer: An employee of a corporation who holds a management-level position Director: A person in charge of directing a company, either individually or in coopration with others. In this latter case, the body consisting of directors is referred to as the...

Tags: officer, director

Difference between balance sheet and profit and loss account


Balance sheet: A detailed list of the companies assets and liability, as well as the owners' equity at a specific time, giving a statement on the condition of the company. Profit and loss account: A financial document which gives an account of the revenues and teh expenses during a certain period of time....

Tags: balance sheet, profit and loss account

Difference between registered capital and equity


Registered capital: The amount of money that the founders provide for the operation of a company. Equity: The value of the ownership of a corporation. It basically equals to the difference between the total assets and the liabilities. Equity consists of several items, one of which is the registered capital....

Tags: registered capital, equity

Difference between Deed of Foundation and Articles of association


Deed of Foundation: Refers to the establishing document of a business usually owned by one person. It sets forth detailed rules for the operation of the business. Articles of association: Sometimes also referred to as Contract of Association, it is a founding document of an association established by several...

Tags: deed of foundation, articles of association

Difference between partnership and company


Partnership: A basic form of business operation where two or more persons joint together to carry on some activities. Company: A form of using business where the owners provide funds for the operation of the business and then do not necessarily take part in its...

Tags: partnership, company,

Difference between general partner and limited partner


General partner: The partner who takes part in the daily operations of the partnership and is personally responsible for the liabilities of the business. The general partner has unlimited liability for the debts of the partnership. Limited partner: An investor who has acquired an interest in a partnership but usually does not take part in the management and operation. His/her liability is limited to the original...

Tags: general partner, limited partner

Difference between assignment and assumption


THe verbs assume and assign refer to transferring rights and oblgiations, but they are different in their direction. The verbs assume is fundamentally used for taking the position of the person who receives some benefit under a contract from another person. However, transfer and assignment often refers to taking one party's place in a contract. You can use assume as the opposite of assignment, as it is used for taking over certain...

Tags: assignment, assumption

Difference between material and essential


Material: In contractual setting, it refers to something fundamental. Essential: Refers to something that a thing may not...

Tags: material, essential

Difference between termination with immediate effect and termination based on a notice period


Contracts can be terminated in different ways, depending on whether it is caused by a breach of the parties or not. Termination with immediate effect is the situation when one party decides to end an existing contractual relationship without any delay. It is generally permissible under a contract when the other commits a material breach of the contract. Such conduct usually makes it practically impossible to maintain good relationship between the parties, leaving no other choice but to terminate the contract with immediate...

Tags: termination with immediate effect, termination based on a notice period

Difference between peril and contingency


Peril: A specific risk against which protection is sought by obtaining insurance. Contingency: An unspecific term describing the possibility of future...

Tags: peril, contingency

Difference between peril and risk


Peril: A general term for type of risk which may occur. Risk: A term measuring the possibility of the occurrence of risk. ...

Tags: peril, risk

Difference between casualty and liability


Casualty: In insurance, it refers to an accident where some damage has occurred. Liability: Situation when someone has to pay damages for breach of professional duty. Malpractice issues typically fall into this...

Tags: casualty, liability

Difference between term and coverage


Term: In insurance language, term basically determines whether the policy is for a limited or unlimited term. Coverage: Coverage determines wehther the insurance company does not does not pay for the losses suffered....

Tags: term, coverage

Difference between binder and offer


Binder: In insurance terminology it is a document containing the conditions of an insurance policy as proposed by the insurance company. It provides valid coverage pending the preparation of the insurance policy. Offer: A legal term for communicating certain terms, which, if accepted, a contract is formed....

Tags: binder, offer

Difference between insurance broker and insurance agent


Insurance broker: An independent agent who is familiar with and authorised to sell insurance products of various insurance companies. Insurance agent: A representative of an insurance company who sells the insurance products of such insurance company....

Tags: insurance broker, insurance agent

Difference between fixed rate and variable rate


Fixed rate: The situation where the bank determines the interest in a fixed percentage of the loan, and it does not change during the lifetime of the loan Variable rate: When the bank changes the interest in every interest period....

Tags: fixed rate, variable rate

Difference between security and securities


Security: A practical term for various types of collateral elements that may be used for ensuing the repayment of the loan. Securities: Financial instruments used for corporate investments....

Tags: security, securities

Difference between default and breach


Both breach and default refers to situations when the parties do not comply with a condition of a contract. Though, there are differences between them. Default is the non-compliance with any provision of the contract. It includes several actions and omissions by the borrower. The occurrence of a default entitles the creditor to take certain steps otherwise not permitted, including the termination of the contract. Breach refers to the non-compliance with a material condition of a contract. It usually results in the termination of the...

Tags: default, breach,

Difference between consumer lending and commercial lending


Consumer lending: The process where individuals turn to financial institution to take a loan for purposes in connection with the individuals needs, such as buying a house or household equipment. Commercial lending: The practice of making loans to businesses for various purposes, usually in connection with some profit making activity....

Tags: consumer lending, commercial lending

Difference between fixed rate interest and variable rate interest


Fixed rate interest: The situation where the bank determines the interest in a fixed percentage of the loan, and it does not change during the lifetime of the loan Variable rate interest: When the bank changes the interest in every interest period....

Tags: fixed rate interest, variable rate interest

Difference between funds and cash


Both cash and funds are used for money used or exchanged in financial transactions. Please note, however, that they have slightly different meanings. The terms "funds" is an elegant legal term for a sum of money available for a certain purpose. the term "cash" refers to money in liquid form ready to be paid. It does not only include physical cash but also bank deposits or other forms of money that are freely avaiable to be used....

Tags: funds, cash

Difference between repayment and prepayment


Both repayment and prepayment refer to paying back the debt to a creditor. However, the timing is different. Repayment is the extinguishment of an the obligation to repay the loan according to the original schedule. Loans can be repaid in various ways, either in regular instalments or in one lump sum upon maturity. Prepayment is the repayment of the loan before its original maturity date. In most cases, it is subject to special conditions determined in the loan contract....

Tags: repayment, prepayment

Difference between bullet repayment and instalment payment


Bullet repayment:An arrangement for the repayment of a loan whereby the debt is repaid a the end fo the loan period in one lump sum. Instalment payment: The gradual extinguishment of the payment obligation by making monthly payments....

Tags: bullet repayment, instalment payment

Difference between loan and credit


Both loan and credit mean the sum that one receives from a bank or other credit institution to be used temporarily. Loan is a general term used for the money provided by the lender to the borrower, and the borrower agrees to repay the loan increased by interests and other fees . Apart from this, it is also used for complex credit transactions, sometimes referred to as loan facility. Credit is a complex transaction in which the creditor makes available money within a certain limit, within which the debtor may draw down amounts...

Tags: loan, credit

Difference between modification and amendment


Modification: Modification usually refers to come changesin the contract provisions. Amendment: Amendment often refers to the document which changes an entire...

Tags: modification, amendment

Difference between term and duration


Both term and duration refers to the period of time during which something continues. Term is a legal word, when used as a time factor, it relates to the period while the contract is operative. The term of the contract or any other legal relationship is the period between the commencement and the expiration. Examples: "term of the contract" "term of the loan" "term of a board member" "term of employment" "term of confinement" The word "term" is also used in the description of a legal concept, generally referring to a version...

Tags: term, duration

Difference between ability and skills


Both ability and skills refer to what a person can do, but they are different in how they operate. Ability is the che condition of being capably of doing something. Ability is born with a person . Skills refer to the power and capability of doing something. In contrast to ability, skills can be developed through learning practice and training. In practice, skill is a combination of abilities, techniques and knowledge....

Tags: ability, skills

Difference between salary-and-wages


Salary: A regular amount paid by the employer to the employee for the work performed, usually on monthly basis. Wages: Money paid to blue-collar workers on daily or weekly basis....

Tags: salary, wages

Difference between termination for cause and termination without cause


Termination for or without cause are two different forms of terminating an employment. Termination for cause is the ending of employment in situations when the reason for the termination is the employee's misconduct. Termination without cause refers to the termination of the employment without any specific reason occurred on the employee's side....

Tags: termination for cause, termination without cause

Difference between superior and subordinate


Superior: Persons working above the subject person in a certain hierarchy. This term is often replaced by line manager or "direct report". Subordinate: Persons lower than the employee in a hierarchival order....

Tags: superior, subordinate

Difference between compensation and remuneration


Compensation: The money paid by a compnay to its employees, encompassing all payments. Remuneration: Used mainly for the money paid to elected officers rather than employees hired by a company....

Tags: compensation, remuneration

Difference between responsibility and liability


In some languages, responsibiliy and liability can easily be confused. Responsibility is an obligation to do or not to do something. Liability is the legal responsibility. Responsibility: An obligation to do or not to do some act. It is primarily based on action rather than the consequences of one's failure Liability: Liability is the legal responsibility. Liability is based on responsibility. No one can be held liable without being responsible therefore....

Tags: responsibility, liability

Difference between policy and directive


Policy: A general description of how employees are required to act in various situations. It is often prepared by the human resourcs depaprtment of the company under the instructions of the management. Directive: An instruction issued by the director to address a certaion sitaution rathen then a general...

Tags: policy, directive

Difference between job and work


Both job and work relate to the activity that you do for money under the control of your superior, but they are used differently. Job: Job is use for the set of tasks that en employee must perform in employment. Work: Work is a general word used for any activity that a person is paid for in any...

Tags: job, work

Difference between resume and curriculum vitae


Both resume and curriculum vitae refers to the summary of one's personal, educational and professional background. Curriculum vitae is internationally is synonymous with resume. Resume: A concise summary of one's experience, education and skills used in seeking employment. Curriculum vitae is a detailed description of one's educational background, previous experience, as well as other important information, such as publications, honors, affiliation in professional bodies and other details. used in the United States to describe, a...

Tags: resume, curriculum vitae, cv

Difference between employment for limited term and employment for indefinite term


Employment for limited term: Form of employment during a predefined period of time, after which the employee departs without any further rights. Employment for indefinite term: Form of employment which may be terminated at any time under certain conditions, though employees are strongly protected by labour regulations against unfair treatment by the employer. ...

Tags: employment for limited term, employment for indefinite term

Difference between compensation and consideration


Compensation: In employment context it refers to the payment received for employment. Consideration: A legal term for the value given in exchange for services provided....

Tags: compensation, consideration

Difference between territorial jurisdiction and subject matter jurisdiction


Territorial jurisdiction: Territorial jurisdiction identifies the court which has power to adjudicate matters based on jurisdictional areas. Subject matter jurisdiction: Subject matter jurisdiction determines which level court in a judicial system has competence to try a case based on a number of aspects, including the value of the litigation,...

Tags: territorial jurisdiction, subject matter jurisdiction

Difference between completion date and delviery date


Completion date: The date by which obligations related to a project must be fulfilled. Delivery date: The date by which certain property items must be turned over....

Tags: completion date, delivery date

Difference between execution date and effective date


Execution date: The date of signing the contract between the parties. It does not mean that the contract becomes immediately effective, although it often happens. Effective date: The date when the contract becomes "live" and operative....

Tags: execution date, effective date

Difference between agency and services


Agency: Agency is used primarily when the agent acts on behalf of the principal in a representative capacity. The key aspect of agency is that the agent appears before all third parties as a representative of the principal, thus acts in the name and on behalf of the principal. Services: Services include any activity through which the provider of the services performs duties at the request and order of the first party, which is usually called client....

Tags: agency, services

Difference between invoice and bill


Invoice: The legal document which is issued by a provider of services or seller of goods specifying the consideration to be paid. It is also used for tax purposes. Bill: In general, it is one of many kinds of formal statements setting forth a list of various items. In commercial terms, bill is a general description of...

Tags: invoice, bill,

Difference between delivery and transfer


Both delivery and transfer refers to how property can changes hands between two persons. Delivery is generally used for handing over a property item from one person to another. The property in question may range from a document to goods or even real property. The process of transferring property is usually used for passing the title of ownership or some other rights to another person. In summary, it is probably safe to state that delivery refers to the physical aspect of the transaction, actually turning over the property item,...

Tags: delivery, transfer

Difference between time and date


Time: The hour of the day, or a period of time. Date: A specified day of the month or...

Tags: time, date

Difference between duty of care and fiduciary duty


Duty of care: The degree of care that everyone is expected to exercise. Fiduciary duty: A higher degree of care that one must exercise in possession of valuable property of another....

Tags: duty of care, fiduciary duty

Difference between performance and fulfilment


Performance: It generally refers to acts required under a contract. Fulfilment: It signifies an overall completion of an obligation under a contract....

Tags: performance, fulfilment

Difference between final deadline and interim deadline


Final deadline: The date on which the works must be completed at the latest. Interim deadline: Dates by which certain phases of the works are to be...

Tags: final deadline, interim deadline

Difference between alteration and variation


Both alteration and variation refers to some type of change. Alteration is very often a physical change in a property item.In lease contracts, it refers to the right of the tenant to make changes in the physical layout of the leased premises. Variation is used in contracts for works, meaning a change in the scope of the works to be completed. It must be initated by one of the parties to the contract. It is necessiated by a technical requirement or simply the intention of the parties. In practice, this requires a modification of the...

Tags: alteration, variation

Difference between inspection and supervision


Inspection: The process when the client checks whether the services have been fulfilled as promised in the contract. Supervision: The process of constantly overseeing a process in order to ensure that no problem should arise....

Tags: inspection, supervision

Difference between damage and wear and tear


Damage: Loss or harm suffered by persons or property as a result of an injury. Wear and tear: Loss, damage or depreciation resulting from ordinary use. It is usually not considered a result of a wrongful conduct....

Tags: damage, wear and tear

Difference between indivisible services and divisible services


Indivisible services: Unless the nature of the services or the agreement of the parties requires otherwise, the service specified in the works contract cannot be divided. Divisible services: The service may be considered as divisible on the basis of an agreement of the parties if the parties agree on interim performance. If the service is dividable, the delivery is carried out in accordance with the completion of certain parts of the work as specified in the...

Tags: indivisible services, divisible services

Difference between best effort and duty of performance


Best effort: The duty to do something using best effort. The provider is only responsible for using the necessary degree of care in performance, but not for brining about result. In common law, they are simply referred to as best effort contracts. Duty of performance: The duty of a contracting party to perform his/her portion of the contract in accordance with prescribes standards. ...

Tags: best effort, duty of performance

Difference between main contractor and general contractor


Main contractor: The entity to which a contract has been awarded by a contracting body. General contractor: The entity which has overall responsibiliy for the completion of a project, including the coordination of all activities performed by different trades....

Tags: main contractor, general contractor,

Difference between client and principal


Both client and principal relate to parties who require another to take certain actions or perform services in the interest of another. The difference is the relationship between the client/principal and the party ordering such actions or services. Client is a general term for a party to a contract who orders services and pays for the services rendered. In legal context, it is often used for the entity which ordered legal services from a law firm. Principal generally is the one who is represented by another person in a broader sense....

Tags: client, principal

Difference between beyond one's control and under one's control


Beyond one's control: Usually refers to an event which influences the carrying out the subject matter. Under one's control: Generally refers to an area of responsibility or specific personnel....

Tags: beyond one's control, under one's control

Difference between maintenance fees and reserves


Maintenance fees: The portion of the so called condo fees that are appropriated for the current payment obligations arising from the operation of the condominium property. Reserves: Part of the condominium fee set apart for specific future use, such as major overhauls....

Tags: maintenance fees, reserves

Difference between repair and maintenance


Both repair and maintenance refer to making something usable in the long term by making certain intervention in the technical conditions. Repair means the the work of making something useable again after a defect has occurred. Maintenance is an activity of keeping something in proper condition by regular or ad-hoc working on the...

Tags: repair, maintenance

Difference between lessor and lessee and landlord and tenant


The parties to a lease contract are the lessor and the lessee, or, alternatively, landlord and tenant. Is there a difference between them? In most situations, they can be used interchangeably. However, definitionally there is a difference between them. Lessor and lessee is the descciption of the parties to a lease of any property, real or personal, while landlord and tenant are used to decribe the parties to a lease when the subject of the lease is real property. The term "landlord" and "tenant" are not used for leases other than real...

Tags: lessor and lessee, landlord and tenant

Difference between physical delivery and constructive delivery


Delivery of the property simply means that the property will exchange hands, will go into the possession of one party, generally called buyer, from the other, called seller, if it concerns a property transaction. In this respect, physical delivery means that the may be carried out by actual delivery of the property to the hands of the buyer. It is an action of actually giving the property to the buyer. On the other hand, constructive delivery means that the property can be delivered without the actual delivery but by a simbolic action,...

Tags: delivery, physical delivery, constructive delivery

Difference between arable land and cultivated land


Arable land: arable land includes all land under temporary crops, meadow for mowing or for pasture, land used as gardens and land temporarily fellow. Cultivated land: arable land that is used worked by plowing, sowing and raising crops formal instrument used for passing title to property from the seller to the buyer in several common law...

Tags: arable land, cultivated land

Difference between deposit and earnest money


These two terms seem to have a lot in common, as both of them are used in property transactions for security purposes. Deposit: a general term for depositing funds to secure transactions without specific provisions as how to apply the money. Earnest money: a sum paid up front to bind the parties to a sale transaction with specific rules as to how it should be applied if the sales transaction falls through. o keep the property for a certain period exclusively for the payor of earnest. Essentially it does not address the issue of...

Tags: deposit, earnest money

Difference between document registration and title registration


This is an explanation for the difference in the land regisration in civil and common law countries. Every real property is registered in some form or other by the state or an institution designated by the state. One of the most important purpose of such registration is to collect taxes, as well as to facilitate property transaction by providing a clear system for identifying individual property items. This registration, however, is based on different methods in various legal systems. Basically, we can differentiate between two...

Tags: document registration, title registration

Difference between Abstract of title and Title Deed


Abstract of title: a chronological summary of all official records related to the title of ownership. Title Deed: a formal instrument used for passing title to property from the seller to the buyer in several common law jurisdictions....

Tags: abstract of title, title deed

Difference between reservation of title and holding title in abeyance


Reservation of title: a contract provision that the buyer retains the title to the property until the entire amount of the purchase price has been paid. Reservation of title is registered on the Abstract of Title as an encumbrance. It is not limited in time. Holding title in abeyance: a request made by a buyer in connection to the sale transaction, which the title office registers. It is applicable for a limited period of time. In practice, it excludes any other action related to the property. It is an alternative to the reservation of...

Tags: reservation of title, holding title in abeyance

Difference between real property and personal property


Real property: land, buildings, and whatever is attached or affixed to the land. Personal property: property items other than real property, also called movable property...

Tags: real property, personal property

Difference between sale contract and contract to sell


Sale contract: a contract concluded for the transfer of title of ownership to a specific property item, real or personal Contract to sell: a contract for the sale of a product at a future date after it has been produced or manufactured. The suppliers is required to first produce the goods and then transfer title of ownership....

Tags: sale contract, contract to sell

Difference between rental and lease


Rental: everyday word for the situation where money is paid for the temporary use of a property owned by someone else. Lease: legal term for using property of another for...

Tags: rental, lease

Difference between exclusive owner and co-owner


Exclusive owner: the owner who fully owns a property. The exclusive owner holds 100% of the ownership title to a property without any other concurrent ownership of any kind. Co-owner:the owner who shares his/her title to the property with one or more concurrent...

Tags: exclusive owner, co-owner

Difference between will and intent


When confronted with these terms, they seem to be equivalent. Both related to what a person wants to do or to become. Intent is the desire to do something. Intent refers to the deliberation or resolution to perform an action. In legal English, intent is the driving force behind one's actions. In criminal law, the criminal intent or intention is an element of crime , referred to as mens rea, in contrast to actus reus, which is the action itself. The court will assess which of these elements were present when committing a crime for...

Tags: will, intent, legal terms

Difference between image and portrait


Both image and portrait refer to a means of showing how a person looks. In this sense both image and portrait means a photograph. The traditional meaning of portrait is a photo taken about a person’s face sidewards while an image can be a photo taken about the person’s whole body. In literature, portrait is used also to describe characters. Images can reflect not only persons but other object or landscape. Image can also mean opinion (for example, the public’s image of business meaning what the public thinks about business). In...

Tags: image, portrait

Difference between safety and security


Both safety and security mean some kind of protection againt an unwanted event. However, they refer to protection from a different perspective. Safety basically means not to be under a threat or danger. It often related to phyisical safety against bodily danger or any other type of harm. Events endangerign safety usually happen by accedient, against which various types of safety devices are used or actions are taken. Security also refers to a protection provided by policies and regulations. It also includes intrusion by people, such as...

Tags: safety, security

Difference between seller and vendor


Both seller and vendor sell property, goods or products. Vendors sell their products to endusers, so they are at the final stage of a trade or a business. Often, they are local sellers, or it can be a person selling something in the street. They are not employed either in full-time or part-time, they are rather hired. Vendors are fixed, they are well-known in the market. Vendor is also used in information technology for a company distributing software, while manufacturer is a term used to describe hardware distributors. In contrast,...

Tags: seller, vendor

Difference between defect and deficiency


Defect means the lack or imperfection of something which leads to failure or inadequacy. It also has a meaning of abandon a position in order to join another, opposing group. For example, if a car can not run properly or has faulty brakes, than it has a defect. Deficiency also has a meaning of some kind of imperfection or lack, but mainly in relation to health. For example, colour vision deficiency means colour blindness, or any deviation of the normal perception of...

Tags: defect, deficiency

Difference between fine and penalty


Although fine and penalty are sometimes used as synonyms, there are differences between the two notions. Fine refers to some special case, penalty is more general and can refer to a number of things. Fine is always a monetary charge imposed upon someone who has committed a crime or an offence of a minor degree (for example, breaking the Highway Code). Penalty has a more general meaning and refers to punishment which can take various forms, for example, imprisonment, or community service, but a penalty fine, as well. Fines can be imposed in...

Tags: fine, penalty

Difference between extract and excerpt


We often see the following expressions: excerpt from a contract, extract from an agreement. Both relate to a shorter versions of the original text, taken out of the context, reduced in volume, used for a particular purpose. What is the difference between the two words? Extract is the shorter version of the original text. By extracting a text, we keep all the relevant information, the content remains the same, but it becomes shorter and more concise. In legal English, certain jurisdictions use the term "company extract" which is a...

Tags: extract, excerpt

Difference between confirm and affirm


The two words are very similar, but they have a different meanings and cannot be used interchangeably. "Confirm" has two meanings: by confirming something, we can give our approval or our consent to an action taken by someone else. It can also be used to strengthen an opinion, or to assure an appointment or an order. "Affirm" means to validate something or to state positively. In legal English, an appellate court can affirm, or, in other words, uphold a judgment, which means that the judgement of the lower court is kept in place....

Tags: confirm, affirm

Difference between suitable and appropriate


In most cases, the two adjectives can be used interchangeably, since both refer to something fit for purpose. However, the word ‘appropriate’ has an additional connotation according to which something appropriate is also correct and rightful. The word ‘suitable’ highlights more the fact that something is adapted to use, compatible with the particular...

Tags: suitable, appropriate

Difference between agree and undertake


The two words are often used in contracts, since the contracting parties always have obligations to undertake, and they always have to agree on the different terms of the contract or agreement. To undertake something means that the parties both agree to commit themselves to an obligation. If the parties agree, it means that they come to an understanding about something. In contracts, the verb ‘undertake’ may be replaced by ‘agree’, but it does not work the other way...

Tags: agree, undertake

Difference between found and establish


Both terms refers to the same action: the creation of an institution. ‘Establish’ refers to the creation of companies. By establishing a company, we do not only bring it into existence, but we also set it in operation. Founding an organization refers to its creation for enduring existence. The foundation usually lays on a firm basis (by signing treaties, statutes or articles of...

Tags: found, establish

Difference between manage and direct


Both verbs are used within the world of corporations, companies and enterprises. However, there is a significant different in their usage in legal English language. ‘Manage’ refers to the day-to-day operation of a company. Managing a company includes hiring and managing employees, organizing daily tasks, etc. The successful management of a company requires, above all, good organizational skills. The verb ‘direct’ refers to the direction of the whole company in a broader sense. Directing a company includes defining the overall...

Tags: manage, direct, civil law

Difference between foresee and anticipate


Both verbs concern an event or action in the future and they are interchangeable to some extent. If we foresee something, it implies that based on our past experience, we can see what will happen in the future. It is often used to describe an economic or social phenomenon, e.g. ‘no one could have foreseen the consequences of the economic crises’. The verb ‘anticipate’ refers more to an expectation, to something we are looking forward or we are sure of. It is also used to refer to an action that is performed in...

Tags: foresee, anticipate

Difference between scholarship and grant


Both scholarship and grant are non-repayable financial aids usually disbursed by a public authority,an educational institution or a foundation. Scholarship is an award for students with a view to helping them financially during their studies. In order to be awarded, students usually have to apply for the scholarship and fulfill several criteria. There are various kinds of scholarships for different purposes, such as research, study or mobility. Grant is a project-related financial aid for individuals, small businesses, institutions or...

Tags: scholarship, grant

Difference between contamination and pollution


Both notions mean that a particular substance contains foreign material. While pollution means the direct or indirect intervention of humans to the environment causing damage, contamination is the presence of such harmful materials in water or soil in a higher-than-normal level of concentration which is not necessarily harmful. However, if it damages living organs, it is pollution. In linguistic sense, contamination means the alternation in a linguistic form due to the influence of another, related...

Tags: contamination, pollution

Difference between score and point


In the first sense, both mean grading or assessment. As for score, it is usually a numerical record of a competition, but you can get scores in a game or for a test. In other words, score is a result expressed with numbers. The meaning of point is more extended. In Geometry, for instance, it is a dimensionless object. We use point as punctuation mark. The word can be found in expression, like point of view meaning aspect, the main point, meaning the essence of...

Tags: score, point

Difference between present and current


These two notions are sometimes confused because although both refer to the present time in a way, there are differences between meanings and usage. The main difference is that while present means at the moment, right now, current refers to recent, not long past. Present can also mean somebody being available. Both are used as adjectives primarily. There are some expressions which can be used either only with present (for example: present queen or king) or current (for example: current topic, current...

Tags: present, current

Difference between prize and award


Prize and award cannot be compared to the same extent as award and reward since prize can mean not only the compensation or the recognition of a person’s achievements in a given field but they can be won at competitions where usually the committee of judges adjudicate the prize for the winner so prize is associated with personal achievements. Award is given to someone for an important acknowledgement in a special field. They are publicly presented in the form of medals, trophies or...

Tags: prize, award,

Difference between award and reward


Basically both notions mean to receive something as recognition. While award is given for a person because of their accomplishments on a given field, reward is rather associated with acknowledgement or encouragement or because of doing something good, for instance, sharing some crucial information with the police. Award can be given in form of medals, titles, certificates, trophies or even in cash, while reward is a promotion or an amount of money. Awards are publicly presented and get publicised, rewards, on the other hand, are personal and...

Tags: award, reward

Difference between vocation and profession


Although both notions belong to the topic of work, there are differences between them. The word comes from Latin, meaning to call. As the origin of the word shows too, vocation is a sort of job which the employee enjoys doing, it fulfils their psychological and spiritual needs, so in vocations, not the salary stands at the first place but the benefit of others. Also, you need to have special skills for a vocation. Meanwhile, to have a profession, you must have a university degree or some kind of certification and you have to be highly...

Tags: vocation, profession

Difference between trade and profession


Both notions are related to work and both of them require some kind of qualification. For a trade, mainly manual skills and special training are needed which are not university level ones (for example bricklayer or painter). As for profession, in general, university education is needed. It is mainly an intellectual occupation requiring skills of high level. Their education lasts for 3, 5 or even more years. Lawyer, accountant, teacher are...

Tags: trade, profession

Difference between star and asterisk


They can appear as nouns and verbs too. As nouns, star refers to the astronomic notion, the little spot we see from Earth on the sky at night. Asterisk is a sign which is resemble to the star: *. It is used in information technology, for example. As verbs, to star means to play the main role in a movie, while to asterisk means to mark something with the symbol...

Tags: star, asterisk

Difference between publication and publicity


Both publication and publicity originate from the word publish, but they are used differently. Publication generally refers to a paper, journal or magazine which has been published. In legal English, publication can also refer to the process of publishing something. Publicity is a means of sharing information publicly about a person or organization. Publicity always employs a means for sharing such information, which can be any type of media, including television, radio, print or the the Internet. It aims are create awareness of...

Tags: publication, publicity

Difference between right of first refusal and pre-emption right


Both the right of first refusal and pre-emption right means the right to acquire something before others can do so. Both comprise a negative element, namely that the owner may not to sell the property to a third person without giving the preferred party or grantee the right of first refusal, and a positive element, meaning that the grantor gives the preferred party a right to purchase the property at a price offered by the third party. Basically, the right of first refusal is the right granted to preferred party to purchase a property...

Tags: pre-emption right, right of first refusal

Difference between systemic and systematic


Systemic and systematic are seemingly very simiar words, originating from the same root, but with very different meaning. Both terms related to the term system. Systemic is a scientific term meaning relatedto or originating from a system as a whole. It is a synonym of holistic, something where elements are interrelated, and each part influences and interacts with the entire system. Systematic relates to something that is carried out in by using a regulated or organized procedure, and, when fully built up, will constitute a...

Tags: systemic, systematic

Difference between jurisdiction and governing law


Jurisdiction and governing law are completely different terms. In legal English, it is very important to be aware of the differences of the two terms. A governing law clause enables the parties to specify the rules of law which will apply to the interpretation of the agreement or in case of a dispute. Especially in contracts where an international element is involved and the contract can be related to more than one country, it is important to state in a contract which set of laws will govern it. It is possible that the parties are...

Tags: jurisdiction, governing law

Difference between force majeure and act of God


In most civil law jurisdiction, there is only one term used for a sitaution when one is released from its contractual obligation due to an event which is not within the control of the parties. The civil law term originates from the French "superior force" referring to an event that can not be anticipated or controlled. This term in the civil law includes both natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamies, as well as acts of people, such as commotions, riots, strikes and wars. However, in the common law, two...

Tags: act of God, force majeure, legal terms

Difference between duty and obligation


In legal context, the terms duties and obligations are often used interchangeably. The definition is the same, indeed, both means that one has to do (or not do) something. However, there are some distinctions in the usage of the two terms. It can refer to something that is expected or required by the law or morals, or by a person’s position or occupation. Within the category of legal duties, for example, distinciton is made between the duty of care and duty of performance. This is related to the categroization of various contract types...

Tags: obligation, duty, legal terms, civil law

Difference between heading and header


The words header and heading sound very similar, nevertheless, they refer to different things. Many internet sources consider them equivalent. Header is a general description of the document which is displayed at the top of every page. For example, most word processor software contain a special feature for inserting text that would appear on every page. The same applies to the footer, which is displayed at the bottom of every page, along with the page numbering. Heading is the word or phrase that or sentence that explains what the...

Tags: header, heading, legal terms,

Difference between condemnation and expropriation


Both condemnation and expropriation refer to taking private property for a puropse deemed to be in the interest of the public. However, in legal English language, the two terms are used in different contexts. Condemnation is defined as the taking of private property by the state for a just consideration. THis word is used in the civil law system when the state or a local government exercises its power of eminent domain, that is the right to acquire property in exceptional cases, for just compensation, and in cases defined by the law....

Tags: condemnation, expropriation, legal terms, civil law

Difference between execution and foreclosure


Both execution and foreclosure may, and do, refer to the process of selling one's property in a situation when the owner cannot continue servicing the debts outstanding in connection with a loan, which is secured by a mortgage. HOwever, the two terms are not synonymous. Execution, first of all, is a general term for every situation when a judgement is carried into effect by judicial officers. It also includes the foreclosure process as a means of enforcing a judgement. Foreclosure refers a legal procedure whereby property used as...

Tags: execution, foreclosure, legal terms, civil law

Difference between vacate and evacuate


The process of vacating a property is sometimes confused with evacuating a place. ALthough they are related terms, they are used in different contexts. Vacate means that someone removes property items from a piece of real property in the process of relocation, that is when someone leaves a place where he/she lived. Vacating a property is a legal term, which is most frequently used in lease context. Evacuate is a military term used for leaving an area or withdrawing from a settlement or military establishment by military forces or...

Tags: vacate, evacuate, civil law, legal terms

Difference between legal costs and attorney's fees


Both legal costs and attorney's fees relate to the expenses that arise in connection with legal matters. Let's take a detailed look at the difference between them. Legal costs refer to all costs incurred in relation to a transaction or proceeding in relation to any legal matter, whereas attorney’s fees cover exclusively the sum of money paid to the attorney for working on a case. Legal costs may include the lawyer’s fees plus additional expenses and costs, such as travel expenses, consultant and expert fees, court costs,...

Tags: legal costs, attorney's fees, legal terms

Difference between rescind and cancel


The difference between the two ways of undoing a contract lies within the mutuality of the parties’ consent. If one of the parties wishes to rescind a contract, they need either the consent of the other party or a judicial order to compel such party to do so. By cancelling a contract, one of the party steps back from the contract without the other party’s consent. However, it is only possible in certain cases described by the...

Tags: rescind, cancel, legal terms

Difference between chairman and president


A chairman is a presiding officer of a meeting, assembly, committee or board, but is not necessarily involved in the actual operation of the company. The word ‘chairman’ is often described as sexist, since it contains the element ‘–man’ indicating that only men can preside at meetings. In response to these criticisms, the word ‘chairman’ is often replaced by chair or chairperson. A president is the chief executive officer of a company. In medium-sized and large companies, this title is often honorific and does not have any specifically...

Tags: chairman, president, legal terms

Difference between deposit and escrow


Both deposit and escrow are means of securing a transaction. It is paid by one party to another. A deposit is an amount used to secure a transaction. It is paid by the depositor to the depository and returned when no longer needed. An escrow is an amount used to facilitate a transaction. It is paid by the buyer to the escrow agent to be used for the elimination of some legal obstacle to the acquisition. It is not intended by the parties to be repaid but to be applied as required in the escrow agreement. In summary, the difference...

Tags: deposit, escrow, legal terms

Difference between blackmail and extortion


Both blackmail and extortion involve getting money from persons using threats. we talk about extortion if a person obtains money or other valuable from another person through coercion. It often, but not necessarily, includes the threat of violence. Extortion very often involves the abuse of power or authority by someone in a governmental or business position for the purpose of getting money from such persons in exchange for a favour or the avoidance of an action. The person engaged in extortion will only do something is he/she...

Tags: blackmail, extortion, civil law, legal terms

Bar exam in civil law and common law


In common law countries, law students take a bar exam in a reasonably short time after graduating from the law school. The bar exam allows them to practice law, to be member of the bar. A newly graduated law student may start his/her carrier as a legal counsel the day after being admitted to the bar. The situation in a civil law jurisdiction is different. In most countries, newly graduated lawyers are required to spend a number of years as trainees with attorneys already having an established practice to get insight into the mysteries of...

Tags: bar exam, civil law, common law, legal terms

Difference between termination and cancellation


The ending of a contract is a hot issue in discourses, especially in a context where various legal systems are involved: this article takes a look at how contracts end from a civil law perspective. This issue has been given extensive attention in the common law. However, not much has been said in the civil law context or in situations affecting various jurisdictions. Under what consequences can one cancel an existing contract? Can one terminate a contract before the date on which it expires? These are issues that a practicing lawyer...

Tags: civil law, common law, terminate, cancel, termination of contract, cancellation, rescission

Difference between master agreement and framework agreement


A recent discussion highlighted the importance of understanding the difference between a master and a framework agreement. They seem to overlap to a certain extent, but there are certain distinctions that make it possible to differentiate between them. A framework agreement is an instrument used in situations when the parties regularly enter into various smaller or larger transaction. A framework agreement provides the parties a simple way of placing an order without having to enter into an individual contract each time a minor...

Tags: master agreement, framework agreement, legal terms

jogász bemutatkozás angolul 1


Hogyan mutatkozzunk be jogászként angolul egy állásinterjún? Mindig kihívást jelenthet egy állásinterjún angolul bemutatkozni. Ehhez nagy segítséget jelenthet az alábbi feladat, amelyben néhány gyakori fordulat bevésődését segíti játékos formában. Az alábbi teszten végigmenve válasszuk ki a helyes igéket. A teszt beküldése után láthatóak lesznek a megoldások. Ha nem tudtuk a helyes megoldást, akkor megnézhetjük és megtanulhatjuk a pontos kifejezéseket. Íme a teszt: [quizzes:verbs-in-personal-introduction: Feladatsor jogász...

Tags: jogászok, bemutatkozás, angolul