difference between aware and familiar

Both aware and familiar means that one has information about something. However, they are used differently.

„Aware” means that someone has information of, is conscious of a fact or something, informed about its existence. It can be either something tangible or a piece of information.

„The employee is aware of the liability flowing from management position"
„You should be aware that the product involves significant investment risk”
“The Receiver is aware that the source of such information was bound by an NDA”

„Familiar”, on the other hand, describes the extent . If you are familiar with something, you may know it a little or may know it very well. Familiarity also includes a degree on which your information may range.

„I am familiar with this topic.”
„I am familiar with the basic concepts of civil law"
„I am well familiar with the history of my country"

The opposite of the above terms are differentiated in the same way. Unfamiliar means that one does not have knowledge about or experience in something that you know that exist.

„He seems unfamiliar with recent developments in this field”

Unaware, as opposed to „unfamiliar”, means that someone has information about the existence of something.

„I am unaware of any claim pending against our company. „
„The seller represents that it is unaware of any Environmental Problem in the land. „