Difference between debit card and credit card

With debit cards, you can pay for goods in shops and it is also used to withdraw money at any time. The money is automatically taken from the current account when it is spent, so enough money is needed to have on the account. Some debit cards are contactless, meaning that you do not need to type in your PIN-code under a certain amount. In opposition, a credit card is not linked to the current account but it is a credit facility which enables you to buy things immediately up to a certain limit and pay for them at a later date. However, the cost of the purchase is added to your credit card account, so you need to pay them back. In other words, when using debit card, there is no interest rates because the money is not borrowed, while using a credit card, the interest rate is usually quite high. Also, you receive a monthly bill about what you spent with credit card, while in case of a using debit cards, it is not necessary.